Chemical Peels

What is a Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is the removal of layers of skin through the application of an acidic skin solution. New, healthy skin cells grow from beneath those shed resulting in a fresher, radiant complexion.  Chemical peels are able to remove blemishes, fine lines and wrinkles as well as small blood vessels.  Dependant on the concentration of acid, different depths of skin cells are able to be targeted, the stronger the concentration the deeper the layers are effected.  There are many different acids available on today's market.  The most popular types used are TCA (Trichloroacetic) and Glycolic.

How does a Chemical Peel work?

The application of Acid causes damage to the skins intercellular cement, the cell wall and cell proteins. Skin cells become dry/brittle and are unable to connect with one another and therefore begin to peel/shed away in treated areas.  The removal of the most outer layers triggers growth of new skin cells resulting in a renewed complexion.

Are there any side effects?

There may be a slight stinging in the treated area, with the skin feeling hot and at times prickly.  The area is kept cool to avoid unnecessary irritation.  After the peel, skin will be slightly red and normal colour will return depending on the percentage of chemical used.

How long does this treatment take?

Shedding of the skin will begin 3-4 days after the procedure and should've completed in 7-10 days.

How long do the effects last?

This is very dependant on the type of peel you choose.  It is recommended to have 3-4 sessions every 2 weeks for best results.  Depending on maintenance and care of the skin the results of a chemical peel can last from 1-3 years.

Is there any aftercare I should be aware of?

Any chemical peel involves the use of highly active ingridients and therefore must be carried out only by specially trained practitioners. After application the skin may turn a little red. The strength of the chemical peel solution will determine how quickly the old skin will naturally peel. We recommend few sessions and lower concentration to start with to avoid any unpredictable outcomes. Patents are advised not wash or put anything on the treated area for atleast 24hrs after the peel.  Post peel recovery cream is available and a high SPF is essential on a daily basis. Avoid any products that contain perfume or retinol, try to avoid scrubbing or scratching the treated area as this increases the risk of infection.








©Aesthetics and Beauty ~ April 2004.

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