April's Stupid Site

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In February 1982 David Grundman and his roommate went out drinking and shooting and decide to shoot some RARE cacti. The first small cacti fell without a problem then the switched to a larger (23 foot) one. One arm fell off the cactus and crushed Grundman to death.

People (mostly guys) have been electrocuuted pissing on a subway's 3rd rail.

Stupid Assholes Online

Pinder (thinks he has alien gaurdians)

Eridani aka End UFO Secracy still mad because I spurned his love *I'm not kidding* he pastes his fucking convos...all pastes how fucking uncreative

Eagle (god fanatic who admits he asked women to fuck him fer money as a sceintific *experiment*)

Cephiod Variables(never shuts up)

Paininthbut (racist sexist homophobe)

lesath666(uses big words like fat)

dr_phil_here_to_help (like ceph never shuts up would be less annoying if he wasn't so loud)

DRGZT aka ED Stalker freak who screams like a 4 year old in the throes of a tantrum keep yelling maybe the FBI will pick you up again shit homeland securities got to be good for something. 

ml69big any guy who has to use 69 AND big in their nick is overcompensating and a loser who probably cant get any real sex offline go read the news and educate yourself you swallowed Chennys lies hook line and sinker you Canada hating fucking bastard its not our fault your miserable and your life sucks FUCK OFF.

Placid Satire and his woman Phae. Flacid is a fat McDonalds loving American who is a con artist preying on chicks for money and his Canadian internet lover is a psychotic whiner who keeps taking the fat cheating semi impotent slob back. They subject us all to the internet romance from hell.




Famous Stupid Assholes

George Bush military records clik it! I don't need to explain

Shania Twian cus she's a traitor and I always thunk she sucked anyways

Metallica for fucking up Napster and suing their fans you bastards sold out

Dick Chenny I hate you even more then I hate Bush, Bush is a puppet monkey YOU know what yer doing you slime. All of Canada hates you for the rotten shit you say about us and because its yer fault some of the hillbilly type Americans think Canada had something to do with 911 when you fuckers knew it was going to happen and didn't warn your people, knew while it was happening yet you did nothing and after knew Canada had nothing to do with it but made us look bad so you could screw us over on softwood and refuse to negotiate on issues effecting natives risking the starvation of thousands of lives you piece of shit scumbag. I am even willing to say you wanted 911 to happen. It was very good for your careers Americans should have been warned oh you POS scum.


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