
Chapter Twenty Five: A Temporary Dominion of Musings

Yestreen proved to be quite an interesting time for Mallor and me. They had to have stopped me in the middle of my recounting my tale at least a billion times, peppering me with random questions the whole while. Had I not been so tired I think I would have strangled them all for their ability (or lack thereof) to master the obvious.

That was also not to mentioning the fact that when I talk to certain people I have to be careful how I do it. I mean, even though I was telling these three elf lords the whole of my story, I needed to speak in a manner that they would understand. If anyone was paying attention this whole while, they would have noticed that I have altogether ceased making use of contractions in my everyday speech, those having died along with my slang the day I came here.

Monitoring my words so closely makes my brain hurt from time to time, particularly when I want to pass out from exhaustion. So, to save myself time I told Elrond and his goons the ridiculously abbreviated, yet somehow detailed, version of the story. I more or less told the truth, I just summarized things like my running into Aratan and the king�s entourage or the whole deal with Radagast�s dreams into one sentence.

It worked well enough, for with in a few hours I was being led to my room. Actually, we were both being led to our rooms. After all, Mallor needs to get some sleep too. Naturally they stuck us both on the arse-end of Imladris. Whether it was because they really didn�t like us very much or because they enjoyed making me walk forever to get some food, I can�t be sure. I have a feeling it was both.

Anyway, it was decently sized and the bed looked really comfy, so I settled my things about the room where I wanted them and I went to bed. I had passed out in no time at all. I know that must sound terribly boring, but since when has there ever been anything exciting about randomly passing out from severe tiredness? Well, save for the fact that you actually get to go to sleep after being brutally harassed by crazed pointy eared people, I can�t think of anything.

I eventually woke, though when I did I was very glad to discover it was early afternoon. When I did muster the strength to shuffle around a bit I decided I needed to take a bath or something. Elves, though they don�t need to do it often because of a natural cleanliness, do take baths from time to time. I was able to find someone who was kind enough to help me draw a bath. Whether that was out of the goodness of their heart or because I seriously smelled bad was another thing I couldn�t determine. Judging by my state in the world of personal hygiene I guessed it was the latter.

Regardless, I bathed and it was quite grand. After my bath, I went in search of some type of food-like substance, which, naturally, led me on a quest for the kitchens. Had success on this quest for munchies meant saving the people of Middle-earth and all in it, the results would have been me destroying the world. Meaning that my quest was unsuccessful and I got lost about three dozen times before I bumped into Glorfindel, who then was kind enough to offer to take me there himself.

I can honestly say that I don�t very much like the guy; the why to that I cannot fully explain. Who I like even less is Elrond because he is a nosey old fart. He really needs to stop poking into other things that aren�t any of his business. As for Erestor, well, I do not have much of an opinion of him. He is just sort of there; always doing something but yet keeping a low profile all the same.

Needless to say, I was thoroughly perplexed by the race of elves. Their inconsistency in behavior made it difficult for me to figure them out. Then again, I do suppose that humans are very much the same way in their individuality. They probably have as hard a time figuring us out as we do them.

Though now I suppose I am going to have to figure it out rather quickly.

I had to go eat lunch with them.

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