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Ye Olde Apothecary Formula 
for Herbal Remedies:
A guide to compounding herbs by properties 
to increase their effectiveness. (Includes Folk
recipe for Four Theives Vinegar).

Herb notes:
Making a proper pot of tea.
Herb Tea.
Herbs and Vitamins.
Other Herbal  preparations
Herbs and food:

Cordials and Herbal Wines:
Beyond simple libation Wines and Cordials 
can be an effective means of preserving and 
delivery of herbal compounds. (As with all 
things pertaining to health one should consult
ones Physician first.)

The Art of Brewing:
Short but sweet introduction to Brew craft. 

Brown Sugar Wort:
An alternative to grain for beer and Ale.

The Oval Hydrometer:
Describes an often over looked tool useful
to the cottage Brewer.

Yearly Forecast:
Simple advice based on your date of birth
for 2001 and 2002. Never been updated 
because it's a lot of trouble
and nobody is reading it anyway. 
Numerologists to view our Whole Life Wheel.

The Art of Divination:
Through the practice of Divination
we learn not only about events distant,
near, past and future. We gain a unique 
understanding and feel for the structure
of the Universe we live in. The grand 
design beyond the will of man is revealed,
often with shocking always with surprising revelations. 

Discourse on Breathing:
The manner in which you breath effects not 
only the rhythm of your heart but the 
functioning of your vital organs, as well as 
the very thought process itself.

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