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Picking your perfect pet
Taking care of your feline friend
Teach your cat it's name

Picking your perfect pet

Cats are one of the best companions that a person could have.
They are friends with humans all over the world. But how do
you know which one is the wright one for you? Well if you
just fallow these few steps then you will be on your way to
having your own purring pal of your very own.

Make sure your house is cat safe

Do you have a house full of fragile nick nacks that could
easily be reached by a clever high pouncing cat? That is
something that may be a problem. If so maby a high self that
cannot be reached would be a good idea. But there should not
be anything near it like a TV or sofa that they could easily
jump off of to reach it. Or a display cabnet with doors on
it would be a good safe idea. Not all cats will nock stuff
down on purpose. But if they rub past it, then it may fall.
Also if you have very young children that like to play
rough, then a cat may not be the best pet right now. Some
cats may not like being dragged around and haveing stuff
being thrown on them, and will try to defend themselves. So
unless you want your little one to get in a cat fight, you
may want to wait on the cat.

Where to get your pet

It is very easy to find cats today. All you have to do is
look in the ad's section of your newspaper and you can find
bunches of cats, and some of them are even free and have all
their shots and everything. You can also get them from the
good ol' pet store, although sometimes there may be a good
chance of flees if it is not one of the best pet stores. And
probably one of the best choices is an animal shelter. We
got our kitten at the Animal Defence League for only $50 and
she came nuttered, declawed, and had all of her shots
alreaty given to her. But wherever you get them, make sure
that it is a clean enviornment and that the animals there
look healthy and happy.

Which one to choose

You will have a wide varitey to choose from, but which one
is rite for you? Well of course there is the health that is
a biggie. Make sure that the one you want has a nice clean
nose and eyes. And if you can see their litter make sure
that there is no blood or diereha in it. There is also the
fur that can be a major factor. You know that a cat will
shead, so you may want to think about if there is any kind
of fur that will not be as noticable in your house. For
instance if you tend to wear a lot of white or have a lot of
white fruniture, it would be wise not to get a long haired
black cat, unless you wouldn't mind cleaning noticable black
hairs all over you and your house all the time.

Taking care of your feline friend

You know that with owning any animal of your own comes the
responsibilities of taking care of it. Through sickness and
in health your cat turns to you to be there for it. You are
like its new mother now, it is your job to take care of it.

Daily routein

Your cat is a very needy animal, not just something that you
can stick in a cage and throw food in. A cat needs you to
take time every day to play with it and to pet it. Also you
should always make sure that they have plenty of food and
water, you wouldn't want your friend starve to death just
because you forgot to feed them. And also you need to change
their litter. Yes, it's a dirty job, but someones got to do
it. But don't wait untill the litter gets so bad that you
can't even stand the smell when you walk into your house

The vet

There will more than likely be times that you will need to
go to the vet. Like when you want your cat to be spayed or
nutered, and if you want it to get declawed. You will also
need to get it shots, and take him if he is acting a little
stranger than normal or is sick. But the vet is your friend,
they are just trying to do their job in looking over the
health of your pet. Also, if you need any help your vet
would probably be a good person to turn to.

Teach your cat it's name

Well, this is definately not something that you need to do,
but it can be quite helpful. Some cats may learn their name
on their own. But if that doesn't work then you can try
this. It helps if you start when you first get them.
Whenever you feed you cat or give it a treet say its name
over and over to it. Then it will know that when you say
it's name it means food. Then after a while also start
saying their name whenever you want them to come to you and
they will.


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