Sound Gallery Page Two

From "The Ties That Bind"

Miranda: What?
Declan: I just realized I don't know anything about you.  I don't even know where you live.  Do you live with your folks?  What are your folks like?
Miranda: Nothing special.  They're nice people.
Declan: You have brothers and sisters?
Miranda:  Declan, it's getting very late.
Declan: So what?  You never talk about yourself.  All you ever talk about is work.
Miranda:  So? 
Declan: So, what do you do for fun, Miranda?... How old are you?  When's your birthday?
Miranda: What does any of this have to do with us being in Alaska, Declan?

Alaska Wav

From  "The Ties That Bind"

Hey, I thought you weren't going to make it.
Miranda: I almost didn't.
Declan: What changed your mind?
Miranda: Todd.  He knew how to have fun.  You know, I can't remember the last time I did anything just
for fun.

Fun Wav

From "Demons"

Declan: What's up?
Miranda: I was just inside checking out some books and overheard the librarian telling some people that the library is haunted.
Declan: Get out!  Haunted?  I'm in! 
Miranda: He saw books flying off the shelves by  *themselves*
Declan: Really?  I knew they had a rat problem, but haunted?

Haunted Wav

From "Demons"

Declan: 'Cause I went over there, Peggy, and I'm telling you what, man,  I saw it.  The books were flying off the shelves and the bed was shaking, it was like....did you ever see that movie "The Exorcist"?
Peggy: Yes.
Declan: It was like that.  It was freaky.
Peggy: The bed shook?
Declan: Yeah, and then there was this thing on the ceiling "Abandon Hope".  Ring a bell?
Peggy: Dante's  "Inferno".  The gates of hell.
Declan: Bingo.

Demons Wav

From "Demons"

Declan:  Okay, Peggy, you remember the first time we started hanging out and I told you about those six unexplained things that I was investigating?
Peggy: Uh huh.
Declan: Okay well one of them was this cat in Jamaica.  He claimed he was possessed so I flew down there to check it out. This local priest performed an exorcism on him and I was there for it.  In the middle of this exorcism the guy starts lifting off the bed, Peggy.  He levitated and I saw it.  I was there--my own eyes.
Peggy: Jamaica? 
Declan: Yeah.
Peggy:  Huh. 
Declan: What ?  You think I was smoking the left-handed cigarette? No, no  I wasn't!  Absolutely not!  In fact, I was the most cynical guy in the room, if you want to know...
Peggy: Alright, let's just drop this right now.

Left-handed cigarette wav

From "Demons"

Declan: Easy, Carson, we're on the same team here, pal.
Carson: Yes, well I'm sorry but this Indiana Jones act wears a bit thin sometimes.
Declan: Yeah, well, the Noel Coward Schtick ain't no walk in the park either, bud.

Indiana Jones Wav

From "Demons"

Declan: I was raised Catholic.  I was an alter boy...for about a month.  Me and some of the other alter boys got into the communion wine one night.  It was our first introduction to hangovers.  We didn't tell the priest for about a week.  We were scared to death we'd go straight to hell.  Finally we confessed.  Father Perrey didn't punish us.  We never really got in trouble for that.  All he did was look at us and say "Boys, there's no worse hell than a guilty conscience."

Guilty Conscience Wav

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