Nude recreation, what do you think?


Here you will find the recent messages and the latest naturist/nude news from our NaturalFjord yahoo club Message board. To see all messages, post new messages or post a reply to a message below, you must go to the Yahoo club page. However, you will need a Yahoo ID (free) sign up as "member" of our club, see also our club page.


#SubjectYahoo IDDate/Time (EDT)
76Norsk Naturismetraveller_2u12/15/02 8:56pm
75Naturist news/nyhetenetraveller_2u11/30/02 11:42pm
74Super Family Swim weekend!traveller_2u11/09/02 12:50am
73ABNF har søndagssvømming igjen/has again sunday swimming!traveller_2u10/21/02 11:10 pm
72Om naturister (Dagladet & Aftenposten, 28/7)traveller_2u7/28/02 11:38pm
71The art of Naturismtraveller_2u7/23/02 12:35am
60Naturism for youtraveller_2u7/8/02
69Re: Where to gotraveller_2u6/25/02
68Where to gouwalfa6/23/02
67Er du glad i å være naken i naturen...traveller_2u5/11/02 10:22 pm
66Småbruk, the naturalwaytraveller_2u4/9/02 12:48am
65Do you like to go swimming?traveller_2u2/25/02 5:05 pm
64Felles badstue - Mixed Saunatraveller_2u2/1/02 7:04 pm
63January H&E now on saletraveller_2u1/20/02 4:29 pm
62Wellness, Aqua Relax, Naturism in Focustraveller_2u1/17/02 3:56 pm
61Nude - but not for nordmenn...traveller_2u1/10/02 7:20 pm
60Re: Takk for initiativet!!!!traveller_2u12/10/01 7:09 pm
59Takk for initiativet!!!!frimind212/6/01 7:56 am
58Re: Flott initiativ, Leon! traveller_2u11/25/01 11:16 am
57Flott initiativ, Leon! gaanaken11/23/01
56November H&E for winter naturist inspirationtraveller_2u11/18/01 7:36 pm
55Super svømme tilbud med ONFU:traveller_2u11/18/01 7:29 pm
54BN Natur Mag takes a tour through Norwaytraveller_2u11/02/01 7:58 am
53welcome to NaturalFjord, Oct H&Etraveller_2u10/28/01
52The naked (pizza) cheftraveller_2u10/26/01
51Hyggelig stemming på Sognbadtraveller_2u10/16/01
50Sigurd på naken ski/nude x-country ski!traveller_2u10/11/01 6:22 pm
49Quiz: hva er en norsk smoothie?traveller_2u10/5/01 3:16 pm
48Natural News ->traveller_2u9/28/01 6:07 pm
47'du kan bade naken på ferien'traveller_2u9/25/01 3:31 am
46Naturist steder/Naturist placestraveller_2u9/23/01 5:16 pm
45Siste nytt om Landøya svømmehallen:traveller_2u9/21/01 6:28 am
44Hippie Hollow visittraveller_2u9/17/01 7:00 pm
43Welcome/velkommen!traveller_2u9/5/01 5:45 am
42Innesvømming og kanskje en høsttur til..traveller_2u8/26/01 5:40 am
41NaturalFjord website greatly enhancedtraveller_2u8/11/01 12:28 pm
40Very funny naturist cartoon,meget morsomtraveller_2u8/9/01 4:58 pm

Norsk Naturisme (traveller_2u)
Does it compare to anything?

First, lets look at neighbour Tyskland, where naturist (FKK) hotels are quite common. A very nice example is Hotel Zum Walde, near Aachen (follow the links) - makes you want to drift away and be pampered au naturel. "Norske forhold" as so many norwegian leaders like to call it means nordmenn can only dream about what is so common elsewhere. We enjoy the naturist paintings in the banquet hall of the Oslo Rådhus - but we are we true to its message?

(c) Focus

(c) Hotel Zum Walde

(c) Camera Natura

Then, let's take a look at the latest edition of the swedish photography managine Camara Natura where Mike Harris presents a series of absolutely breathtaking b/w photographs from Japanese geothermal baths - and the people who enjoy them - au-naturel, of course (cover image shown above, for the rest you will have to buy the magazine). This is free body culture at its purest. Pity us poor scandinavians - even the famous thermal baths on iceland are strictly textile! But when do we wake up from dreaming? When will we able to sunbath nude in Vigeland's park? And go for mixed nude swim and badstue in Frognerbadet. When does ONF clean up Svartkulp and make it a true naturist pearl rather than a homo-hangout. What about the possibility of converting Sagene bad into a true nature and naturist paradise. What about a mixed badstue and winter icebath at Gressholmen kro?

