ROCHEL, fifth Angel of Angels
( March 1 to 5)

Rochel is the Angel of:
George Pullman, Alexander Graham Bell,
Glenn Miller, Harry Belafonte, Rex Harrison

     Rochel governs fame, fortune, and inheritance.  He rules over magistrates and lawyers.  Rochel also brings the light to find what we have lost, or what was stolen, and to discover the thieves.
              Rochel gives his proteges the strength to stop playing different roles in order to find their true self.  They will discover the strength and talents that they have, and did not ever suspect!
             They are strong and bringht, and Rochel wants them to use their talents for the proper application of the law.  They will excel in the field of law, or in anything related to the customs and habits of people.  Creative and productive, theya re very sensitive to their environment in general, and are artistically inclined.

JABAMIAH, sixth Angel of the Angels
(March 6 to 10)

Jabamiah is the Angel of;
Michelangelo, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Cyd Charisse,
Sharon Stone, Maurice Ravel

     Be thankful for the luck that you have!  Jabamiah is the almighty creator.  He rules over the generation of beings, and all the phenomena of nature.  He grants absolutely everything; he makes anything possible!
         Jabamiah represents the eternal fertility.  He wants his proteges to regenerate themselves, to restore harmony within by purifying their nature, and emphasizing internal values.  And they will become masters of life; they will have in their hands all creating powers!
      Aesthetically astute, they will be very sensitive to beauty, and will carry a personal magnius, and respected for the talents and their philosophy.  All of their endeavors will be fruitful and creative, and they will always find favorable circumstances to succeed in their goals!

HAIAIEL, seventh Angel of the Angels
(March 11 to 15)

Haiaiel is the Angel of:
Andrew Jackson, Albert Einstein, Paul Ehrlich,
Rupert Murdoch, michael Caine, Quincy Jones,Perrie Lew Santiago

      Haiaiel grants victory and peace.  He  protects against ill-intentiones people, and liberates the oppressed.  He rules over-iron, arsenals, and military engineering.
       Haiaiel protects against any negative situation or influence.  He wants his proteges to use their talents for good purposes.  They will have strong sense of justice, and will always defend just causes. 
         His proteges are very lucid and clear-minded.  They have visions and intuitions that they follow all the way!  Quick and clever, they are progressive and determined.  They are daring and courageous, and will be known for their talents and their activity.  Very charismatic people
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MUMIAH, eightth Angel of  the Angels
(March 16 to 20)

Mumiah is the Angel of:
James Madison, Kurt Russell, Bruce Willis, Rudolf Nureyev,Norman Cadayong, Karen France Reyes

     Mumiah governs chemistry, physics, medicine, and influences health and longevity.  He is the Angel of completion; he brings anything, any endeavor to a successful end!
Mumiah is very efficient and acts with no moderation.  He wants his proteges to discover the good side of life, and enjoy it.  Carriers of life and health, his proteges will have intense values and express them with the energy and intensity of Mumiah!
  They represent a good balance of imagination and down-to-earth behavior.  Persistent, they get involved and pursue their actions to the end.

VEHUIAH, first Angel of the Seraphim
(March 21 to 25)

Vehuiah is the Angel of:
Steeve McQueen, Elton John, Timothy Dalton, Joan Crawford, Arturo Toscanini, Moses Malone, John Jasper Basilio

     Vehuiah governs the first ray of the Sun.  He is so radiant that his proteges are loaded with energy and can succeed in anything they undertake, especially new endeavors!
Vehuiah will help his proteges to appease anger and to be wise.  They can achieve anything and beat records.  They have the inner energy to get over hardships.  They have a sharp and bright intelligence.
They will be particularly talented in arts and sciences.  Not selfish, they have big hearts.  They will be deeply loved, and the feelings will be complete and intense.

JELIEL, Second Angel of the Seraphim
(March 26 to 30)

Jeliel is the Angel of:
John Tyler, Tennessee Williams, Raphael, Diana Ross, Tracy Chapman, Eric Clapton

     Jeliel governs the destiny of kings and high dignitaries.  He grants victory to those unjustly attacked.  He helps to obtain the obedience of others, and to appease rebellion.
Jeliel helps his proteges to be noble and fair.  Their intelligence will control their instinct, so that they can dominate what is inferior within themselves, thus, allowing them to live with higher values.  Their moral values will allow them to give constructive jugdgments and impartial advice.  They will be able to solve any conflicts or disagreements, and bring order where there was chaos.
Jeliel also inspires sentimental passion.  He helps his proteges to have peace in their love life and to experience marital fidelity.  They will be respected, with faithful love.
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