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Rpg Snes Roms

Rpg Snes Roms are Snes Roms that are in the Role-Playing catorgory (RPG).

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7th Saga - 789KB

Password = " Nano Roms" (without the quotes)

Very nice RPG from enix. It got a "radar" so you could see where your enemies are which is pretty cool and the graphics are pretty good aswell. Not a "terrific" rpg but a cool one nevertheless.

(8/ 10)


Breath Of Fire - 1.03MB

Password = " Nano Roms" (without the quotes)

Solid RPG game where you transform into dragons and all that not bad but not too impresive.

(8/ 10)


Breath Of Fire 2 - 1.67MB

Password = " Nano Roms" (without the quotes)

This is one of those games where the prequel is better than the sequel. But never the less it is a solid hard RPG.

(7/ 10)


Chrono Trigger - 2.93MB

Password = " Nano Roms" (without the quotes)

Some consider this as the best game to grace the Super Nintendo Entertainment System Console (SNES). It has a superb soundtrack, a AWESOME storyline and has one of the best gameplay for the SNES.

(10/ 10)


Dragonballz RPG - 692KB

Password = " Nano Roms" (without the quotes)

This is a Dragonballz RPG!!! And it is quite fun because you can do all of your favourite Z fighters moves. A MUST download for Dragonballz fans!!! But sometimes it gets too repetitive.

(7/ 10)


Earthbound - 1.97MB

Password = " Nano Roms" (without the quotes)

This game's graphics are crap and the music isn't very good but it has a very good storyline and it is very very funny. Some people just loves this game and some people just hate it. II personally hate it but my friends all love this. Makes you think, eh?

(???/ 10) Depends on your taste!!!


Evolution: The Search For Eden - 1.15MB

Password = " Nano Roms" (without the quotes)

This is a very peculier game, in the start you take control of a fish in a flat platforming view, then you kill other things to get experience and evolve in to stronger beings ie. from fish => dinosaur => mammal => human. Quite fun game.

(8/ 10)


Final Fantasy 3 - 2.14MB

Password = " Nano Roms" (without the quotes)

This is probably the BEST Final Fantasy game for SNES, it got cool music and very good graphics and has the traditional Final Fantasy gameplay.

(9/ 10)


Final Fantasy 5 - 1.42MB

Password = " Nano Roms" (without the quotes)

This is another Final Fantasy title but it is one of the best!!! Probably the best "job" system in the whole Final Fantasy Saga!!!! Unfortunately it never made it to the US until the PSX came in so it was never recongnised.

(9/ 10)


Harvest Moon - 908KB

Password = " Nano Roms" (without the quotes)

This is a very fun game, it is about you being a farm boy. You can grow crops, chop trees, fishing and even marry girls. This is SO good that Nintendo has re-release it for the N64. (Harvest Moon 64)

(8/ 10)


Lufia - 800KB

Password = " Nano Roms" (without the quotes)

This is like Lufia 2 but is more uglier, has badder music and a badder storyline. But all and all this is a very solid RPG.

(7/ 10)


Lufia 2 - 1.82MB

Password = " Nano Roms" (without the quotes)

This is a very long RPG and has ok graphics, music, gameplay. Good battle scenes and has very cool puzzles but the story line is a bit crap. But never the less it is a good solid RPG rom.

(8/ 10)


Sercet Of Mana - 1.28MB

Password = " Nano Roms" (without the quotes)

This is a very original title with a AWESOME storyline and the fighting process is just outstanding. But Secret Of Mana 2 is better.....

(9/ 10)


Secret Of Mana 2 - 2.69MB

Password = " Nano Roms" (without the quotes)

This is the sequel of Secret Of Mana and has WAY better graphics than the original. Very good plot and invite your friends over for some great 3 or 4 player fun!!!

(9/ 10)


Shadow Run - 679KB

Password = " Nano Roms" (without the quotes)

This is simply AWESOME cyberpunk RPG game and has great graphics and gameplay. Good sound aswell and cool fighting system.

(9/ 10)


Super Mario RPG - 2.56MB

Password = " Nano Roms" (without the quotes)

This is a Mario game and it is a very weird RPG because of some very different elements. But despite the strangeness, this game rules!! (If not toooooo hard) But it doesn't beat Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy 3.

(8/ 10)


Tales Of Phantasia - 4.40MB (No Jokes!!!)

Password = " Nano Roms" (without the quotes)

This is THE best SNES ever made simply because of the top notch graphics (second only to the awesome Donkey Kong Country) and the best music for the SNES. The battle scenes are highly original and very very fun and the plot is good as well.

(10/ 10)


Terranigma - 2.83MB

Password = " Nano Roms" (without the quotes)

This is kinda like Secret Of Mana 1 & 2 but its cooler and has a better storyline.

(9/ 10)


Zelda 3: A Link To The Past - 689KB

Password = " Nano Roms" (without the quotes)

This is Zelda at its very best. Cool simplistic fighting makes this a very good game. Hard but fun puzzles. This is VERY highly recommended.

(10/ 10)



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