My Walk into Darkness..
Years passed, and at the age of 20, I was sent to Costa Rica, on a vampire killing spree. It was a hard 2 years, killing off the undead. It was my job as a slayer to do so. Kenneth was by my side, helping me, and fighting till we were sent back to America. Then, one night, and unexpectanly, we were outnumbered, we killed off many of them, but one got Kenneth, killed him right there on the spot. I turned around, and there he was, laying on the ground, lifeless...blood stained the grass...and he was out of my life forever. All I had to remember him by was my little silver cross necklace he gave me.

I went back to America shortly after that...I was distraut, punishing myself inside because I could of saved my first and true love. I wandered into a bar, which I knew was a bar frequented by the wretched creatures. I went to get my revenge, just killing aimlessly at the patrons in the bar. I did not succeed. Instead, one beat me at my game. She was beautiful and young. She looked a few years younger then myself.

Not knowing it, she messed with my mind tremendously. Making me to be insane. She killed off my parents, sister , and my three dearest best friends. She told me clergy men and vegatarians killed them off, burned them inside my own home. I believed her. I kept hearing voices stirring inside my head, the lady gave me a drink that would make them dissapear. She did this three times. I trusted this lady with everything. She then one night offered me freedom...freedom from my destiny and freedom from the voices. I accepted and from then on I have been a Lasombra, a childe of
Sydney Hapsburg.
Ending to my story..
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