Crystal Sailor Pluto


Nintai Keiko Tomoe


Enduring Firefly of Earth

Mother: Mrs. Setsuna Meiou
Father: Dr. Souichi Tomoe
Birthdate: November 16 (Scorpio)
Crystal Sailor Pluto (13)Nintai Tomoe (20)

Physical Description:


Hair Color: Dark Green
Eye Color: Blue
Hairstyle: As her mothers’, with a bun.
Sailor Suit: Her Sailor suit is a bit different than her mothers’, been deep red and dark brown.
Personal Description:
Best Friend: Ryuu Gingekko, Hotaru Tomoe (her half-sister)
Love Interest: Ryuu Gingekko,
Favorite Food: Eggplant
Strenghts: Giving advice
Likes: Talking to the phone
Weakness: Insects
Dislikes: Making decisions
In general:

Nintai is the eldest Senshi’s daughter and her only companion was Ryuu for a long time, so they developed a strong link. She has powers to see disasters approaching and also sense when Ryuu is in danger. They act as mother and father of the rest of the Senshi.

Attacks & Weapons:
Weapon: Garnet Staff, inherited by her mother
Attack 1: Silent Schwarz Paradox. Her first attack, black energy
Attack 2: Borrowed Power Blast! Moonlight Powers! Time Travels! Using borrowed Moon powers, with Ryuu
Attack 3: Timeless Tempest! A power-up after breaking the Discordia's spell.

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