Mysticalwaters1's Web Space
My adorable Simba
My cats
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My Favorite Things
Aol:         mysticalwaters1
Email:     mysticalwaters1

I'm a 25 year old Nurse from Northeast PA.  I love cats, I love reading (especially scifi including Frank Herbert's Dune series), I enjoy playing my flute (I've been playing for 15 years), I adore movie soundtracks , and movies especially anything Harry Potter.  I use the name mysticalwaters1 because I  love water and all things fantasy and sci fi. This is a journal/fun/info/pic site.  Hope you enjoy because I enjoy lots of pics , music, movies, books, typing, and  blabbing away...

Fool's Fate 3rd book in the Twanny Man series by Robin Hobb, The last book in her Farseer series I'm sad thinking of it now being over! 

Robbin Hobb's Twanny Man series  (3 books)- She finally wrote a sequel to her first several books assassin apprentice, royal assasin, and assasin's quest ALL wonderful fantasy books and now a new storyline with the same characters but years later but the relationships are still there and more intersing plots!

Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens.  This is about a poor orphan  trying to find a better life and stupid crooks trying to make him the perfect criminal  with only one family willing to support the boy if the others don't srcew it up for him!

-Harry Potter movies....I just can't get enough of them!  Got 1-4 box set and watching 3+4 over and over again!
S-tar Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith.  Now I am by no means a huge star war fan.  The music yes I have all the star wars and prequel soundtracks but this movie kicked ***!!!  I LOVED it!  It was sad but I realy felt like this story existed and just the look of it was amazing nice special effects with an emotional story!
Got collection of Trevor Wye studies and practicing that.  Trying to improve tone and breathing.
-I play on a Yamaha flute 674H. I love it's offset G where my left ring finger rests on a key that is lower on this flute  for easier hand positioning.  I LOVE it.  It is also all silver body.  I had a Gemiendhart before while it served me very well I couldn't project well with it and I really wanted a high model flute. 
-Halo 1:  Well finally my brother dragged me into this one.  I'm currently battlling aliens on the skill level heroic.  I don't die as much as I used to.  My plan is to train in that progress to Halo 2 and FINALLY play online without dying 2 sec into battle with other online players.  We'll see!
Harry Potter and the Prisnor of Azkaban:  this game is pretty neat.  Decent graphics for the time it came out.  Goes somewhat along with the movie but creates parts to go with it.  You get to explore Hogwarts, go to class, and fight diferent magical creatures and evil wizards in it.  Pretty fun.  OH and you can fly Hegwid and Buckbeak.  Although at first I thought I'd crash em. 

Dark Angel:  play as Max and save and fight against  more manticore creations.  Like the music.  You can hid behind corners too and grab bad guys to knock them out which is pretty neat. 

GBA (game boy advanced)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.  I'm kindof disappointed in this.  You travel as the movie goes.  You can pleay either Harry, Ron, or Hermione but only have limited spells to work with and the graphics stink.  The characters sound like the real actors too surprisingly for a little handheld game thing!
All My Children soap opera- BIG NEWS: BIANCA LEFT! I'm so pist now what am I going to do?  She's been doing little guest spots currently but still stinks.  NOW WHERE'S GREENLEY!  She just better be on vacation.

Been watching Dark Angel season 1.  What an awesome show too bad they never made more episodes!  I saw season 2 but am discovering that the whole escaping manticore and finding brothers and sisters more interesting this seasong!
Other Links:
Harry Potter
Flute Board
Kitten War!
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