Views of
Spontaneous Combustion

from Don Shorock's Winfield Memories Archives

Unless otherwise noted, these photos were taken by Don Shorock, but all may be reproduced as long as proper credit is given.

  1. Cowboy Bob performing with Spontaneous Combustion in the 1995 "Don't tell Bob" performance after stage 3'd closed. 33KB Posted 01Apr1997.
  2. Stage 6 (in 1995, I think)20KB posted 06Sep 1997.
  3. Spontaneous Combustion on Stage 2 posted 26 Dec 1997.
  4. Bob Redford being adopted by Betty Schwartzkopf (Roger & Leo's Mom) posted 20 Mar 1998
  5. Leo Eilts & his new bass posted 7 May 1998
  6. 29 May 1998 - Link to Santa Fé Trail Festival site instead of a photo
  7. Leo takes a stroll 1997 on stage 3 posted 12 July 1998
  8. Spontane's grand entrance at Colby posted 20 July 1998
  9. Land Rush 1998: Marvin fiddles while waiting for the line to move posted 5 Oct 1998
  10. The Security Dancers accompany Spontane posted 3 Oct 1999
  11. Cowboy Songs posted 22 August 2000 (Roger and Leo)

End of Memory of the Week Spontane Archives

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