Many many possibilities, but all we do is wait through the winter until summer is upon us again. As Øyvind Vaga from NNF wrote in NNytt 3/2002: "Summer is over - do we live on our memories? .. as we again have to make do with expensive rented swimming facilities." Indeed, again, if they exist at all: how many of the norwegian population does not even have access to winter naturist swims! I guess around 60-70% if not more.

If you want to change this, join us independent naturists!

Oh - and if you are still with us at the bottom of this message, we would also dearly like to hear from you: send an email to [email protected] or post on our yahoo group

Naturist news/nyhetene! (traveller_2u)
  • This sunday 1/12 naturist swim and childrens x-mas festivity with ABNF at Ramstad Skole Pool (Høvikveien 30), 3-5pm, 30kr for members, 50kr non-members, a wonderful 35degs water temperature - ideal for kids and just relaxing. Families from Asker and Bærum (and beyond) are mostly welcome!
  • Also ONF have their traditional childrens x-mas part during the naturist swim on Saturdays 10am-2pm, but we are not sure of the date! Check with ONF at for more information
  • Next week sunday 8/12 one can join Mjøsa Naturist Forening at Raufoss badeland, 1.5hr north of Oslo along Rv. 4. Excellent for the young and the young at heart! Time: 6-8pm, cost 100kr. Optionally you can take the bus with ONF for another 100kr, see ONF at Personally we think you must be rather desperate to pay 200kr/pp and spend a 4hr bustour for 2 hours of fun, but atleast the Raufoss naturist swim is definitevely a cut above naturist possibilities in and around Oslo.
  • H&E Naturist for December has just come out, one of the best editions of late! On sale for 80kr from Narvesen Continental. Features include naturism in Spain, review of Sorobon naturist beach/resort on Bonaire and warmly commended "Dipping my toes in the naturist pool" a first timers review to naturist swims and much much more, including many exceptional pictures to inspire your naturist (winter) life: H&E

    (Family)swimming at Ramstad, Raufoss, or Linderud

    (c) H&E Naturist

    (c) H&E Naturist
  • Denne søndag 1/12 er det naturist svømming og julefest til barna med ABNF på Ramstad skolens svømmehallen (Høvikveien 30). 15:00-17:00, 30kr medlemmer, 50kr ikke-medlemmer, vannet er 35grader, så deilig - veldig god for barna og om å slappe av.
  • Neste søndag 8/12 er det igjen naturistsvømming med Mjøsa Naturist Forening på Raufoss badeland, 100kr voksene, 25kr barn, 18:00-20:00. Veldig bra til de ungre og de føle seg ung! Du kan ta bussen med ONF til 100kr:
  • Nå kan du kjøpe H&E Naturist december nummer, en av de beste naturistbladene/ nummer siden lengst. 80kr på Narvesen Continental. Her kan du leser om naturisme i Spania, Sorobon naturist strand og resort på Bonaire og - til de har aldri vært med naturistsvøming - "Dipping my toes in the naturist pool". Det finnes mye mye mer å lese om, og med mange veldig bra bilder som inspirasjon til (vinter!) naturist aktiviter.

Super Family Swim weekend! (traveller_2u)
This weekend 9+10 November will be a super swimming weekend for naturist families around Oslo and Akershus with no less than three excellent opportunities to go swimming an relaxing without messing with soggy swimwear.

Join the healthy free body culture at one or more of the following:

1. Sat 10am-2pm join the Oslo Naturist Forening (ONF) at Linderud Skole, not the nicest pool maybe (smallish, shallow, old) but attracks a very good crowd nevertheless

2. Sat 6pm-8pm, join the Mjøsa Naturist Forening (MNF) at Raufoss Badeland, Raufoss, 1.5hrs drive north of Oslo towards Gjøvik, rv. 4. Beatiful swimming hall with pool with waves, whirlpool, slides etc. For the young and not so young "kids" (and us parents)!

3. Sun 3pm-5pm, join Asker og Bærum Naturist Forening (ABNF) at Ramstad Skole building E, Høvikveien, north of Høvik, 20mins from Oslo sentrum. Be sure to take your family for a treat in our tropical warm waters of 35degs!

> >>> Don't miss one or more of these excellent opportunities. < <<<

ABNF har søndagssvømming igjen/has again sunday swimming! (traveller_2u)
To all naturists in and around Asker/Bærum: ABNF managed to arrange again for traditional sunday's family naturist swimming: from 3-5pm in Ramstad Skole swimmingpool (building A), Høvikveien 30. When: 20/10, 27/10, 10/11, 17/11, 24/11, 1/12 (childrens christmas party). How much: Only 30kr for members, kr50 for non-members, children free. The pool is not that big: 5 lane x 12.5m but the water is a hot 35degs and ideally suited for families. Also sauna.

Serious swimmers are mostly welcome on Wednessday evenings.

