Silver Hunter


Ryuu Gingekko


Silver Moonlight's Dragon

Mother: Lady Megumi Selene Mayo (Sailor Andromeda)
Father: Lord Ryo Gingekko (Silver Defender)
Birthdate: June 25
Silver Hunter (14)Ryuu Gingekko (21)

Physical Description:


Hair Color: Black with purple dashes
Eye Color: Violet
Hairstyle: He wears it a bit high, with some bangs falling to his face.
Kamen Suit: Silver cape, mask and shirt. He has black pants and has golden crescent moon in his belt and shirt.
Personal Description:
Best Friend: Nintai Tomoe
Love Interest: Nintai Tomoe
Favorite Food: Hamburgers
Strenghts: Leadership, protecting people
Likes: Sword play
Weakness: Overprotecting his sisters
Dislikes: Disorder
In general:

Ryuu is the eldest of the Senshi’s kids and tries to live up to that responsability. His mother has trained him to lead the Lost Senshi. He is a worried brother to his twin sisters, his adoptive brother Niji and both of his ‘cousins’ Kirame and Mitsuki. His link to Nintai is very strong and both are considered the ideal couple.

Attacks & Weapons:
Weapon 1: Silver Feather, Given by his mother
Weapon 2: Silver Sword, made specially for him
Attack 1: Andromeda Trio Laser! With his younger sisters
Attack 2: Silver Feather Laser! Using his feathers as lasers
Attack 3: Borrowed Power Blast! Moonlight Powers! Time Travels! Using borrowed moon powers, with Nintai

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