
Writings & Work by: Naomi Ruth Wallace

Translation Charts

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Genesis Chapters 1-6
Translation chart for Genesis chapters one through six (above) is without my commentary and reference notes, it is a standard pdf file research tool that can be printed from your personnal computer. The file above is free for personnal use only. The amount of information on each page does use allot of ink to print, it took about a fourth of my color cart. plus black ink. I published this chart in a book that is avalible at the link botton below. This printed book cost $8.78 and has a front and back cover (it looks real cool). It can also be bought in bulk at a discount. I am leaving the pdf file avalible to the public here because not everyone has the available means to purchase the book and helping people learn the truth is more important than book sales. I have to purchase an ISBN (bar code) before it can be sold in book store. Until then the printed book is only available at the link below. I am editing the commentary edition, it will be available as a book only at the same link below. It should cost the same as the one without the commentary, but it will have my commentary and reference notes. It will be published as a special edition, these 6 chapter are the only ones I plan to apply a commentary to.
Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.
Thank You
Naomi Ruth Wallace


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You can order my poem book and a printed copy of the translation chart at: Lulu.com

Thank You


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