<BGSOUND SRC="Lionelritchieangel.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Go ahead and mention my child,
The one that died, you know.
Don't worry  about hurting me further.
The depth of my pain doesn't show.
Don't worry about making me cry.
I'm already crying inside.
Help me to heal by releasing
The tears that I try so hard to hide
I hurt more when you just keep silent,
Pretending she didn't exist.
I'd rather you mention my child,
Knowing that she is greatly missed.
You asked how I was doing.
I say "pretty good" or "fine."
But  healing is something ongoing.
I feel it will take a lifetime
  By Elizabeth Dent
Don't think of her as gone away,
Her journey's just begun,
life holds so many facets,
this earth is only one.

Just think of her as resting
from the sorrows and the tears
in a place of warmth and comfort
where there are no days and years.
Think of how she must be wishing
that we could know today
how nothing but our sadness
can really pass away.

And think of her as living
in the hearts of those she touched...
for nothing loved is ever lost,
and she was loved so much.
  ~author unknown~
What Makes a Mother

I thought of you and closed my eyes
And prayed to god today
I asked "What makes a mother?"
And I know I heard Him say
A Mother has a baby
This we know is true
But, God, can you be a mother
When you're baby's not with you?
Yes, you can, He replied
With confidence in His voice
I give many women babies
When they leave is not their choice
Some I send for a lifetime
And others for the day
And some I send to feel your womb
But there's no need to stay
I just don't understand this, God
I want my baby here
He took a breath
And cleared his throat
And then I saw a tear
I wish I could show you
What your child is doing today
If you could see your child smile
With other children and say
"We go to earth to learn our lessons
Of love and life and fear
My Mommy loved me so much
I got to come straight here
I feel so lucky to have a Mom who had so much love for me
I learned my lessons very quickly
My Mommy set me free
I miss my Mommy oh so much
But I visit her each day
When she goes to sleep
On her pillow's where I lay
I stroke her hair and kiss her cheek
And whisper in her ear
Mommy don't be sad today
I'm your baby and I am here."
So you see my dear sweet one
Your children are okay
Your babies are here in My home
And this is where they'll stay
They'll wait for you with Me
Until your lessons are through
And on the day you come home
They'll be at the gates for you
So now you see
What makes a Mother
It's the feeling in your heart
It's the love you had oh so much of
Right from the very start
Though some on earth
May not realize
Until their time is done
Remember all the love you have
And know that you are
A Special Mom
~Author Unknown~
Why God takes the little ones
I swear I'll never know
You had so much life to live
It just wasn't time to go.

For comfort, now, I think of you
With tiny little wings
Up above, in a beautiful place,
listening to angels sing.

You'll never know the pain I feel
The hurt you left behind.
Oh, what I wouldn't give to hold you one more time.

I carried you in my womb,
Then I carried you in my arms
And now, until it no longer beats
I'll carry you in my heart

~Author unknown~
Dear Daddy,
A gift for you on Father's Day.
What on earth can it be?
I know the gift you really want
Is to once again have me.
Or perhaps the gift of understanding,
to understand a senseless loss.
I'm sorry my dearest daddy,
but for those gifts, you must talk to the boss.
The gifts that I can give today,
Are memories both sad and sweet.
From the touch of your hand on mommy's tummy
to my tiny little feet.
Remember the joy you felt
When you found out you'd be my daddy.
The great big smile on your face.
You were over the moon, you were so happy.
Remember when you felt me move.
The wonder and love you felt.
Remember it today daddy.
It might just make you heal.
Remember the little cuddles as you rubbed mommy's tummy?
All the moments that we shared.
Remember my little hands and the color of my hair?
I love you dearest daddy,
you know that this is true.
Just keep memories of me alive
and I will always live in you.

author unknown
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