Til all naturister i og omkring Asker/Bærum: ABNF startet med familien søndagssvømming igjen!! Mellom kl. 15.00-17.00 på Ramstad Skoles svømmehal (byggning A), Høvikveien 30. Når: 20/10, 27/10, 10/11, 17/11, 24/11, 1/12 (Julebadet til barna). Hvor mye koster det?: Bare 30kr for medlemmer, 50kr til andere. Barn er gratis. Svømmehallen er mindre vi er vant med, bare fem felt av 12.5m langt men vannet er varmt: 35 grader!, veldig fint til (barne)familier. Også badstue. Komt allen!

ABNF hjemmeside/homepage:

Om naturister (Dagladet & Aftenposten, 28/7) (traveller_2u)
Begge Aftenposten og Dagbladet skrevet om naturister i dag (søndag 28/7)!

(©: Aftenposten)

(©: Dagbladet)
I Aftenposten handlet det om glade naturister på Langøyene, veldig fint og takk til Aftenposten:

Desverre er ikke så positivt med Dagbladet. Her kunner vi leser at det er problemer mellom naturister ("provoserende nakne mannfolk") på Isefjærleiren (en av NNF's naturisttomter) og de naboene, spesielt når de siste bruker en grusvei som går tvers over naturistomradet. For seks år har de naboene forsøkt å fjerne de naturistene (jeg har aldri leset om det i NNytt?) nå har de anmeldt naturistene som usømmelige bløtterne.

Kanksje Isefjærledelse kan se en litt mer til naturistens forhold istedenfor å prove å flyte grusveien etc. Vi trenger ikker enda mer naturist problemomrader (tenker om Svartkulp, for eksempel).

The art of Naturism (traveller_2u)
can be amazingly natural as well as beautiful: please check out this swedish masterpiece of naturistic and artistic web content, we are very much impressed:

Let this be an inspiration for all present and would-be naturists, that naturism is not necessarily just about the all-over tan or the convenience of not wearing soggy swimwear, but just as well a wholesome experience of nature as nature was intended.

We like these little masterpieces much more than, for example, the naturism inspired "naturist art" photography of Jock Sturges. Although his photos are beautiful, personally we think they are on the edge of tacky (depicting solely young women) rather than naturistic and serving little other purpose than voyeurism.

Instead take the by now famous "Nude adrift" project by American photographer Spencer Tunick. Everywhere Spencer appears, people are queing up to be part of his mass-nudes photo project, setting world records (Aftenposten, sun 21/7). His photos create curiosity and appreciation for what we maybe now could call urban nudism?, if not at least for the real nude body in all its forms and flavours.

I could only wish Spencer made is way up north to Oslo: we think the Vigeland park would make the perfect and most natural as well spectactular backdrop for his photos.

What do you think - drop us a line!

Naturism for you: (traveller_2u)

(©: Friluftsliv)
Is it maybe just summer, or is naturally nude really becoming more commonplace in Norway? First take quarterly magazine "Friluftsliv" which does its name and naturism a definite honour with its latest summer front cover featuring a handsome norwegian man using one of the countries spectactular waterfalls for an impromptu shower au-naturel with a Lofoten backdrop. Other than hot water, what else can one ever want?

I always wanted to stage a photosession at beautiful Semsvannet waterfall near Asker so if you're interested, drop a line.

Next is Oslo's Aftenposten Aften from last Friday 5/7, featuring on it's front cover and inside two children enjoying summer at Hvervenbukta (textile) beach, playing in the nude - of course I should almost say: if even kids cannot play as they are, who can?! The images - while not explicitly naturist show just what the core of naturism should be all about - be as it comes most naturally, i.e., without any clothes. Regain that natural feeling, soak in the sun all-over, be personality minded, not body-obsessed. That is why we think that family naturist events are all important, it is the easiest and best way of parents to engage in naturist activities in a carefree environment. More on this later!

If norwegian summer weather let's you down then nothing beats H&E Naturist magazine ( - this full colour but serious monthly naturist magazine is first class - and will much aspire to norwegians just alike. Available at Narvesen Continental in Oslo for 80kr. Well worth buying if you are wondering why you are still paying your NNF/INF contributions (if you're member at least)...


Re: Where to go (traveller_2u)
Hi "uwalfa", many thanks for your post to our message board, you wrote:

> But i never was a member of a club or association. I like
> to go out in the nature and find a quite place for myself
> to swim naked and sunbathing.

It is estimated that about 2% of the population (100.000) engage in nude recreation (excluding sauna) and naturist activities, while only about 2% of these (2000) are member of any of the NNF organisions. So you are all but alone in not being member of the NNF! (Norsk Naturist Forbund)

And although 2% of the population in an already sparsly populated norway may sound very little indeed, this still leaves plenty of other people who exactly share the same interest of a more natural lifestyle. And, seriously: once done away with that soggy swimwear, one never wants to wear it again, right?!

