

JDS teaching states that Jesus was required to spiritually suffer and die in hell at the hands of Satan and his demons.  There simply is no scriptural example, description or blatant statement regarding such a scenario spoken by Jesus Himself or written by any Old Testament and New Testament writers.  Rather what the scriptures reveal is the exact opposite;

[39] And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.
[40] But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?
[41] And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss.
[42] And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.
[43] And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee,
To day shalt thou be with me in paradise. -  Luke 23:39-43

[46] And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said,
Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.  -  Luke 23:46

The word commend means to give, to intrust and commit oneself over to the care of another for the specific purpose of preservation.   Preservation is described as being the process of keeping or to be kept from injury, destruction, death or decay.  So from the Lords� own words we read that He specifically placed His Spirit into the care and trust of the Father for the purpose of preservation of His Spirit from death.  Jesus did not spiritually die or suffer at the hands of Satan or demons in hell.  Because Jesus is commending His Spirit back into the care of God the Father, then it only makes sense that Jesus� Spirit is going up into heaven and not down into hell.

If in truth,  the redemptive purpose for Jesus� Spirit was to die for the sins of mankind in hell then the scenario and action written about in Luke 23:46 would be a blatant defeating of the purpose of the redemption of mankind.  If in truth, Jesus� Spirit was required to suffer and die for sins in hell then it is pointless for Jesus to be entrusting His Spirit back into the hands of the Father for the purpose of preserving His Spirit from death.  If in truth, Jesus� Spirit was required to suffer and die for sins in hell then His entrusting His Spirit back into the care of the Father was in reality an opposing action.  Jesus would then have failed to redeem sinful mankind.  But of course this is simply unscriptural and foolish thinking.  Such is the mindset of the doctrine of JDS.

In addition to all of this, Jesus specifically tells the thief that he will verily be with Him, ( Jesus ),  in paradise that very day.  The word, verily, means without doubt and without question.  Verily, is a matter of certainty.  It is an absense of doubt.  What Jesus said to the thief was that without question he would be with Jesus in paradise that very day.  Therefore on the very day that Jesus and the thief died on their respective crosses then both of their spirits went to paradise.   It is an absolute certainty, without doubt and without question.  We have our Lords� own words which say so.  Paradise is in heaven, not in hell;

[42] And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.
[43] And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee,
To day shalt thou be with me in paradise. -  Luke 23:42-43

If I ASCEND up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.  -  Psalms 139:8 

2.  I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one
caught up to the third heaven.
3.  And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;)
4.  How that he was
caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.  -  2 Cor. 12:2-4 

7.  He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of
the paradise of God. -  Rev. 2:7

Paradise and heaven are one and the same place.  It is here where the Spirit of Jesus went upon His giving up the ghost.   Moreover, the request of the thief is also revealing.  The thief asks Jesus;

[42] And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me
when thou comest into thy kingdom. -  Luke 23:42

The thief requests of the Lord to remember him when He, Jesus, would come into His kingdom.  Now by what scripture can JDS proponents prove that hell is the kingdom of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ?  If Jesus� Spirit was supposedly going to hell immediately after His death on the cross, then the scriptures should have provided some explanation by Jesus to the thief that He must first endure the toments of hell and then afterwards be with the thief in His kingdom.  However, no such explanation is stated nor hinted at.  Simply because the gospel of Luke clearly tells where the Spirit of Jesus went immediately upon the death of His physical body on the cross.  Back into the hands of God the Father, in His kingdom.  Heaven and not hell.  Praise the Lord.  However,  JDS doctrine denies these very truths.  Therefore, the JDS doctrine is a doctrine of devils.
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