(Let me just say: Allow me to excuse my typos on the page ahead of time haha)

Name: Julie

Age: 19

B-day: Feb. 11th. Or, as I also like to say...3 days before Valentines day. You know..so it seems more important or somethin'.

Hair Color: Dark Brown with a bit of a reddish tint (Not a fake reddish tint--it's natural)

Eye Color: *Green*..no, I WISH! green eyes are SO awesome. I've always wanted 'em (Well, blue would look cool with my hair, too) but I have really dark brown eyes. I don't mind them, though. I actually kinda like 'em.


Height: 5'8"


Nicknames: Jule, Jules, Julie Lulie, Julie Pop, Julie Cat, Juliekins, Rocky (ya know, like the hyper squirrel on "rocky and Bullwinkle" that flies around on it's tail? Yea...that...hah), and Julie Spice (don't ask haha) etc..





Music: I like EVERYTHING; except for rap (well CERTAIN songs are Ok), techno and mariachi music. Other than that, I love everything. I LOVE music SO much!!!! I seriously don't think I'd even be able to go 2 days without it....I'd go absolutely INSANE



Music Artists: Michael Bublé, Harry Connick Jr., Jack Johnson, The Beatles, Josh Groban, Billy Gilman, Matt Rogers, John Stevens, RJ Helton, Ryan Starr, Kelly Clarkson, MXPX, Marcy playground, The seahorses and maaaaany, many more.


actors: Eugene Levy, Elijah Wood, Kevin Spacey, Sean Penn, and James Franco has won me over ever since I saw him portray James Dean in his life story.


actresses: Debra Wilson--she is just too cool for school!, Erika Christiansen, and Jena Malone. that's about the only ones that come to mind.


Those are all my FAVORITES, here are other great actors & actresses: Ray Romano, Owen Wilson,JAMES DEAN(He's such an awesome person! I havent seen him act much but I am a fan of HIM. Mainly after watching his life story.), Desmond Askew, Colin Hanks, Nicholas Cage, Lucas Black, Martin Lawrence (He's so hilarious!!!), Robert DeNiro, Anthony Hopkins, and Sean Whalen.

Tv Show's: American Idol, (and most reality shows. I love them haha), The Simpsons, Mad TV, Everybody loves Raymond, and Who's line is it anyways?.


Movies: I am sam, Waiting for Guffman (This is an actor's movie! IF yo are into acting at all, rent it. Classic. Oh, and the entire thing is improvised.) , Chicago, and James Dean (with James Franco as James Dean--yeah, it's just called "James Dean")...and many more


Colors: Purple, Pink, red & Black                           


Me and a friend of mine, Corey on Christmas Eve 2002.

Animals: I absolutely LOVE animals but DOGS are my favorite.They're SO adorable! I wanna get one SO bad!

Here I am holding a cute little dog (obviously)! Okay, it was better looking in person, but anyways..A customer came into my dad's shop and I was playing with their dog they brought in and HAD to take a picture with it, being the dog/picture freak that I am. I don't know why on earth my eye shadow looks blue. How nasty! It's not, it's black.



This is one of our best friends, Yoshi & I being the dorks we are.


My favorite things to do: I LOVE Making funny home videos & silly skit's w/ my friends---they're MadTV & SNL style.

I absolutely Love acting, performing on stage and movie making stuff SOOOOO much! It's SO fascinating to me! I love performing.,

My sister & I always make up this really funny stuff using improv (we make up silly songs mainly), So, I also love improv., Photography...

NO... NOT PHOTOGRAPHY, PHOTOGRAPHY! I just like taking reg. pics of friends & stuff...I use my camera ALOT...I don't let the poor thing rest! haha I never leave home without it (okay, well, once in a blue moon I do)...


Me (right) pretending to shoot my sister (falling/left). This was taken at Citywalk's arcade...That's why I have the gun and that background.

(Fav. things to do cont....)

Singing...not for people, though (Just for myself & around the house). I love it!, hanging out with friends, Doing Prank Calls, going to amusement parks, etc....etc...



~What I Wanna Learn~

I wanna learn how to ice skate. I've done it once! It was alot of fun and I did pretty good! I didn't even fall., I kinda wanna learn how to Play basketball...it seems fun but i just don't know how to play. I know you're not supposed to run & carry the ball but it's just reflex for me! I always get yelled at cuz of it haha, I would love to learn how to play a few instruments like the Electric guitar, guitar (well that's like the same thing though, huh?) or just any instrument. I would LOVE that--I could make my stupid songs .., I also want to learn another language or two. My uncle started teaching me French and i'm getting my dad to teach me more Arabic. That's all i can think of right now..i know there must be more though.

OK, I just sounded like a 7 year old giving a speech on what they wanna learn, or want to be when they grow up or something...