I always find it rather amusing that while many parents let their kids run around naked on the beach, they themselves fumble around with towels around the waist etc. Very silly, really. Open up folks - is my thought!.

> I would like to be around a little group of nice peoples sharing
> the expirience been out at a lake in the woods.I think this is the
> essence of being a naturist. Being out in the Nature the way you
> born. I would like some comments on my views, maybe i'm out of my
> mind or maybe i'm not alone with this thougts

Not at all! There are so many fine lakes here that are just wonderful to slip into and relax on the shoreline, au-naturel. Especially now in summer - it is just gorgeous. We often made a late evening fire and a small barbecue with the sun still burning - there is nothing better!! (just do not forget the anti-bug spray). I am just wishing the nice weather returns very soon.

Now try to find some naturist people to socialise a bit with who are on the same "wavelength" as oneself: it sounds easier than it is, at least that our experience. Recently met a very nice couple at Svartkulp, but that is about it. Unfortunately, the naturist organisations appear entirely focussed on the beaches (i.e., Huk and only Huk in Oslo), but in any case they are rather passive really...

It would be nice if a small group of keen naturist *and* nature enthusiasts could be established - anyone interested who's reading this: please react! Personally I am more worried about winter. I like swimming but have become rather disappointed by the organised naturists swims in the winter season, both wrt to facilities and miljø. I have been thinking of starting a winter naturist swim event series, both outdoor/indoor. Ice swimming is very popular in other colder climes (especially north Germany boasts some naturist ice swimmers organisations/events) so why not here?! As NaturalFjord, I have thought of starting a (bi?)weekly naturist indoor swim as well for the winter season. I am still working out the plans but any suggestions from any reader are very welcome.

Well that is all for now - hope you will enjoy the forrest lakes to the best as soon as the nice weather returns.

Cheers, Leon/Anne.

Where to go (uwalfa)
I'm a naturist since my childhood. But i never was a member of a club or association. I like to go out in the nature and find a quite place for myself to swim naked and sunbathing. Sometimes i do miss the company of likeminded peoples, on the other side i'm not so fond of crowds. I would like to be around a little group of nice peoples sharing the expirience been out at a lake in the woods.I think this is the essence of being a naturist. Being out in the Nature the way your born. I would like some comments on my views, maybe i'm out of my mind or maybe i'm not alone with this thougts
This seems to be a nice group
With best regards


Er du glad i å være naken i naturen... (traveller_2u)
(English below)
Er du glad i å være naken i naturen, på stranda, alene eller med partneren eller familien din, men er lei av "naturistmekka" Huk, da er du ikke alene! Søker du etter ro, en fint natur oplevelse og en hyggelig, godt-balansert (m/k) hyggelig naturist miljø med unge, par og familier? Og bo du i omrade av innere Oslo fjord? Med Natural fjord har du kommet til rigtig sted!

Vi, par i 30år, synes et godt miljø er meget viktig, så blir med når du skal trives også når du kastes klærne din! Du finnes oss bare hvor naturister - voksene og barn - har det *riktig* fint :-) , som mesten på riktige naturperler, ikke på naturist/kikker mekkaer...

Du kan blir "medlem" (helt gratis) av var yahoo gruppen Naturalfjord. Alle likesinnet mensker er velkom, men vi må prioriteres mindregruppen som kvinner, par og familier....

Vi skal gjerne høre mer fra deres - du kan skrives i gjesteboka vår, sende en epost til [email protected] eller skriv eller blir medlem av yahoo group Naturalfjord.

Vi sees! Leon/Anne.

Do you enjoy being naked in nature, at the beach, alone or with your family but have had enough of "naturist mecca" Huk - then you are not alone! Are you looking for peacefulness, beautiful natural surroundings and a pleasant well-balanced (m/f) naturist environment with younger people, couples and families? With Naturalfjord you have come to the right place!

We, a couple in their 30's, think that the right environment is very important. So join along when you want to feel free as well when you drop your clothes! You will find us only there where naturists - adults and children - can really be free and enjoy their lifestyle with likeminded people, mostly around relative unknown nature beauty spots, and not at naturist/gawker mecca's.

You can become "member" (free) of Yahoo group Naturalfjord, all likeminded people are welcome! But we will need to prioritise minority groups including women, couples and families to ensure a proper balance and pleasent environment for all, not just males.

We would like to hear more from you - you can leave a message in our guestbook or send an email to [email protected] or write/become member of our yahoo group Naturalfjord.

See you Leon/Anne.

