

In another report it is claimed that the film script has a heavy leaning on an 18th century book of Catholic mysticism, ( http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/content/news_syndication/article_2003_06_30_gibson.shtml ).
It has also been reported that Mr. Gibson had stated in regard to his film that he was trying to be very real about it, (
http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=33461 ). 

The truth of the matter is that Mr. Gibson can�t be real when he claims direct Holy Spirit involvement in his film while the very film script itself does not faithfully nor literally fit the scriptural accounts of Christs� crucifixion due to the additional influences of visionary and mystical writings not found in holy scripture.  The problem is that Mr. Gibsons� words and actions do not support one another.   In one reported claim, the reporter writes that Mr. Gibson was using scripture as his source and that Mr. Gibson is telling the literal truth, (
http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2003/7/16/170439.shtml ).  This is most certainly not the case.  Mr. Gibson has not told the literal truth in his film nor has he used scripture as his source for his film due to the mixture of mystic writings not contained in Gods� Word such as visionary works of a 17th century nun and an 18th century book of Catholic mysticism (
http://www.moviecitynews.com/notepad/2003/030722b_tue.html ).  In fact, on one Catholic store website, that very website claims that Mr. Gibson based his movie, not on holy scripture itself, but rather on the book of Anne Catherine Emmerich, ( http://newadvent.catholiccompany.com/product_detail.cfm?ID=2739 ).  So the reality is no.  Mr. Gibson has not used holy scripture as his source for his film and therefore has not told the literal truth regarding the scriptural, gospel accounts regarding the time surrounding Christs� crucifixion.

As a result of this mixture of written source material for the film script, Mr. Gibson can�t possibly and thus does not seek the holy scriptures themselves nor simply rely on the supposed direct involvement of the Holy Ghost in order to obtain the approval and validation he seeks, for the purpose of determining that his film accurately depicts the gospel accounts of the events surrounding and during Christs� crucifixion.  Therefore, he has to then seek and look to the advice and acceptance of his audience, ( 
http://www.canadiangrassroots.ca/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=4870 ).  But the motives and activity of Mr. Gibson has no basis or example in holy scripture.  The issue of written sources regarding visionary writings of nuns will be discussed further. 

Moreover, there are embellishments within the film itself and these segments of his film are clearly not found in any of the gospels.  For instance, Mr. Gibsons� film adaptation of Christs� Passion has Satan challenging Christs� purpose to die for the sins of the world.  This supposed challenge occurs in the film during the time when Christ is in the Garden of Gethsemane.  There is no scriptural evidence of this scenario in any of the gospels. 
Rather, the gospels have Satan verbally challenging and attacking Christ and His divine person in the wilderness after Christ had been baptized by John the Baptist and Christ rebukes Satans� attacks three times with holy scripture.  This situation occurred long before Jesus prayed His suffering, bloody prayer in Gethsemane.   Then in another instance of the films� story is the situation regarding the person of Simon of Cyrene who is forced to carry Christs� cross.  Mr. Gibson developed the character of Simon for his film into a kind of Jewish hero.   Yet again, such a scenario is no where to be found in holy scripture.   In fact, so little is said in holy scripture concerning the man Simon of Cyrene that no scriptural evidence proves or reveals him to have been a hero for any reason.  So it is not difficult to quickly determine that the Passion film does not scripturally, accurately depict the hours of Christ prior to His crucifixion and therefore such discrepancy can have no Holy Ghost involvement or association.  There are other scriptural discrepencies of Mr. Gibsons� dramatic, artisitic license which can be reviewed at a website of various articles about Mr. Gibsons� Passion film.  That website is located at:
http://www.cephasministry.com/index_the_passion.html .  Other websites which deal with scriptural discrepancies of Mr. Gibsons� Passion film are: http://www.wayoflife.org/fbns/melgibson-thepassionofthechrist/dowehave-artistic-license.htmlhttp://www.av1611.org/Passion/passion.html / http://www.crossroad.to/articles2/04/passion.htm .  These articles are a must read for those Christians who truly desire other good scriptural discernment and insight about this issue of Mr. Gibsons� film and thus why all professing Christianity should reject seeing this film and be an example to all of our brothers and sisters in the Lord.  I now wish to go a bit further with a scriptural examination of the Biblical messengers of God, how they contrast to Mr. Gibsons� Holy Ghost claim, the importance of that contrast and then also provide further evidence of the various people involved in the films� development.  Thereby further showing that it truly was not the involvement of the Holy Ghost who assissted Mr. Gibson as far as developing and making the film is concerned, but rather other people of academic quality who did so which again proves Mr. Gibsons� claim of Holy Ghost involvement to be untrue and disingenuous.  For sermons, primarily audio but some text based, view this webpage: http://www.sermonaudio.com/specialtopic.asp?topic=thepassion .
A -  Holy Ghost working through me
B -  Scriptural Examination
C -  Validation of other people - Pt. 1
D -  Validation of other people - Pt. 2 / other source material
E -  Mixture of source material - Pt. 2
F -  Godly, Holy Ghost messengers
G -  Scripture & other writings
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