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October 14th, 2003: It's official: NATAS will be a guest musician on Dark Humor's forthcoming [self-titled] album, featuring "Jim Beam & A Bottle Of Pills" (with Joey Kamiya performing all instruments). The demo version of this song (including vocals) sounds so bad ass!! I can't imagine how good the final verison is going to sound :-)

October 5th, 2003: NATAS' "SHAPED LIKE A COFFIN" and Skin 30's "DEAD WHITE & BLUE" now available to download at Dead Puppy Records!! Go, go, go!! ...Oh, and read the guestbook, and go here... these neo-Nazi jackasses never learn...

October 4th, 2003: Yes, October is upon us now... so more updates!! NATAS will be doing a collaboration with DARK HUMOR for their new album (which will be released through The Dead Puppy)! More information on that coming soon... NATAS has opened a page at, so go check it out! There's also a chance of some shows coming up, so keep checking the Events section, or join the Mailing List!!

September 27th, 2003: Check out an interview I did with Terry Rice of Dead Puppy Records in the Miscilanny section! I also updated the Videos section and created my very own webpage (a temporary place to buy NATAS shirts and whatnot... but they overprice everything), so check that out in the Store section! October is coming....

September 7th, 2003: This evening I was informed that the Dead Puppy Records next tribute release, TOO MANY SCARS, will hopefully be completed by the end of September. The songs Terry received so far are:
NATAS ~ "Meat In The Machine/The Sky Is Red/I Am Your Cancer" (medley)... RICH & TWISTED ~ "Mary Jane"... GOnaD ~ "If I Had Religion"... CROSBY, THE SLEEPWALKER, & GUNTHER ~ "Until October Comes"... SPARKLES - "Sick"... and VISIONS of DOLOR - "No Need For Apologies". Stay tuned!!! (Ugh, school starts tomorrow!!!!!!!!!)

September 3rd, 2003: I finally finished recording and mixing the songs I had to record for The Dead Puppy's upcoming tribute compilation, TOO MANY SCARS: a tribute to The Dead Puppy. I even had to do vocals, ugh. Hahaha. But Terry, the owner of Dead Puppy Records, emailed me today saying he liked it!! "I like the song!! I can tell you didn't really like your voice by how low it is in the mix!! Other than the voice being low it's awesome.. very MINISTRY MEETS BILE!!" To me that's a real compliment! That email definately bettered my night. I don't know when the tribute will be completed, but all I know is that other bands featured are industrial gods MORTAL PAIN and R.H. BEAR of BILE, as well as BOYS SUCK, CHAMBERS OF MORBID, and VISIONS OF DOLOR... plus a whole lot more!!


August 20th, 2003: Yeah, I came home from my 5 day/4 night vacation in San Francisco on Monday night. Hopefully today I'll get some keyboard tracks done on SHAPED LIKE A COFFIN and the Skin 30 demo, DEAD WHITE & BLUE. Sometime soon I will be recording a 3 song medly for a Dead Puppy Records tribute (this song will feature vocals as well!). In addition to that, I might collaborate some music with my pal from PA, Ken "Docta DJ" Sturgis! He might also record some synths and other "techno-sounding" elements for the SHAPED LIKE A COFFIN EP! As for website updates, I added a soundtrack, featuring two NATAS tunes, to the Discography section, pictures from the Torrance Park show are now available in the Images section, and new artwork will be added all over the website very soon... Oh, and I'm also working on a new Skin 30 website. Stay tuned for that as well...

August 8th, 2003: The Skin 30 gig at my Japanese school yesterday went fairly well. The the little kids were dancing and moshing, the teachers and principal thanked us afterwards, and we got to eat watermelon :-D Yum! The stage was pretty bad ass, and although he had to tone it down a bit (but we were still as loud as ever) we still played great. The only downfall was the fact that we were behind on schedule and was given enough time to only play three songs, but it was a good gig nonetheless! Check out NATAS' SonicAwareness page to download three songs from "Train To Nowhere." Please rate the song and/or leave your comments! @nti-Fest is tomorrow!!! :-(

August 5th, 2003: Same Old Shame practice last Sunday went pretty good (the new singer was sick and didn't attend, unfortunately). We added two new original tunes to our set :-D They're pretty bad ass, too. Skin 30 practice today went just as well. Our (Skin 30's) next gig will be at my Japanese school in two days. I'm oh so very nervous about that! Nervous about what? I shouldn't be... if the children (we'll be playing for elementary school kids, hahahahaHA) and their parents don't like it, oh well. Walk out. I just hope they don't complain to the school... Ugh, I have a feeling they will, damn them...