Småbruk, the naturalway (traveller_2u)
Småbruk denotes the typical small and sometime remote norwegian farm where life is often in the slow lane and one is always close to nature. Climate aside, an naturists paradise thus! Read the following quote from sunday's Afteposten article on the increased interest in the "småbruk":

"It [småbruk] has become a lifestyle and for me it is perfect, says Stefansson. You get freedom and peace of mind. If I wanted to, I could walk around naked outside around the house without the nabours paying attention says wife Torgeirsdotter Lien"

Exactly! We have a cabin on a småbruk, right at the fjord in the mid of nature and unbelievable peace, and - weather permitting - never wear any clothes. What is more delightful than after taking a sauna to walk straight to the water and take a dip without bothering about anything. Now the water in the fjord is still frozen, so we take a dip in the snow, without clothes of course, just delightful.

For more of the natural life around the farm, check this months H&E Naturist ( with a nice story on naturists gardeners paradise Brocken Hurst in the UK, or "living the natursist dream in france" and in last's month H&E the story of Penny Martin who runs a naturist farm near Le Mans in france.

Enjoy! Leon/Anne, NaturalFjord.

Do you like to go swimming? (traveller_2u)
Did you know that in The Netherlands there are are more than 160 hrs a week of naturist swimming possibilities in over 70 different venues!, and that most of these are open to the general public rather than organised by local naturist organisations (as here in Norway).

If you plan a trip to Holland, then see here for more info (and make sure to move your cursor over the "Naturisme" logo/image at the top of the page to see some spectacular effects - makes you want to dive right in!)

Join us, the natural way...
(©: Yahoo profiles)

Indoor naturist swimming possibilities are unfortunately rather limited here in Norway (and strangely enough exclusively organised by the local organisation instead of maybe getting the swimming pools their act together!), but do not despair: this week offers again some excellent opportunities to shed your clothes, not having to bother with soggy swimwear and enjoy freedom as it is meant to be

- tuesday evening: Sogn Bad with ONFU
- tuesday evening: Linderud Bad with ONF
- wednessday evening: Landøya Bad (Nesbru) with ABNF
- saturday middag: Linderud Bad with ONF

and atop of all this:

- Sunday evening you may want to make the trip (we recommend with your family) to splendid Raufoss Badeland near Gjøvik and join Mjøsa Naturist Forening at their monthly swim in the tropical waters of Raufoss. It is not exactly close to Oslo but it is well worth the drive (2hrs)
(Sun 3/3, 19:00-21:00 100kr admission, 200kr for buss with ONF (see ONF webpage), but if you drive it will be much cheaper...

Naturally yours
-Leon & Anne.

Felles badstue - mixed sauna (traveller_2u)
Folk flest gjerne nyttes badstue bad. Spesielt i skandinavisk land hvor det er mørkt og kaldt i vinter er det godt og deilig å ta varmt badstue bad - helst med kaldt dusj etterpå.

På kontinentale steder kan som regel mann og kone ta en deilig sauna sammen. Nakenhet mellom menner og kvinner i felles sauna er vanlig i mange steder over hele Europa og det er helt naturlig! Men I Norge derimot er regelen den motsatte. Her skal par skilles i separate saunas :-( Dette er å beklage, vi skal gjerne se at det blir mer timene hvor man kan nytte felles badstue sammen. Men fortstatt er det gansk verst her i lande.

Skal du gjerne nytte badstue *sammen* med kona eller mannen din, eller er du ikke sjenert av å være naken med mensker av motsatte kjønn, da kan du blir med de forksjellige naturist gruppene.

Kanskje for deg de er ikke kjent med "naturisme" hørt det ekkelt ut, men det er det ikke! Vi like å nytte naturen, solen, ogsv uten tøy, det er så deilig. Og i vinter skal vi gjerne svømme i bassenget uten badebukse eller bikini! For noen er det kanskje er litt spennende men det har jo ingenting med sex eller erotik å gjøre! Det er kun meget avslappet.

Selv om badstue har ingenting med naturisme å gjøre er felles badstue bad viktig for naturister fordi det er en ideal form av nakent sosial samliv mellom menner, kvinner, familien og enslige, eldre og ungre. Det er altid hyggelig, aldri stresset. Blir gjerne med når du skal ta felles badstue! Og ta kona, mannen eller barna din med ogsa! Felles badstue og naturist svømming er åpen for alle og det er om mesten gansk billig. Gjerne sees vi snart.



"I garderoben er to jenter akkurat kommet ut av badstuen. Livlig latter høres fra badstuen. - Er det fellesbadstue? spør jeg litt skrekkslagen. - Jada, men det er sånn det er her, det, forsikrer Ingunn og Hilde. - Bare gå helt inn i herrebadstuen. Vel inne møter jeg igjen på Erwin i selskap med to andre gutter, og jeg med mitt lille håndkle er nok den som er minst avslappet til all denne nakenheten. - Slå deg ned, fotografen din gikk akkurat, han fikk dugg på linsen, ler de. En franskmann drikker vann og løper ut og inn mellom dusj og varme."

