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  ePhone to Kolkata

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While building up my Cyber Enclave, I thought of offering some kind of free service for the benefit of those people living away from Kolkata.

Moreover, I felt that mere presence on the net without any purpose will not be worth the amount of pain taken. Thus I conceived an idea which I named ePhone to Kolkata

This is a Message Service within Kolkata free of charge to any soul on the earth. Calling relatives and friends at Kolkata regularly is too expensive till the time net telephony becomes a reality. So just relax, connect to the Net and type your message with the telephone number of the person whom you want to convey the message. Just add the word ePhone to Kolkata the subject of your mail.

I will convey your message telephonically absolutely free in either Bengali, Hindi or English as desired. 

Mind it ............ No strings attached.

Though this idea might seem to be crazy considering the amount of headache to organize and convey message for others, that too free of charge. Well, my efforts I am sure will offer me an opportunity to make new friends worldwide and that  will be my reward.


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