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carol_d_and_kids.jpg (14327 bytes)The fundraising efforts of Nail Patella Syndrome Worldwide Inc. are very important in raising awareness in the medical community as well as within the general population.  So many people throughout the world either do not know that they have NPS or their information on this syndrome is severely limited.  It is very difficult if not next to impossible for people to get adequate medical attention.  This is not always the fault of the physician.  There just isn't very much information available and what information that is circulating is often inaccurate.

NPSW has undertaken the task of raising funds to finance the publication of brochures containing the most up to date information about Nail Patella Syndrome available.  These brochures are currently being written for families with NPS and their physicians.  As more funding becomes available, a detailed brochure exclusively for medical professionals is being planned.

Money raised by NPSW will not only be directed to fund publications but also to help cover costs associated with yearly medical symposiums), to help families defray the travel cost of sending their loved ones to medical institutions for testing and/or surgical procedures and for any other costs that might come up that is associated with our ultimate goal of spreading awareness around the globe.

Many people involved with NPSW have started raising funds in a variety of ways, bake sales, raffle drawings, family fun nights with prizes and drawings.  If you are interested in raising funds for NPSW but don't quite know where to start, please read an account of how the head of our Fundraising Committee got started (Carol and family pictured above).  [Carol's Story]

In addition to raising funds for NPSW, Carol Dobbins has accomplished so much in the way of raising public awareness.  She has contacted several newspapers in Scotland and had her personal NPS story featured in their publications.  The result of this effort is that she has been contacted by several families in Scotland that have NPS.  Some of these people knew they had a syndrome called NPS and some of them didn't.  One thing they all had in common is that they did not know how insidious this syndrome is. 

To make a tax deductible donation or for more information concerning fundraising for NPSW,

send your inquiries to [email protected]

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DISCLAIMER: These materials are for informational purposes only, and are intended to provide you with reliable and timely health information. It is not our aim to provide health advice or counseling, which should be sought from a licensed health care practitioner or health care organization.


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