Our kind of art



This is a picture our friend Yoshi took. Isn't it SO cool?



For School I (Jule) had to make a papier mache human of someone from my culture for art...anyways....I won't ramble & tell the story--here's the pics. It took FOREVER to make!

Heres my mache project (left) next to my friend's project..they weren't done yet in this pic though.


 Left Pic: Here's my project all done.

Right Pic: Here's another pic of my creation next to some other student's disaster...hehe...no offence.


I (Stacie) made these postcards. There was this contest in a magazine to win a cd of this music group before it was released. You had to make a creative postcard of them & the most creative one would be published in the Mag. I thought that would be cool to get it in the mag....If they picked mine.

So I made 2 postcards of the guys doing their favorite things. I added their heads to others bodies just so they'd be unique. But I ended up liking them so much I just had to keep them for myself & didn't send them in lol.



Well a while back we had lost our dog & my sis Stacie drew this pic of him really quick to put up on the "Lost Dog" signs. -Jule

I can't draw people or animals to save my life! -Stacie



The Barbie Section...

Alright, so, my friend Barbara (Or, Barbie as I like to call her) drew these and I got a kick out of them and asked to add them. So, here they are, I saved the best for last! haha- Julie


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