August 3rd, 2003: My god, Skin 30's show on Friday night was horrible! Despite the fact that some lame neighbors cried to the police (it was still around 7 or 8 p.m. goddamn them!) and it was freakin' cold outside, our performance pretty much sucked also. I guess we really weren't in sync that night... if ever :-P Well, we have 3 more parties to play this month and hopefully we'll set up a show show at Torrance Park towards the end of August... Recording-wise, nothing lately. I'm still unsure whether or not my next release will be an EP or full-length. Please email me and tell me what you think!

July 25th, 2003: The Music and Biography pages have brand new looks to them, and over time, all of the other pages will undergo similar changes. Check it out and tell me what you think! Also, I've uploaded all 19 songs to my "An Introduction To The Future Tragedies To Come" CD onto my page (links are in the Music section). Speaking of, I posted another listener comment in the Reviews section. Go look to see what Andrew Severson from the legendary and oh so superior death metal band, ROTTUATED, had to say...

July 17th, 2003: Yup, recorded some keyboard parts for a song today, but no new tunes. If you're signed up with the mailing list, I guarantee you'll be able to hear these new recordings, so hurry up and join! Oh yeah, and if you didn't notice already, the official NATAS site has left Angelfire's cemetery and found a new gravesite at Geocities, because ANGELFIRE SUCKS! Yay, no more annoying ads (except for that ad in the upper right hand corner of your browser... but those are easy to get rid of)!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, and I made a new AIM buddy icon (see Miscilanny section) and a new banner (Links section).

July 16th, 2003: You guessed right... another song recorded and mixed today. I also updated the Links and Miscilanny sections of the website.

July 15th, 2003: Recorded and mixed another song today (I am on a roll)!!! Unlike yesterday's recording, today's song is BRAND SPANKIN' NEW... nobody's heard it before... no, not even you! By the end of the week, I'll actually post the names of the songs and perhaps even mp3s samples of them... but for a more guaranteed way to receive these things, sign up for the mailing list!

July 14th, 2003: Well, I just got finished recording and mixing a brand new NATAS track (well, old song, new recording). If you want to find out what it is, and perhaps even hear a sample of it, you must sign up for the NATAS newsletter/mailing list!

July 11th, 2003: Well, well, well... finally some news!!! I hear that there's a new NATAS CD coming out? You heard correctly, my fiend! "An Introduction to the Future Tragedies to Come" is a 19-song collection of NATAS' best songs from 2001 through 2003 (featuring tracks from the "Train to Nowhere" LP, the "Dark Side of the Human Brain" EP, 2 remixes from the never-released "Dead Clones" EP, unreleased demos, and 3 songs from "System Failure" that I totally RE-RECORDED and RE-MASTERED)... And guess what? This CD is free! Just sign up for the mailing list and you've got yourself a free CD!

May 24th, 2003: Despite the lack of a large audience (a special thank you goes out to my relatives and friends who did attend), I feel that both bands, Skin 30 and Same Old Shame, played well. But we must accept the bad gigs as we accept the good gigs... at least we got to perform! Skin 30 and Same Old Shame will be performing in a few weeks (June 14th) at Torrance Park... hopefully that'll be a pretty huge gig.

May 23rd, 2003: It's currently 9:40-something at night... nearly a half hour since Skin 30 performed at the Carson High Talent Show. Oh yeah, that show was terrific! For the most part, it was our first time on a real stage with a crowded auditorium for an audience. The crowd response was amazing! Plus all of us got to use huge stack amplifiers... it was pretty kewl :-) ... Well, tomorrow we've got yet ANOTHER gig, for my 16th birthday party. Woo hoo.

May 15th, 2003: Yes, it's true! I'm sorry, it's true! I've created another NATAS website design... I don't know how it happened; I got bored, I had Manson's new album blasting, I had Adobe Photoshop open... one thing led to another. Well, I've worked hard on yet another design, so hopefully everybody enjoys it. The other band I'm in, Skin 30, is doing pretty fine: we've got a total of three gigs within the next month! Once I get the "Events" section up and running, I'll be posting information regarding the gigs there.

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