January H&E now on sale (traveller_2u)
Health and Efficiency is one of the leading naturist magazines and if you wonder why, just have a look at the January edition which arrived in Norway at Narvesen Hotel Continetal last week (80kr). This one is maybe one of the best editions if you ask me, full with interesting naturist area reports (Dunk Island and Broom in Australia, various locations in Germany and France) and special winter feature "out in the snow" (see below right) and much more, not to mention "buying a naturist home in the sun" - which must certainly aspire to skandinavians. All this supplemented by awe inspiring photography. Whether you're a sunworshipper or a family interested in the more natural and healthier and no question more interesting lifestyle than your average sunstarved neighbours, this is the edition to get!
Health and Effiency website   Out in the Snow feature article in January edition

Wellness, Aqua Relax, Naturism in Focus (traveller_2u)
In our last post we reported about the new Elixia "wellness" spa and gym in Oslo Sjølyst where patrons are requested to cover up for modesty's sake so we were led to believe by the director in an interview with Aftenposten Aften. The name of the concept is "AquaRelax" and here is www-link to read more about it and which has even a link to a description of all the facilities including floor plan!

Interestingly, the beauty and healthcare brand Biotherm also has a product line called Aqua Relax, and the store advertising boards that you can find in some Oslo shops does not leave women in doubt about what the fewer garments the better...

And, as if it could not be better, this weeks German "Focus" magazine has a feature on the new wellness trend with a no-nonsense front cover that neither leaves any question on the fact that no clothing is the best clothing for wellness and relaxation, see the image from Focus on the left and via the link below. Would you not want to shed your clothes as well? But no no - not in norway we are told! When does norway wake up?

In our next post more about January's Health and Efficiency!

Nude - but not for normenn... (traveller_2u)
I often hear the saying "well, here in norway we do things differently", but unfortunately that mostly implies not for the better. When will nordmenn wake up?

In the aftenposten of Jan 10 we could read about the new "Elixia" gym boasting exotic sauna, showers and lots more to stress down in Oslo Sjølyst. One little problem - men and women have to share the facilities which - here in norway - means: bikini and trunks required in the shower and sauna.

Norway - wake up!! we say.

Aftenposten asks: Why not are there separate mens and womens sessions so that at least one can be nude?

Indeed, very, very sensible! we think. But not so for director Børre Bendiksen who replies: "At comparable wellbeing centres in Germany man and women are indeed allowed to be nude near eachother. We have not got that far yet here in Norway."

Naturists and anyone else in Oslo who would love to go nude in the tropical sauna and badstue - wake up and speak up! Say we could rent the place for one evening a week, would that not be great?! Like to hear from you.

~~~~~ på norsk ~~~~

Naken, men ikke for nordmenn....

Nordmenn sier ofte til meg "Javel, men her i norge gjør vi tingene på andre måte", og desverre betyr det om mesten ikke bedre. Når skal nordmenn våkne seg?

I aftenposten fra torsdag 10/1 kan du leser om nye "Elixia" treningskjeden med eksotisk badstue, dusj og mye mer. Men det er en litt problem - menner og damer må dele alt og dette betyr - her i norge - bikini og badebukse påbudt.

Norge - våkne deg!! sier vi. Aftenposten spørte: hvorfor er det ikke rene kvinne eller mannstider slik at det går an å være helt naken?

Javel, det skal vi gjerne ha!, synes vi. Men ikke utviklingssjef Børre Bendiksen som svar: "På lignende sentre i Tyskland går faktisk menn og kvinner nakne om hverandre. Så langt har vi ikke kommet i Norge ennå."

Naturister og aller andre i Oslo som skal gjerne være naken i badstue og tropisk dusj - våkne deg! Hva om at vi leie stedet en kveld i uke, er dette ikke en godt ide? Skal gjerne høre fra deres.

Re: Takk for initiativet!!!! (traveller_2u)
Hi Per, du skrivet: "Deilig å kunne se at mange soler og bader nakne, også utenom naturistrendene."

(english below)

Gjerne ta en ny gang til websidene oss om muligheten in vinter - da ha vi noe spennende blider om ute-naturisme i vinter, for eksempel: naken soling, langrenn eller svømming! Bilder kan du også finne på photo sidene her på klubben. Denne uke skal det blir mye fint vinter vær, håpe a nytte solen ute uten kledning en gang!


Per wrote: "Good to see that many enjoy sunbathing naked also outside the naturist beaches"

Please take a look at our webpages on nude recreation possibilities in winter, we have added some exciting and inspring new images, for example: sunbathing, cross-country ski, ice swimming. You can also find the images on the photo page of our club. This week promises to bring lots of good weather, hope to enjoy it without clothes if get the chance.


Takk for initiativet!!!! (frimind2)
Ble klar over Naturalfjord for noen dager siden, og er innmeldt. Jeg tror "alle" bader nakne ved (Oslo)fjorden og på sørlandet om sommeren, uten å betrakte det som noe veldig spesielt. Deilig å kunne se at mange soler og bader nakne, også utenom naturistrendene. Fra båt eller på steder litt utenom familiestrendene. Sesongen i år strakk seg fra midten av mai til midten av september, ikke så dårlig!! Skulle bare ønske bedre muligheter med svømmehall og badstu om vinteren, særlig ferier og helger når man har tid. Da er de få tilbud som finnes, stengt.

Keep up the good work!!

[email protected]

Re: Flott initiativ, Leon!(traveller_2u)

badstue lagt av isblokker Sindre wrote: "Håper å treffe dere neste sommer."

Maybe first we must make the best of winter in the buff, see our new clubimage of enjoying the ice-sauna ;-) ! See here for the full finish story. Maybe we can get Tylo or Helo to sponsor this!

Otherwise maybe some can warm up to a nude x-country ski!

