Haziel, first Angel of the Cherubim
(May 1 to 5)

  Haziel is the Angel of:
Golda Meir, Audrey Heburn, Sigmund Freud, Benjamin Spock, Bing Cosby, James Brown, Tyrone Power

     Haziel grants the forgiveness of God.  He will help his proteges to live with love.  Gifted in love and friendship, they will generate a considerable amount of these feelings, and will receive a lot of it in return.  They will have good rapport with others and strong friendships.  Haziel will help  them to receive support and friendship form influential people, and they will be greatly appreciated by many.
     They will constantly run into lucky situations, as long as they try to be diplomatic and avoid conflicts.  Haziel will help them to keep good faith, to look for reconciliation, to be honest and keep to their word.  They will be capable of keeping harmonious family ties, and will keep their promises.

Aladiah, second Angel of  the Cherubim
(May 6 to 10)

Aladiah is the Angel of:
Harry Truman, Fred Astaire, Rudolph Valentino, Orson Welles, Candice Bergen, Glenda Jackson, Sonia Rykiel
      Aladiah governs the power of healing, physically and morally.  He helps his proteges to maintain in good health, and to be involved in lucky endeavors.
     They will be capable of of turning their lives around when things go badly.  Aladiah gives them the power to change and improve their lives.  They can get over their own mistakes and free themselves from the past.  In life in general, privately or   professionally, this regenerating power enables them to drastically improve what they do, and to find harmony.  This will help them to be among the best at what they do, and therefore to succeed in their chosen field.  They will be just, serious, committed to their goals, and hardworking.

Lauviah, third Angel of the Cherubim
(May 11 to 15)

Lauviah is the Angel of:
Salvador Dali, Stevie Wonder, Tom Snyder, Martha Graham, Katherine Hepburn, Henry Fonda, Joe Louis, Anna May Bituin

     Lauviah is the protector of many celebrities.  He grants victory.  He influences great personages, and those who become famous through their talents.
     His proteges are talented and creative.  They will know how to deal with influential people, befriend them and obtain their support.  They will be comfortable financially, and renowned in their field or environment.  They can become very successful, and reach top levels.  With so many blessings, they could become arrogant or jealous. 
     With good sense of humor, even ironic in some cases, they will have a magnetic charm.  And in case it might help, Lauviah also protects against thunder.

Hahaiah, fouth Angel of the Cherubim
(May 16 to 20)

  Hahaiah is the Angel of:
John Paul II, Malcolm X, Cher, Margot Fonteyn, Frank Capra, Kathleen Sullivan, Jimmy Stewart, Joe Cocker

     Hahaiah is the refuge, the ultimate protection against diversity!
     He governs thoughts and dreams and reveals hidden mysteries to humans.  He stops misfortune and shows his proteges the way to better situations.  Protected against bad influences, they will combine luck and love.
     Hahaiah wants his proteges to have high moral standards and pleasant manners.  He helps them to be wise and spiritual.  With providence on their side, these carriers of love at different levels.  They can be spiritual and passionate.  They will want to bring peace and comfort to those in need.  Far from being selfish, they will want to give harmony and protection around them, without limits. 
Intense and expressive, they are also very sensitive, and can excel in expressing their feelings through art.

Ieiazel, fifth Angel of the Cherubim
(May 21 to 25)

     Ieiazel is the Angel of:
Queen Victoria of England, Naomi Campbeell, Priscilla Presley, Laurence Olilver,Miles Davis, Plato

     Ieiazel governs faithfullness, reconciliation, and friendship.  Wait to see the results!
     Combined, these  talents create unity.  His proteges can have great role in reconciliating and unifying at all levels.  At a personal level, they will need union with a  partner, a union in which they know how to bring harmony.  They can bring reconciliation between spouses, or family members and are deeply faithful.  They can make life a pleasure for people around them!
     They will have a great memory and be very clever.  They will be able to achieve any difficult task.  Very pursuasive, they will obtain what they want from anybody.  For best success, they should not use their talents to convince people to do wrong.

Mebahel, sixth Angel of the Cherubim
(May 26 to 31)

     Mebahel is the Angel of:
John Wayne, Clint Eastwood,John F. Kennedy,Paolo Gucci,Ian Fleming, Patrick Henry, Norman Vincent Peale.

     Mebahel is the Angel of Justice, freedom, and truth.
     Mebahel protects the innocent, and helps to regain what we have unfairly lost.  Needless to say, the proteges of Mebaheel are very special.  Mebahel wants his proteges to defend justice and freedom, to fight for truth, to protect  the innocent.  They will be carriers of human rights and can establish new rules for the well-being of people.
     They will use these qualities in all aspects of their lives, regardless their chosen field.  Of course, they would be a natural in a court of law, or in the field of justice, but can also excel in any creative activity.  They love the little things of life, even what seems unimportant.  Protective and honorable, they are also protected against slander and thieves.

Hariel, sevent Angel of the Cherubim
(June 1 to 5)

     Hariel is the Angel of:
Marilyn Monroe, Paulette Goddard, Johnny Weismuller, Ken Follett, Tomas Hardy, Socrates,Brigham Young.

     Hariel governs arts  and sciences.
     Hariel leads his proteges to spirituality.  He wants them to have high moral standards.  He helps them to purify their souls, and to live according to good values rather than lower instincts. They should use their heart and their intelligence together in their life in general, including ;professionally.  With the influence of Hariel, they will find the way to improve their lives.
     Quick and witty, they are inventive and know just how to solve any problem,.  Energetic and intelligent, they can adapt easily.  They can excel in science or spirituality.  They are also extremely verbal, and can  become great writers of artists.

Hakamiah, eighth Angel of the Cherubim
(June 6 to 10)

     Hakamiah is the Angel of:
Thomas Mann,Judy Garland, Bonnie Tyler, Prince, Michael J. Fox,Bjorn Borg, Paul Gauguin

     Hakamiah governs kings and great military leaders. He rules over iron and arsenals.  He protects against traitors and grants victory.  He helps people to be liberated from oppression.
     Hakamiah wants his proteges to be honest and loyal.  Direct and brave, like a knight in shining armor, they will stand up for honor, and will keep their  promises.  These qualities will lead them to nothing less than power!
     They will be natural leaders in any field, political, professional, or private, depending on their environment.  They will have the talents to change, to transform, and to create. 
     Daring and visionary, they will fulfill their duties.  They will be very individual, and can be quite entertaining!

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