
If you need to download a wav player, here is a link to winamp, one of the free ones.

Given the space contraints on Geocities, I can't add too many wavs, but I'll probably rotate them after awhile so that I can have a varitey without using up all my space.  Click on the blue links below the text to hear them or download them. Windows users right click and choose "save target as" to download them to your hard drive. Hope you enjoy them!

From the pilot episode.  This is Declan's voice-over in the intro to the show.

My name is Declan Dunn.  I've seen some pretty strange things in my life.  Some explainable, others that defy all logic.  Maybe it's just plain luck--coincidence--or maybe they're miracles.  A higher power at work in the world.  This is the stuff that I investigate.  Because, as Albert Einstein once said, the most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.

Intro Wav

From "The Gray Lady"

Declan:  What are these?
Clarise:  Spirit guides.  They speak through Russell. He's a sensitive.
Peggy:  A sensitive?
Clarise: It means he feels beyond the five senses to the realm of the other side and those that live there.
Declan: (whispering to Peggy) He sees dead people.
Peggy: He *is* dead people.
Declan: Be nice.

Dead people Wav

From "The Gray Lady"

Declan: Okay, did you get everything?
Miranda: uh...cameras, emf glosmeters, negative ion detector, cathoid ray magnometer and two boxes of Mrs.  Fields Cookies.
Declan: Excellent....Flux compacitor?
Miranda: Ghost Busters?
Declan: Back to the future.  Get your movies straight.
Miranda: Yeah, okay.

Flux Compacitor Wav

From "Twins"

:  It's not just the way they sound.  I mean, it's their inflections, their gestures, their mannerisms.  It's almost like they're the same person.
Peggy:  All kids look the same when you're old.
Declan:  That's not funny.  And this *is* weird.
Peggy: You think everythings weird.
Declan:  I do not!
Peggy: Yes, you do.
Declan" No I don't.
Peggy: Yes, you do.
Declan: Do not.

everything is weird wav


Peg, there's a lot of people who think that coincidence is a sign from the big kahuna, to help guide them through life.  Bring people together.
Peggy: And there are people who don't believe that, Declan.  It's random.  It's unique definitely.  It's strange maybe.  But messages from the big kahuna?  I don't think so.

Big Kahuna Wav

From "Crazy"

Declan: Um...and give her this. (hands Brianna a rock in a ziploc bag) Tell her I couldn't get it to weep.  They say that if you sqeeze it, it weeps.
(Brianna stares at him like he's nuts.)
Declan: *I* don't say that.  People from Northern Kentucky say that...Uh, anyway, will you give it to her?  Thanks.

It weeps wav

From "The Ties That Bind"

Declan: You know, if you don't want to talk to Peggy, I'm always here for you.  You can always talk to me.
Miranda: And say what, Declan? What? If I don't know what's happening to me, how can I talk about it?

Always Here For you  wav

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