~~~ på norsk ~~~

Men først er det vinter og hva skal man gjøre i naken da? Se på nye klubbbild om å nytte en badstue lagt av isblokker! Du kan leser alt om dette på denne webside. Kanksje vi kan spørre Tylo eller Helo om de skulle gi støtte til en is-badstue konkuranse?

Ellers, kanskje noen har lyst på naken langrenn?.

Flott initiativ, Leon! (gaanaken)
Håper å treffe dere neste sommer. Sindre

November H&E for winter naturist inspiration (traveller_2u)
In the November edition of Health and Efficiency there is a a brief column on the wear-off effect "nude calendars" have these days, almost every club is making one (by coincidence, also see this months Practical Photography on this subject). As a suggestion, H&E proposes to do exactly the opposite, make a naturists calender with textile foibles, for example "a woman struggling with a wrap around towel trying to get into her bikini, or a man in swimming trunks falling over a sand castle as he stumbles on to the naturist beach". Now that is a really good and cool idea!

The most important feature of this months H&E is how to make quality naturist photos and write good articles/columns that can make it to magazines like H&E. We all have seen pictures of his or hers partner on this or that beach, its old and predictable stuff. Naturist action photographs with a few or more people is the best bet! This is also likely causing least concern for other, who prefer their privacy and anonimity. Volleybal, fishing, kayakking, barbecueing to name a few of the typical (group) activities that lend themselves very well for naturist photography. Maybe this can be a starting point to improve the rockbottom photoquality of NNytt as well...

Australia is a bit far for most of us, but it is summer over there now and there is very nice feature on nude relaxing in Austrialias backcountry - makes you want to get there asap, and leave stess, cold and clothes behind!


Super svømme tilbud med ONFU: (traveller_2u)
Nå er det helt gratis med ONFU naturist svømming på Sogn bad når du er mellom 0-18år, begge for medlem og ikke medlem! I siste ukene har vi leset mye i avisa om dårlig forhold med svømmehallene i Oslo og høye priser, så nå vet du hvor du skal dra: tirsdager kl. 20:30-22:00. Nye prisene er for medlem: 0-18år: gratis, 18-27år: 20kr, 27-35år: 30kr og 35år+: 40kr. For ikke medlem er prisene: gratis, 40kr, 75kr og 75kr.

Super swimming offer with the ONFU, the Youth group of the Oslo Naturist Association: from this week no more admittance fee for those until age 18! It's totally free, for both ONFU members and non-members. In the last weeks you have been able to read in the newspapers much about the poor state of Oslo's public swimming pools and the high admittance prices, so now you know where you should go: tuesdays between 8:30pm-10pm. The new admittance fees are: 0-18yr: gratis, 18-27yr: 20kr, 27-35yr: 30kr and 35yr+: 40kr. For non-members the fees are: gratis, 40kr, 75kr and 75kr.


BN Natur Mag takes a tour through Norway (traveller_2u)
If you think that all holidaymakers in search of naturism and a vacation nude and au-naturel only ever think of sunny and warm places like the mediteranean or the canary islands you have got it wrong!: British Naturism ( ) autum edition magazine takes a lead towards the nordic countries with a feature on Norway (yes), and here is what they have to say about it:

"We find a warm welcome from Naturist Norway ... but watch the plunge pool temperatures!"

We will get in touch with BN and see if we can get the full featured article to you!


be free, be natural - go naturalfjord and be there! So where to find this warm welcome now, as winter is almost upon us? For example: take a refreshing swim and feel free and be free again! If you're young at heart, and don't mind a mostly male but happy crowd why not come to Sogn bad on tuesdays 8:30-10pm and join the ONFU. Otherwise, if you're seeking a relaxing moment in a warm and friendly but quiet athmosphere join ABNF at Landøya bad in Nesbru, 9-10pm on Wednessdays! All highly recommended!

