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My Advisor(Pn Suriana):010-4001518

Boss MS Nizam Restaurant(Sitti Hannah):010-7934131

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    5 Reason Why You Should Hire Me

    1. Computer Skills

    As I graduated in Bachelor Degree of Information Science (Hons.) Information Library, I have a few skills in computer work. I have skills in doing documents using Microsoft Office. I will be able to do any task that required to use in Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Power Point.Other than that, I also can use the html and css to make a website.Lastly, I also have skills in editing photos and make banners by using Adobe Photoshop. With this two computer skills that I have, I believe I can perform any work given to me in the future.

    2. Responsible and Leadership

    I am a responsible person. I was appointed to be a President of Librarian in 2016 in SMK Kudat. As leader, I am responsible to guide and take care of my librarians. I successfully develop my leadership skills in organizing library in my school. With the experience as leader, I believe that I can be a good staff in your company. I can work with others and manage to work under pressure.

    3. Commitment

    In 2014,2015 and 2016, I achieved 100% Attendance to school. This proved that I take attendance as a serious matter either in school or in any work place in future. In my opinion, as we have a commitment to one particular work, we must do it until it success. This can be done by come to work everyday and do our job properly. If you hire me as one of your staff, I believe I can get my task done at the right time.

    4. Ability to communicate in English & Bahasa Melayu

    I have improve my communication skills as i attend a special class that will help us on how to speak and write fluent english I can either speak or write in English or Bahasa Melayu fluently.One of the important criteria to be a good employee is being able to communicate effectively. This is because, as we work, we are working with a team. So, in order to send or receive any information, communication is the key to success.

    5. Ability to manage time effectively

    As a student before, assignments, submission, classes and co-curicular are my responsibilities. In order to get a good gred or CGPA, I have to manage my time properly. I do schedule for each semester. This is important because i can manage my time properly. I believe, if I works in your company, I will be able to manage my time effectively with every task given to me.

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Last Updated 20 November 2018
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