Myrtleholts Contact List

Schedule of coming events
Arts & Sciences
Pictues of Myrtleholt populace and events
Contact the Myrtleholt Officers


Check out our members page to see a list of Myrtleholt

Shire of Memebers






(click on the underlined names to e-mail that person)

Senechal (Leader of the Shire): Lord Brian "Canonoch" Buchanan                                                                 (Brian Day)

Exchequer (book keeper): HL Sharon the Merchants wife                                                               (Sharon Coots)

Co-Exchequer (book keeper): Lady Cathryn Goatsbane                                                                 (Monica Drake)

Arts & Science's (good and beautiful things): HL Keara Rylyn Buchanan
                                                                                                 (Loree Day)

Chronicler (newsletter): Lady Mor Ron ingen Cennetig                                                        (Rebecca Peters)

Co-Chronicler (newsletter): Lady Onora Beccan ingen Cennetig                                                                  (Rebecca Miller)

Chirurgeon (First aid): OPEN

Chatelaine (Shire's Greet'r): Lady Monique
                                                         (Laura Dollarhide)

Constable (Shire's chief of police): Ronan the Serious                                                                      (Arron Drake)

Web Minister Strider the Unreachable
                                   (Troy Carlson)

Heavy Marshal (Heavy fighter know-it-all): Lord Bryan of Blair                                                                                     (Bryan Canon)

Lights Marshal (Archery know-it-all): Rostadubian
                                                                              (Brian Isabel)

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