~What I CAN'T Stand!~


People with no personality!!!!!, When people arent early or on time when they need to me somewhere! I cant stand ever being late!!!!!, osing $$ (not like gambling or wasting money type of losing money. But literally misplacing money sucks.), Snobs, Phony people, rain, when your sock gets wet!!! That alone is hell in itself!! Ugh..., People who sing and suuuck...I want to duck tape their mouths shut!,

being nervous, wishy washy people, people who whine all the time, Obsessed fans! (don't ask), bossy people, Waking up early,

my voice!!!, people who leech, Liars,When I just paint my nails & it smudges!!,

pushy people (HAH! Everything on here has to do with people), and messy customers!.There's a whole list of things but I won't go on anymore



                     ~Stuff I Love~                    

Drama & acting....just anything to do with acting!!! I could go on and on talking about anything related to it..., Performing, I LOOOOOVE animals SO much!!!, music, when people sing acapella (only if it sounds good,of course), Meeting new friends (ones I actually feel really comfy hanging with, of course) , People with a great personality,, I LOOOOVE hearing bands & performers (Just any average person) sing live..I'm a huge music fan..I like EVERYTHING except for like 3 genere types of music which include rap/mariachi (or other crazy/weird typed of music thats in that styling), and techno!!!, Guys who sing (but if they sing and play the guitar at the same time that's what gets me) I think that it SO awesome! oh my gosh I love it--if a guy has that ability--he automatically gains, like, 100,000 brownie points haha, BRITISH/AUSTRALIAN ACCENTS!! They're so awesome...I guess just accents in general ,as well...

going to tv/movie filmings or video shoots....okay i just sounded like a complete dork haha, Good hair days! (Yes, so UN shallow. I know, right? aha), and ummm....Well that's all i could think of right now but there's definutely more.


~Stuff you PROBABLY didn't know about me~

My sister named me, I'm deathly afraid of biscuit packages..ya know those ones that make the "pop" sound when you open em? Yeah, they scare me..., I make up my own songs with my sister--funny ones. We'll make them up randomly. they're hilarious!, I speak a tiny bit of Arabic (My dad is Lebanese-Therefore, I am half. My whole nationality is: Lebanese, hispanic, american.), I've wanted to be an actress since I was 4 (so in a couple years you'll be renting my movies & watching me on tv heh...),

I play a tiny bit of piano by ear...I'm not that great at it though...I shouldn't even list that haha...I just do enough so you can identify a song (barely) haha, I'm also really afraid of waterbaloons...they look like they hurt!! I've never got hit by one, though (and don't plan on it anytime in the near or far future), I'm afraid of dragonflies and all other flying creatures (except for birds & butterflies), I've been homeschooled for almost all my school years--i only went to "a real school" for kindergarten and 3rd grade. Oh...and pre-school (Hey, it counts!), Stacie & I are sisters ...lol hey well we just remembered we didn't list it on the site, so, i'm mentioning it now for those of you who didn't know, annnd....Well that's all i can think of....THE END! haha

Here's Corey & I again.

How Stacie describes Julie: Stacie here, ready to spill the beans on the real Jules j/k ......Well Jule is unique because she knows me j/k Ok seriously now, she really is unique. She's unlike any other her age. She looks older than her age & is very mature for her age. She's not all boy crazy. She's really cute & pretty, her pictures do her injustice. She's more mature than alot of adults I've met. She's very funny, witty & has this amazing gift to mute the T.V. & add the funniest dialogue for each character to match the scenes & it just about kills me because I laugh soo hard it hurts!!....it's truly a gift lol. Oh yeah & she collects tons of props. She loves to joke around. She is really nice & giving (well I think she's just giving to me, seriously). She is a very good kid & never gets in trouble. She has a BaAaAaAD temper! When she gets mad get the heck out of her way cos she's like a bull in a china shop lol. She is very bold which is really good cos she doesn't abuse it the wrong way. But if you get on her bad list, her bad temper & boldness mixed will get you but then you'd definitely deserve it. She's really intelligent & wise beyond her years. She has tons of determination, if she wants something she sets her mind to it & gets it. Enough said, that's Jule! ............Stacie

P.S. She's so tall!!!.....Jule ((Stop Growing!!!))



How I describe myself: Testing 123..ah hem IS THIS HTING ON *feedback* Oops. judt kidding. Well I'm a trillion things wrapped into one! Well, me in a nutshell...I'm very nice and friendly (unless you really get me mad or unless I have reason to do otherwise....then that's a whole other thing. HI! RUN ON SENTENCE!), I have to admit...i have a BAD temper, I'm CRAZY and weird (thats how others describes me, anyways haha), VERY outgoing, talkative and animated. I'm such a ham! I love entertaining people/picture taking (even though I always complain about the way I come out)...I'm such a camera hog! haha, Well..my family says I save junk but I'm just sentimental...i don't save junk!!, I'm very observant. I notice EVERYTHING and pay attention to EVERYTHING about anything or anyone, even though it usually seems like I'm not, I guess i'm sorta funny...Everyone I've known and met say i am & that i'm pretty good at making them laugh...i'm just corny and joke around alot, har har...,

I'm BOLD, I could talk the hind legs off a donkey! j/k I ALWAYS tend to ramble on & on about things haha. LIKE NOW!, Sometimes I tell people too much about myself though and things going on and I need to learn how to keep my mouth shut...I always end up kicking myself & I'm like "I shouldn't have told so & so that!!!!", but hey what am I gonna do? I try...My manager told me I should go on "Ripley's believe it or not!" for talking.

One thing about me is that I'm NOT good with words! EVER!, I'm a bit sensitive, and I am a time freak. I can't stand being late (even being somewhere exactly at the time I'm supposed to makes me feel late) ...I have to be about 15 minutes early for everything..So that's pretty much me....sorta...kinda. Wow, sorry for rambling on & on haha...if you read this all then THANKS! You're too cool for school!

P.S. I'm not "SO TALL"!!!!!!





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