
Chapter Twenty Four: Interrogated by Another Immortal

Xanthippe was something I knew that I was not, though in the best of moods was also something I was not at the moment. But of course everyone decided to agree with Mallor when he called me a grouchy old woman. I�m not old or grouchy and Mallor is far too obsessed with elf type things for it to be natural and health. But then again, I suppose my foreknowledge of the race makes me a bit jaded.

Anyway, Mallor and I were led to another room somewhere in Rivendell where we were seated. Apparently Elrond wanted his answers forthwith and he could not be as hospitable as to let me sleep for a week and then ask me for information. So, there Mallor and I sat, waiting to be interrogated.

Eventually the famed elf lord entered the room, followed silently by an elf we knew to be Glorfindel, and another elf that I did not recognize. They all sat in the elegant elvish chairs before us. I felt as if I were sitting before some kind of a jury and awaiting my sentence. I suppose in some sense I really was.

�Mallor and Manda, your tale is known to us here in Rivendell. It is with our sincerest regret that we have delayed your trip, but there are many things which must be discussed before you may move onward,� said Elrond.

�All you want to know can be given to you by the wizard Radagast at Rhosgobel,� I said, feeling relatively annoyed that we were going through this once again. I took a brief glance at Mallor through the corner of my eye to see that he was feeling my sentiments exactly.

�But why should we seek information all the way at Rhosgobel when we have it at our doorstep?� queried the unidentified elf.

�And why would we wish to disclose such information to one who is practically our kidnapper, a meddlesome lord, and another complete stranger?� I snapped. This was getting on my nerves even sooner than I thought it was going to. I didn�t have the patience for this.

�Perhaps the method that was used to ensure your coming here was a bit harsh, but you refused. We had no other choice,� said Glorfindel. �And this �stranger� you refer to is none other than Erestor, Chief Councilor of the House of Elrond.�

�You practically abducted us! I am not telling you anything. If you want to know about us you will have to speak with Radagast,� I growled. �This whole thing is entirely his fault anyway.�

�Would you not just tell us what we wish to know? If not only to repay us for our hospitality?� asked Elrond.

Then Mallor finally spoke. �The manner in which we came here did not appear very hospitable to me, though we do thank you for your kindness since we arrived. You said before, Lord Elrond, that our tale was known to you and your people. Why query about things you already know?�

�Only certain things have been revealed to me,� he replied. �I would wish to know more.�

�Well, how about you let me get some sleep and I shall contemplate all of this. I am not entirely sure if you should be privy to this information,� I said, feeling slightly obnoxious at the moment.

�We would here it from you now,� said Erestor. �You might rest until your heart�s content upon revealing your tale.�

I looked at Mallor and he shrugged. I guess this was another one of those things that I didn�t have very much of a choice in. I groaned aloud, not really feeling like repeating my tale, but knowing I wasn�t going to get any sleep until I did so.

�We would hear your story this night,� said Glorfindel. �Even if this task takes us three the entire night, we shall pry this tale from your lips.�

�There will be no lip prying,� I said warningly. That raised a few eyebrows.

I leaned back in my chair and got comfortable. I thought briefly if I was going to tell these immortal guys my whole story. I didn�t want to and I didn�t think they deserved to know all that had happened. The only reason they knew in the first place was because Elrond had probably had some psycho-mind thing going on with Galadriel. At least that was what I thought. I don�t know very much about the elves or whatever it is that elf people do in that kind of situation. Regardless, I wasn�t getting sleep until I started talking.

I groaned once more before starting my tale.

This was going to take a while.

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