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// archive //

june 2002
the sad three entries that were there...
may 2002
birthday month! yayzers!
april 2002
rather eventful, if you ask me...
march 2002
dude! march was when this blogger when born!
// quotable //
"all women become like their mothers. that is their tragedy. no man ever does. that's his."

<- oscar wilde, from <the importance of being earnest>

// back //
2002-06-20 - 11:31PM

yesterday was officially the last day of high school. most people would be sad, i mean, you prolly won't see more than half of those people ever again. yet i didn't feel much of anything. i've come to be detached from my high school life so much that when i finally let go of it, i was kinda relieved. i don't have that obligation to like and be with these people anymore - not that they were horrible creatures - it's just that i never felt like i truly fit in with them. so now that it's over, meh, it's over.

when i was driving to tommy's after the barbecue, i saw amy. amy from grade 8, in band, where i helped her and stuff. she was almost like a fan of mine or something, and she used to write me letters. little notes and stuff, and i would think it was kinda odd but i never said anything; gradually we stopped talking altogether. after band was over i just never had a chance to talk to her really. maybe once or twice to get answers in calculus. the one talk that we had, that actually meant something, was during the calc review in may. anyways i'm going to actually miss her, perhaps even regret the friendship that could have been. hmmm...

yowza, matt signed my yearbook and he called me a hottie!! lol well the feelings are mutual here :P but i have a loving boyfriend so it doesn't matter what he says. and he's got that snobby girlfriend too. it's all good clean fun.

i realized something today - in my last relationship, i constantly wondered what the point of it was, trying to be together then moving away?! i doubted it all the time, and never really found an answer to it. in the past three months (yes three whole months!) with greg, i never once thought about it. sure i thought about the sadness of leaving, but i never ever thought "what's the point of us being together when i have to move away anyway?" i dunno, maybe i'm being too naive and sentimental, but in this relationship, everything feels right. *shrugs*

2002-06-06 - 8:15PM

ohmigod i got up at 5:55 to call in and book my appointment for picking courses next year. i was all groggy and SO not into the whole deal. whatever.

so, like, i totally figured that i could sound like a blonde. even though i took that quiz today and got diagnosed as an 'outsider', we all know that, like, deep down? i'm a blonde. oh yeah. uh huh - uh huh. i'm mean, i'm so into cosmo these days, it's great. the whole "super hot section" stuff is quite the eye-opener if you ask me. lol plus the cute clothes? like that ABS allen schwarz pink evening gown? makes me so mad! i wish i lived in nyc so i coulda gotten that for grad. around the same price as my dress, plus i woulda been totally stylin' with a designer gown. *sigh* i need to move to nyc where there's saks fifth avenue and bloomingdales and bergdorf goodman.

grandma just made me lift up my shirt. yeppers she saw my belly-button ring when i was stretching, so she wanted to actually see it. oops-a-daisy. ah well, she didn't comment much, just wondered if it hurt (yeah, less than sex though, lol) and wanted to know if the needle rusts. ewww the thought grosses me out, fortunately it's titanium so i'm set. wahoo!

should be pickin up my tickets for mexico soon. that'll be fun.

omg so what was he thinking when he pulled that trick? i mean, seriously now, how old are you? oh yeah, that was fuckin hilarious eh? whatever you big freak. i love my man, he's my absolute-value sine wave, and we have somethin now that i have never ever had before. so why don't you just back off and get your own pathetic life where everything's predictable and safe. lead that routine boring-ass passive life and leave me alone.

hehe the women of the house are totally fed up these days. i tried to tell them, but nobody would believe me at first. it's the 7-day rule, and since we're on what? the 9th or 10th day? of course there's friction. lots of it. whatcha gonna do?

sandy's to-do list before mexico

  • buy me a bathing suit. that actually fits. and does not squeeze out fat.
  • get a pack of tampons. *shudders* grossness attack.
  • buy/find sunscreen that is not expired, has spf 30, and smells alright.
  • chop off some hair. not too short though, so i can still braid it.
  • give teachers pics from grad that i have copies of.
  • arrange for report card/awards to be picked up.
did anyone mention pass the flute exam and pick courses for next year?!

2002-06-05 - 9:38PM

seems like i update this thingie around the same time every night. i hate my isp - i haven't been able to see hotmail or the registrar website for uwo for ages! it's only thru ie that i'm having problems, maybe it's my computer that's fucked up. i should check it out, but these days i'm always busy busy busy doing all kinds of crap that i don't have time! we'll wait till i get that lite-speed shaw internet thing and see what happens then. i can't believe i finally convinced mom to get cable. wowzers i am good :)

i'm so going to go buckwild with my scanner right now and scan a million pictures. i need to send in one to the surrey leader anyway, i'm going to be in teh newspaper on sunday!!!!!! lol that's one over you, valedictorian :P

2002-06-04 - 9:39PM

grad...commencement...wowzers am i supposed to recount everything?!

alrights saturday morning i got up at 7 to be at hair appt at 8:30!! got there, got hair and makeup done (airbrushing feels COOL!) and got home at like 11AM or something like that. rushed to get dressed, and almost as soon as i put on all that tape-on bra crap, greg came. picture time #1 began...for like half an hour, with my whole entire neighborhood gawking :P

picture time #2 at greg's was yet another facial-muscle-twitching event, and then we had picture time #3 at jeremy's...oh dear -_-;;; we got to jeff's, and guess what?! it was picture time AGAIN! jenn's mommy took pictures for me, there are lots of group shots etc. it was difficult to sit on the party bus, we stayed at thor's for a while, then went off to QE park. walking around in those killer shoes made me want to cry...got nice pics, left for the hyatt only to find out after i got there that i was completely red and sunburnt on the chest. ew!! needless to say my pics from then on aren't so flattering.

dinner was one long processional, and dancing was okay but the killer shoes didn't inspire any dancing nerves...the cruise was dingy. sorry, i am one big materialistic whiner, but seriously now!! i expected somethin like that cruise from the parent trap, at least. ah well, i felt sick half of the time coz of all that swaying back and forth. aughhhh. i don't think that many ppl had fun on the cruise.

back at school with déguelasse breakfast. however, i won a fan (could not stop laughing until stomach hurt like hell) and $500!!!!! so fun!!!!!!!

slept most of sunday away, and then commencement. LONG AND BORING. won a couple scholarships, it was so rigged that i wanted to puke. no biggie. mommy took pictures of greg, how cute :) apparently dad got all pissy afterwards coz i wanted to go out with my friends. we went to boston pizza, waited forever for food that never came, and i got angry and left. stupid assholes.

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