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Snes Emulators

Emulators basically allows you to play downloaded roms from the net. Eg. Snes emulators can play Snes Roms. In this site you would find the best Snes emulators avalible & be able to download roms for them on this site. (visit the snes roms section for some TOP roms!!! :-)

Zsnes 1.31b DOS version - 430KB

This emulator runs in DOS and it is VERY fast, has good graphics. Can run on any computer even a 486 (its true!). If you have a relatively good CPU then get the windows version. Unfortunately it hasn't got a user friendly interface so this is NOT for newbies!!!

NOTE: This emulator requires Microsoft's Directx 8. To download it go HERE.


Zsnes 1.31b Windows Version - 412KB

This emulator runs more slowly than its DOS counterpart but has better graphics. Need a more demanding CPU (PII or higher). Same interface as the DOS version but it is still a VERY good emulator. If not the best...........

NOTE: This emulator requires Microsoft's Directx 8. To download it go HERE.


Snes9x 1.36 Windows Version - 735KB

This emulator is the most user friendly of all the emulators and certainly has the best graphics. But if you haven't got a reasonable system then the emulator runs crap. So if you got a good system then download this emulator, if not download Zsnes.


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