The ultimate moviezite

Welcome to JustMoviez dot com online service!

Please note that by continuing you agree to all terms and conditions below.
If you do not, you must leave immediatly.

If you see a frame in this page and you are annoyed by it, please click here before entering.


1. If you continue, you are not allowed to copy any of the material
of these pages to your own site, and you are not allowed to create
links to any sites that this site is linked to. You are not allowed to
copy any html, gif, jpeg, avi, jpg or swf files to your computer or forwarding
them to anyone else. You are only authorized to view material of these pages.

2. This page's webmaster only provides access to a webserver and html and flash material.
The webmaster is NOT providing ANY other material, only some small picture files.
The webmaster is only providing high-quality base for a site. Webmaster is only responsible
for the data you may locate from this server. If one of the site's users uploads
illegal data into this server, it will be immediatly deleted. BUT, if one of the site's
users creates a link leading into a site that may contain illegal material, webmaster
or any of the uploaders are not responsible for it. When something isn't in our site,
how could we possibly have control over it. As an example: You can get links of millions of
illegal site's by using a famous search engine Altavista. As this site is growing bigger
and bigger all the time, webmaster is unable to have control over all the links inside
this site. So if, somehow, this site would be including links leading to illegal material,
you have my deepest apologises on it. I am trying to provide only good-looking animation
and uploaders are allowed to provide you links to self-made enterntainment; links which
are leading into amateur-videosites that contain material you can't buy from a store.
Home-made movies, home-made videos, and so on... If, somehow, this site would contain
a link into a site which might include illegal data, like a copyrighted game or movie,
it is propably because the site used to provide home-made videos, but then decided to
fall into criminalism. As this site is getting really big, we are truely unable to
have control over it. If you see an "uploader: name" under one of these links, it only
means that this link was provided by "name". It, in no case, could mean that one of the
trusted uploaders of this site, would uploaded illegal material.

3. By entering this site you are asking to get physicly damaged and you are demanding that,
in case you break any of the rules mentioned here. You are demanding, that if you would
somehow break any of these rules, you definetly want to get damaged in real life, physicly.
If we make your wish come true, you swear in the name of God you will only be happy; you
will not sue us or anyone else or tell this to government or any related group; you will
not physicly damage us or complain about this.

4. This site is made only in purpose of providing enterntainment to users who only
wish to see and hear things. This site was not made to get all the links copied into
someone else's site. It is breaking of the rules to do such a thing. You are NOT allowed
to copy any of the material included in this site to your own homepage, anyone else's homepage,
ANY homepage, to ANYONE or ANYTHING. You are also NOT ALLOWED to enter this site in purpose
of finding illegal links, or shutting down illegal sites or sueing anyone. Also, other reasons
to enter this site are strictly DENIED: The only reason you are allowed to enter this
site is that you wish to get entertainment for YOURSELF. This means, if you enter this site
you are NOT ALLOWED to EVEN TELL THIS SITE'S NAME TO ANYONE, who you can't 100% guarantee
that he or she WON'T break ANY OF THESE RULES. If you have been invited here by someone,
who has been breaking these rules, please leave now if you have same things in mind.

5. Because we only want to provide home-entertainment, and we are aware of that there
are some companies in many countries, which would like to start selling material linked
from these pages, we do NOT ALLOW users from any government -related groups, video-related
companies, movie-related companies, music-related companies or ANYONE who is not here ONLY
to get home-entertainment. It is breaking of the rules to enter this site and ignoring this rule.

6. As there are homemade videos linked from this site, there might be material that is shocking
you. So by enter, you are NOT allowed to prostecute us because of a hard-attack or ANY other reason.
As well, you are NOT allowed to prostecute ANYONE ANYHOW affiliated with this site, not our ISPs
our are parents or ANYONE or ANY COMPANY.

-Webmastah, 23.12.2000


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