My Sim Creations

About us

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webdesign by Leah

About us

OK, I guess you want to know who we are, or you wouldn't be here, right?

Leah - Wife to Peter and Mum to Lisa and Hannah. Leah only started playing the Sims last fall, and has been addicted ever since. Most of the content of this site was made by Leah. She did the webdesign too.

Lisa - Lisa is 12 years old. She has been playing the Sims for a few years already and just loves it. she recently tried her hand at skinning, and her best skins are included on this website.

Hannah - Hannah is only 7 years old, and has been playing the Sims for about one year by now. She also turned to skinning and has already made a few really nice skins, which you will find on this website too, of course.

Peter - Although he has not actively contributed to the content of this website, he's the one who helps us out when our computers are playing up. Without him this website would never have been made. Big hugs to him!

To dowload our Sim Creations, you will need to sign up with the yahoo-group MySimCreations. Once you have signed up, you will have access to the files, where you can download to your heart's desire.
It's free, so what are you still waiting for?

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© Leah Witmond, MySimCreations, 2006, All Rights Reserved.

The Sims� is � 2000 Electronic Arts Inc.
The Sims, Maxis and the Maxis logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. All rights reserved. Maxis� is an Electronic Arts� brand.

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