<BGSOUND SRC="Iwillrememberyou.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Love from your family...
I know how it feels when someone dies,
It feels like your all torn up inside.
It feels like your in a place
you've never been before.
Cold and shivering with nobody by your side.
I know how it feels when someone dies,
I know this because my baby sister died.
By Jessica Marie Scuderi
Dear Angela,
My tears still fall as they always do and always will. 
Although the physical tears, I hide behind my mask, inside I'm still crying.
I wonder why you left, and its something I will never know.
I wake up every morning with thoughts of you on my mind, I go to sleep and I think of you before I close my eyes.
I kiss your picture everynight, wishing I could kiss you instead.
I know your in a better place, but I'm sorry, I'm selfish, I want you here with me.
I hope you went silently and didn't suffer a bit. 
I hope it wasn't something I did or didn't do.
I know I have no answers, but honey no answer would ever do.
I ask you to watch over your family, who are missing you so much.
Our family is like a puzzle now, that will forever be incomplete and no other pieces will fit. 
Even if we are ever blessed with another, the hole will still remain. 
You left me with a broken heart and empty arms which long so much to hold you. 
But I don't blame you my angel,  your daddy says it best when Jessica and Anthony ask him why you had to die, "God needed the perfect little angel."
I ask one other thing of you, its just a simple request.
When it is my time to go, that you will be there to greet me, with a big kiss and hug, as you whisper the words I long to hear.

We will always love you, today, tomorrow and always
Mommy, Daddy, Jessica and Anthony
To My Little Angel Up Above

Dear Angela,
You are my darling little girl.
I miss you so much it hurts me so.
I try to be strong,
but sometimes I'm weak.
I was suppose to take care of you,
but now its you watching over me.
I believe your an angel up above,
and one day we will be together,
and never have to part.
Until that day comes,
Know without a shadow of a doubt,
That Daddy will always love you,
and wherever you are,
you will always be "Daddy's Little Princess."
Love always,
(Phillip Scuderi)
You silently entered my life.
Perfect as could be.
I didn't want an angel,
I wanted you here with me.
I know your up in heaven, flying among the clouds.
If I could have one wish, I would wish you by my side.
Time and time I tell myself,
this is how God meant it to be.
For whatever reason, He took you away from me.
Maybe he needed an angel, as perfect as they come.
He knew you fit the profile, so he took a part of my heart..
Since you left the tears do fall and the pain never seems to end.
I know I want you to be happy, even if your not with me.
So I will try to smile, as I think of what we shared.
All the kicks and jabs you gave me and the heartburn of a bear.
If I had to do it again, I wouldn't hesitate a bit.
Because no one can take away the memories, as little as they may be.
I am still your mother and you are still so much a part of me.
Loving and missing you always,
Angel in Heaven.  I wish you
Never left.  You are the
Greatest little sister in the world.
Everyone misses you so much.
Loving you with all my heart.  I wish we were never apart.
Above the clouds, is where you fly.

Sad as I maybe.
Always know I love you.  Wishing you could
Be by my side,
Running and playing with me.
In time I know we'll be together.
No one can stop us than.
Although we are apart, my love for you has no end.
         With love from your older sister Jessica  (age 10)
I cannot live without you babe
I want you back with me,
I want to hold you in my arms
And rock you tenderly,
I miss you every minute,
Of every day I live,
I'd give my all to bring you back,
There's nothing I'd not give,
To see you smiling up at me,
To laugh and run and play
With Jessica and Anthony,
Oh, that would be the day!
I hope you're happy Angela,
In Heaven's nursery,
I hope the Angels sing to you
And tell you about me,
I hope they teach you how to pray,
And how to guide us here,
So one day we can come to you,
And hold you tight, my dear.

Until we meet you again precious one, play on, we will be there soon.
Love Mommy, Daddy, Jessica & Anthony XOXOX

                         By Aunty Dawn Glenton
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