The shouldn�t do things
"I think I have a stomachache. Shouldn�t have eaten all the miso soup"
Things you shouldn�t do:
1) Don�t create more than one pet if you are a newbie. I say this because to have more than one pet you have to be sure that you have enough neopoints to feed them and to take care f them
Don�t start a neohome unless you have enough neopoints and have been playing for a while. I say this because your pets don� need a neohome to sleep, neohomes are for players that can afford to buy furniture which is quite expensive and also who want to participate in the neohome contest.
3) I recommend you not to start any type of optional quests (such as Kitchen quest, snow faerie quest, Illusen or Jhudorah quest, Ednas quest, Brain Tree quest)) until you are experieced and you have enough nps to accomplish them.
4) Leave your pet sick or with out food for a long time. If your pet is sick, go to the quick reference page by clicking your pet� name and see what has it got. Then go to the neopian Hospital in the center of neopia to see how the disease is cured.Then buy the  cure in the pharmacy or in the wiz (Tip: if the price of the cure is too high you can use the healing springs.The water faerie cures al the diseases. She sometimes doesn� cure your pet at first so keep trying every 30 minutes or meore) Also don�t give your pet any of this foods unless you want to see him really sick
Poisonous jelly Rotten omelette
Poisonous lollypop
5) While you�re in the Neoboards be careful fo the scammers and spammers.A scammer is a person who steals accounts (mainly of newbies).You can recognize them because they write in a kind of code using numbers and misspelling the words. One thing you must not do is to give your password away not even if they say they are from neopets staff (not true!!).Also you have to be aware of posts that are around such as "paste this into 10 different , blah, blah and you�ll have a million nps". Don�t pay attention to this posts because you can get reported for spamming (pasting none sense in all the boards)
Also be careful of those people that ask to become your neofriend and you have not talked to that user before in your life. They are Scammers!!.
Last but not least don�t go into any tricky address given such as, etc.The user that gave you that address will surely steal your password if you do. Report the user immediately!!
If you have a shouldn�t do thing submit and I�ll post it here
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