Community for Women
Bisexual Professional Women in Australia

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Our Mission

To provide a voice for bisexual professional women in Australia, so that we can end the isolation, share our stories and learn from each others' experiences.  Our discussion group is to be found on, and this web site is to tell the stories of women who would like to reach out and help to "fill in the blanks" that exist for so many of us, as well as providing quality articles and research pieces for our own and others' information.

It's important to realise that the discussion group is for women who are certain about their sexuality, and isn't able to act as a support group for those who are questioning their sexuality.  There are groups like WwLW, and Ask Joanne, that already exist for that purpose.

If you decide you'd like to apply to subscribe to the discussion group, please take time to describe yourself and say why you'd like to join, what you hope to get from the group, and what you'd like to contribute.

To clarify, our community is for:

  • Women only
  • Women who are definitely not heterosexual
  • Women who are in professions, business owners, or executives, including women who are taking time out from the workforce, studying, retired, or between projects.

In recognition of the diversity of the bisexual experience, as the collection builds, I will do my best to categorise so that you can more readily find what resonates for you.

Copyright � 2006 Bisexual Women in Australia
Last modified: 10/7/06

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