The Solar Holidays

This is a brief outline of the solar holidays and the dates for this/next year. To get an accurate idea of when each holiday is, you would be strongly advised to purchase a decent diary, not necessarily a Pagan one, but at least one which contains accurate astrological information. The Llewellyns Witches Datebook is available from Amazon and most New Age/Pagan shops but is for the US timezone; the Elfin Diary covers the UK and is available in some bookshops but can be ordered on the website  You can also get more information from the Witches Voice section on the Sabbats


31st October 2004

This holiday is considered the Witches New Year, representing one full turn of the wheel of the year. This is the last of the three harvest Sabbats. Celebrations to honour the dead are done at this ritual, along with speaking with those who have passed over; divination is heightened on this night. It is said that the veil between the world is weakest on this night. Black candles are used to ward off negativity.


22nd December 2003

This is the shortest day and the longest night of the year. It is seen as a time when the waxing sun welcomes the waning sun. This solar festival is celebrated by fire and by the use of the Yule Log. The colours of this season are red and green, and of course, these are of Pagan origin. Holy wreaths are traditional, as is the use of bayberry candles, which are burned to ensure wealth and happiness throughout the coming year.


1st February 2004

This is the celebration of banishing the winter season. Lavender and white candles are traditionally burned in honour of this holiday. The Candlemas Sabbat marks the time to welcome the spring, and represents fertility and things yet to be born. This is a good time to look over your magical supplies, check what you are low on and stock up for the coming months.

Ostara: Spring (Vernal) Equinox

20th March 2004

This is the time when night and day are of equal length. It is a celebration of balance. It is also associated with fertility, and is the second in the trinity of spring celebrations. The Easter bunny is of Pagan derivative, as are baskets of flowers. Colours associated with this holiday are light green, lemon yellow and pale pink. (The Christian Easter Sunday is 31st March, 2002)


1st May 2004

This is the last of the three spring fertility festivals and is a time when people, plants and animals prepare for the warm months ahead. This is a time for love, union and the traditional maypole. It is a time of joining two halves to make a whole: the third entity. Ribbons of bright blue, lavender, warm pink, lemon yellow and white are representative of the season, but the traditional colours for Mayday are red and white.

Summer Solstice/Litha

21st June 2004

This is the longest day of the year. A celebration of passion and success. Candles used are traditionally gold and red. Midsummer's eve is also a time to commune with field and forest spirits and fairies.


1st August 2004

This Sabbat represents the beginning of the harvest cycle, which rests on the early grain harvest as well as those future fruits and vegetables that are ready. Bread is traditionally baked for this holiday.

Autumn Equinox/Mabon

22nd September 2003

Associated with the taking of corn and other foods that are to be harvested at this time. Candles are traditionally brown, orange gold or red. River and stream stones gathered over the summer can be empowered for various purposes.

These holidays make up the spokes o what is known as 'the wheel of the year'. Basically you get two holidays to mark the longest and shortest days, two to mark when the days and nights are of equal length (each of which can vary from year to year), and one in between each of those which celebrates the season and is set to a particular date.

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