

Consider this self-evident and self-answering question and the corresponding reply from scripture;

35.  Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again?
36.  For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.  -  Romans 11:35-36

Paul asks the question, who has first given to Him, ( God ), and based on that first gift to God then God has recompensed back to the giver?  The self-evident answer is no one.  No person has first given anything to God and then God has recompensed them back.  That is not how things work because no person has first given God anything.  God has always been the initiator of kindness, mercy, grace, salvation and blessing towards a sin filled world and a wretched and corrupt, sinful people who by nature reject that God.   God has always first extended His hands of blessing to a sin-sick and sin filled world.

Notice verse 36.  It is of God and through God and to God of which are all things.  What does that mean?  That means that without God nothing would exist, have life or being.  God is all in all and all sufficient in Himself and Himself alone.  God has no need or lack.  But we do.  His creation.  We, the creation, are subject to lack and necessities.  God, the Creator,  never is nor has been.  Therefore, since God is the all sufficient One and we, the Christian, are subject to times of lack and necessities, then all we need to do is ask and seek God, the all sufficient One, to supply what we have need of.  No pre-condition of giving money to other people, ministries included, is required.

If therefore, no act of giving to other people is first required of Gods� children in order receive what we need and desire from God,  then what is the scriptural method and condition to receive from God?  Two requirements.  Maintaining diligence and attention to Gods� Word which produces faith and then simply asking God for whatever we need with the giving of thanks to God.
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