
So is the gift of tongues still needed in the present day operation of the Christian church ?  The answer is no.  The reason being is that we, both Jew and Gentile, have the record of the Word of God in a completed written form whereby all of the information regarding the gift of speaking in tongues, what it is and what its� purpose was for, is sufficiently recorded for both Jew and Gentile to read and understand.  Notice the spiritual instruction by Paul as he further teaches on the spiritual gifts;

8.  Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
9.  For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
10.  But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
11.  When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.  -  1 Cor. 13:8-11

In chapter 13 of 1 Corinthians, Paul is showing the importance of the spiritual fruit called love in comparison to spiritual gifts.  Love, or charity, never fails.  Whereas such things as prophecy, knowledge and tongues, they fail, they cease.  Moreover, notice the illustration Paul uses to frame the reason for why such things as prophecy, knowledge and tongues cease.  The illustration is that of growth from that which is childish, immature and that which is not yet fully developed.  It is an illustration of going from that which is partial and imperfect to that which is perfect and complete.  Such was the case with specific regard to the spiritual gift of speaking with other tongues.  It had at one time, a function and purpose when the Christian church with its' spiritual New Testament doctrine was in its� infancy, when the Christian church and its' spiritual teaching was just getting established.  That time has passed.  The gift of speaking with other tongues fulfilled its� purpose and function in those early days of the establishing of the Christian church.  The gift of speaking in tongues was necessary when the Christian church was yet in its� early stages, its� infancy.  The doctrine and spiritual teaching of Gods� Word for the New Testament church had yet to be established and recorded in its� completed, written form.  Thus, in those days of spiritual growth and developement of the Christian church, with its� doctrine and teaching, the gift of speaking in other tongues was a required function and service by helping God bring both Jew and Gentile together to form His family, His church.

This function and service of the gift of tongues has fulfilled its� role.  Its� record in Gods� Word provides the sufficient information which reveals the how and why of the gifts� function and service.  Thus, with an established record of the gift, we Christians in this present day and age are able to perfectly see and know why the gift of tongues is no longer in service.  Therefore, what was once imperfect has long since been made perfect.  What was once partial is now complete, fully mature.

Since those days of the apostles, mankind has obtained a completed written form of Gods� Word.  Within holy scripture of the New Testament both Jew and Gentile can read of the situations in which the gift of speaking in tongues was used.  Both Jew and Gentile can see and read for themselves how and why God used that spiritual gift in the book of Acts.  Moreover, because we have a completed written Word of God in the New Testament, then both Jews and Gentiles have access to such scriptural books as Romans and Hebrews which help to further show that uncircumcised Gentiles, along with the circumcised Jews, have access to Gods� salvation.  Another key point to understand regards the manner of the book of Acts which is primarily a historical book.  When we realize and view Acts in this manner it will help remove ignorances regarding the gift of tongues.  For a well written study by Alfred H. Pohl on this matter, I direct the reader to this web link,
http://www.wayoflife.org/fbns/17%20Reasons/17reasons03.htm .   Also, is this question and answer study by Dr. Douglas D. Stauffer which shows how the book of Acts is not only historical but also reveals clear reasons why the books' contents, with regard to matters of the gift of tongues and receiving of the Holy Ghost, were never meant to be a pattern for the present day Christian church to follow, http://www.rightlydivided.com/OBRD_Question&Answer.htm .

Thus, the gift of speaking in tongues simply has had no further necessity of use.  It simply is not needed any longer in the present day Christian church.

A  -  What is it all about ?
B  -  Is it angelic or heavenly ?
C  -  Do all Christians have it ?
D  -  What did it mean ?
E  -  Is it for the present day church ?
F  -  Gifts and Fruits - Distinction

Questions or suggestions  -  Roger
[email protected]

Other studies regarding the issue of the gift of tongues :

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