My Cleveland Victory Indoor Tour Pics

Even though the US team lost in a miserable game 15-7 it was pretty fun.  Before the game they came out and signed autographs..  First to come by me was Julie.  Some how I called out her name and she turned around.  Phew!  I was wearing my "spikes" in my hair as shown in the pictures.  My sister took pictures of me and players.  I am the one in the red long sleeve shirt.  They all commented something about my hair.  I was incredibly nervous.  Then I got Sara Whalen's (yeah!!), Tracy Ducar's, Tisha Venturini's, Cindy Parlow's, and Tiffany Roberts' autographs on the same magazine.  But they all had to go prepare for the game so they left.  Unlike athletes who are forced by other people to sign for kids the USWNT never wanted to stop.  They kept saying "One more, just one more. I swear".  Very cool!  Then the game started and it was a very interesting to watch except they lost.  I just don't think they were used to indoor like I am. They were using the boards. (Sorry, slipped into coach mode) I also had 2 people come with us who had never seen a soccer game and of course they were hooked. I like outdoor games much better though.

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