Name that Soundtrack!
Here's how you play:  Click the following links that state THEME to hear me play a movie/tv/video game track on my flute.  Then try to guess what movie it belongs too.  For more of a challenge name the composer as well.  Have fun!  I have limited data transfer time on geocites so I will only post several themes at a time and change them periodically.  Eaach # coordinates with the same # answer.
pics from Children of Dune
4.  This next theme is taken from a scene in a futurisitic bar where a pilot is found and other aliens, or that's what my memory recalls...

5.  This next
theme is taken from a video game where a certain mammal travels in time to find his family...err...or pod rather...

6.  This next
theme represents a certain talent that only some can master in this movie(s)...

11.  Finally, this last
theme I listened to so much I no longer can listen to it.  In fact, in the theatre I watched it several times as did many times at that time!  It is a soundtrack of epic proportions pertaining to a certain sea journey including a hit song #1 for weeks from a certain diva.  Name the movie and the diva.


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