

Other scriptures which certain people have used to attempt to substantiate that the Spirit of Jesus took on Himself the nature of Satan when He was on the cross are the following;

39.  But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:
40.  For as Jonas was
three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. 
-  Matt. 12:39-40

14.  And as Moses
lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: -  John 3:14

In the writing of Matthew, he writes of Jesus making a parallel between the time Jonah was in the whale with the time that He, ( Jesus ), would be in hell, that is to say the heart of the earth.  In the writing of John is stated another parallel of which Jesus speaks.   Jesus says that as Moses lifted up the serpent then even so, in the same manner, must Jesus Himself be lifted up.  In the writing of Matthew, the JDS doctrine twists the words of Jesus to mean that Jesus is making a parallel between the sufferings that Jonah endured in the whale with alleged spiritual sufferings which Jesus should endure in the heart of the earth, hell.  However, Jesus is in no manner paralleling nor equating suffering experiences much less any spiritual sufferings.  The only clear equation and parallel which Jesus is making between Himself and Jonah in Matthew is a parallel of a period of time.  Jesus is only speaking about a time frame of 3 days and 3 nights.  Nothing more and nothing less.   Jesus is not equating any experience of suffering nor any spiritual sufferings.

Next, in the case of Moses and the serpent as written of in Johns� gospel, the JDS doctrine teaches a parallel between a spiritual nature of the serpent and the spiritual nature of the Son of man, Jesus.  Yet once again such a parallel is in complete error.   Jesus is not equating Himself with the serpent which Moses had lifted up in the wilderness.   In no manner is Jesus making a parallel that His unchanging, divine Spirit is to become the wicked, corrupt spiritual nature of the serpent.  Clearly, the only equating and paralleling of which Jesus is speaking is the act of being lifted up.  Further scriptural evidence to support this truth is found in these scriptures;

32.  And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
33.  This he said, signifying what death he should die.  -  John 12:32-33

The death which Jesus is speaking about in John chapter 12 is a physical death.  The scriptural statement, " lifting up from the earth ", is signifying the physical body of Jesus being lifted up on a physical cross during His physical crucifixion for our sins.  So Jesus is not speaking about a change in His unchangeable spiritual nature into that of some wicked, Satanic / serpent nature while He ( Jesus ) is on the cross.  Jesus is not referring to suffering spiritually for sins while He is on the cross.  Rather, in Johns' gospel chapters 3 and 12, Jesus is clearly speaking of only His physical, ( His flesh and blood ), sacrifice on the cross for our sins.

Thus, the perverted and wicked teaching of the Jesus Died Spiritually doctrine is seen for the fault and error that it is.
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