wanna know your Guardian Angel?
Veronique Jarry wrote about guardian angels, who are created by God to protect us. Writers tell us that we have our own guardian angel depending on our birthdate.  Guardian angels were given names so that we can directly call them in times of need.
NEMAMIAH, first angel of the archangels
   ( January 1 to 5 )

Nemamiah is the Angel of:
     Diane keaton, Victoria Principal, Isaac                  Asimov, Mel Gibson

     Nemamiah rules over admirals and generals, and all those who engage in just causes.  He liberates prisoners.  Nemamiah also grants prosperity in all  fields.
     Nemamiah wants his proteges to have a grand soul and a noble mind.  He wants them to fight for good causes.  Lucid, intelligent and decisive, they have all the qualities of good fighters!
     They are quite clear-minded, and their talents will make them chhose the right endeavors to ged involved in.  They will devote themselves entirely to their cause, whether it is personal of professional.  Highly responsible, they will be dedicated and trustworthy, generous and caring.
IEILAEL, second Angel of the Archangels
(January 6 to 10)

Ieilael is the angel of:
Richard Nixon, Elvis Presley
George Foreman, Rod Stewart, Karen Serrano, Julie Ann Tinio 

     Ieilael is the Angel of iron.  He rules over gunsmiths, locksmiths, ironsmiths-- anyone dealing with iron.  Ieilael also helps relieve sadness and disappointment. 
     His proteges are granted a sharp intelligence, a precise and meticulous mind.  And Ieilael wants them to be brave and honest.  He will help them react without anger or violence.  They will be accepting, yet intense.  They will clear-mindedly observe and analyze facts, with no preconceived ideas, and will search for the  truth.  Their minds work scientifically,  with patience.
HARAHEL, third angel of the archangels
(January 11 to 15)

Harahel is the Angel of:
Martin Luther King Jr., Aristotle Onassis,
Albert Schweitzer, Faye Dunaway

     Harahel governs treasures, archives, libraries, and public funds.  He rules over printing, books and anything related to books and intellectual broadcastinng.  Harahel is a very fertile Angel.  He promotes physical fertility, of course, as he can help people to have children, but also intellectual fertility.
     He wants his proteges to engage in constructive intellectual activity.  They will want to study and learn.  And he will grant them honesty, talent and fortune.
     They can succeed in any field where they can broadcast or make public their intellectual work, or where they can use it to better the conditions of others.  They will also be talented in business, in making successful deals and investments.
MITZRAEL,  fourth angel of archangels
(January 16 to 20)

Mitzrael is the Angel of:
Benjamin Franklin, paul Cezanne
George Burns, Edgar Allan Poe, Jemarie Yumul

     Mitzrael governs distinguished personages, renowned for their talent and virtues.  He grants obedience from people from different ranks.
     Mitzrael brings health to the mind, and liberates those that are oppressed or persecuted.  Mitzrael wants his proteges to clean their minds, to reach higher qualities of the spirit, and liberate themselves from the thoughts holding them back.
     They will reach great strength mentally and physically, and can live to be very old.  Their thoughts will be clear; they will have new ideas.  They will be known and appreciated for their physical and intellectual talent, and for their spirit. 

UMABEL, fifth angel of archangels
(January 21 to 25)

Umabel is the Angel of:
Edouard Manet, Humphrey Bogart
Placido Domingo, Christian Dior

     Umabel has a mixture of the romantic and scientific mind!  Umabel rules over astronomy and anyone related to these fields.
     His proteges may have a very scientific mind, and are gifted in anything to do with astronomy, astrology and mathematics. 
     Talented and exciting, they can be very attractive and magnetic.  They are romantic, with a very sensitive heart, and their love life can be quite eventful.  They should be careful not to be come libertines!
IAHHEL, sixth angel of the archangel
( January 26 to 30)

Iahhel is the Angel of:
Paul Newman, Tom Selleck
Phil Collins, Mozart,Vanessa Redgrave, Sunshine Cipriano

     Iahhel rules over philosophers and those who want to withdraw from wordly matters.  He helps to acquire wisdom.
     Iahhel wants his proteges to rise above inconsistencies or superficial concerns.  He wants them to use their talents in a wise way, to elevate their soul.  As active and sensitive as they are, they can direct their energy in any field, and Iahhel will help them to use it for positive goals.  They should have an environment of peaace and quiet--and solitude.  This will allow them to "recharge" for the best, and to find personal harmony.  And they will reach success peacefully and easily!
      They can have an intense rapport with the other sex, and can be tenderly loved.

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