Here are some of my favorite quotes (and other miscellaneous sayings)...
"Man who fart in church...must sit in own pew!"
"Man with hand in pocket... feel cocky all day!"
"Man stuck in pantry... have ass in jam!"
"It is nice for lady to meet man in park... but better for man to park meat in lady!"
"Panties not resting on Earth, but next to it!"
"Man that kiss girl's busom, get bust in mouth!"
"Oral sex makes one's day... anal sex makes one's whole week!"
The difference between pick-pocket and peeping tom... a pick-pocket snatches watches!"
"Gay indian is also brave sucker!"
"Man who stand on toilet... high on pot!"
"Man who drop watch in toilet... have crappy time!"
"When you learn to masturbate...it come in handy!"
"Baseball wrong... man with 4 balls cannot walk!"
Let's make like a fetus and head out.
Go to cheapmeats.com for the best deals on pork butt and other assorted meats.
What is Spam? Is it meat flavored jello, or old meat? And what makes it so magically delicious?
Harvard... for those who can't get into MIT.
What makes clowns so scary to kids? Is it because most of them are homocidal psychos?
Do you like Barbera Streisand? Really?? Well... I think you are a loser!!
In an anarchy, first you pee your pants, then you get shot to death.     -Mr. Datillo
It is not fun to be constipated.
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