Enjoy - NaturalFjord

welcome to NaturalFjord, Oct H&E (traveller_2u)
welcome to NaturalFjord for those who have recently signed up as yahoo club member - welcome to the nude recreation in Fjord country!. And of course we would also like to hear from you - so don't be shy! Please do check your profile, we appreciate if you include location, "name" and emailadress. Thanks!

a little late but nevertheless here is a summary of the October issue of Health and Efficiency, the english/international naturist magazine (80kr at Narvesen Continental, Oslo, or by subscription). In the october issue you can read about naturist campings in Slovenia, Austria, south of France, and Bonaire, nude walking in andalucia in the south of Spain (if ever the norwegian climate was like this... ;-) and nude boating, which must appeal to those of you have a boat on the fjord in summer. H&E is serious naturist talk, loads of info comnbined with splendid photography - well worth every penny! health and efficiency cover, oct 2001

~~~~~ på norsk ~~~~~

Velkommen til de nye "venner" av NaturalFjord de har i sisten ble medlem av yahoo klubben var - velkommen til naken rekreasjon i fjord landet! Men selvfølgelig skal vi også gjerne høre fra deg - så ikke vær redd om å skrive! Vær så snill å inkludere din bosted, "navn" og epostadresse i din yahoo profil. Mange takk!

Kanskje en litt sent men her er en sammendrag om oktober nummer av "Health and Efficiency", den engelsk/internasjonal bladet om naturisme (80kr på Narvesen Contentinental i Oslo). I nummeret fra oktober kan du leser om naturist camping i Slovenia, Østerrich, Sør Frankrike og Bonaire (Karibien), på naken tur i sør Spania (hvis bare norsk været skulle være så deilig...;-) og til sist: en tur med båt, uten kledning. Dette må være meget interressant for alle de har båt på fjorden i sommer. H&E er seriøs naturist språk, mye info og flotte bilder - anbefales!

Enjoy/Ha det!

The naked (pizza) chef... (traveller_2u)
Would you think that nude helps selling pizza's? I am not so sure but clearly the people from Pizza Grandiosa in Norway must have thought so when they put up their own "Nils" - nude and well - in the famous Vigeland sculpture park in Oslo to show of his "grandiosa" (ahum, he doesn't look too well endowed ;-). Now you can find him in the newspapers and on TV, and we have got the adimage in our yahoo photoalbum (nude-ad - the naked pizza chef). Enjoy!

NB, Check out the nude's adrift project by American photographer Spencer Tunick who's tour takes him around the world (but not to Norway afaik) to put mass nudity as a form of art into the picture. It's very interesting stuff, here is one link of his most recent photoshoot in Melbourne. I would think the bridge in the Vigeland park would make the perfect backdrop, what do you think?

Leon - NaturalFjord

Hyggelig Stemming på Sognbad (traveller_2u)
Sognbad naturistswim - organised by ONF on tuesday evenings - seems to be getting real popular!, with a good crowd and many new faces this week :-) If it was your first time at Sogn, we would like to hear from you! There are almost that many people that a second naturist swim evening would be welcome! One opportunity is wednessdays at Landøya bad in Nesbru, organised by ABNF. It's only 20min by car and 45min by train/bus, and it's much quieter over there, they have place enough for more people!


~~~~~~~~~~~ på norsk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sognbad naturistsvømming - organisert av ONF på tirsdager om kvelden - ser ut om å blir meget populært!, mye mensker med gansk mange nye denne uke :-) Når det var deres første gang til Sognbad da skal vi gjerne høre fra deg! Det var neste så mye mensker at de trenger kanskje en gang med naturistsvømming i uka til! Du kan dra til Landøyabad i Nesbru på onsdager. Her er naturistsvømming organisert av ABNF. Det er bare 20min med bil og 45min med tog/buss fra Oslo og det er ikke så travelt, de skal gjerne ha mer mensker!

Ha det fint, go-Naturalfjord

Sigurd and Silje pa naken-ski/nude corss-country ski (traveller_2u)

If you watched TVNorge's Sigurd & Silje travel program of this thursday 11/10 you cannot have missed the delightful part on a nude cross-country ski tour in Austria, it seemed to be popular thing around there as well! I loved it, what better advertising can naturism have, right? They should have finished with a sauna, of course.
I am anxious enough to try it out - but now what are the local NNF organisations doing? No silence I hope... Write here what you think!
You can read more about the Sigurd and Silje edition here:

Sigurd on naked cross-country ski in Austria

(A bit silly though that the guys from TVNorge resorted to digital editing of Sigurds genitals on the webpage image, and at the start of the TV feature there was also some strange black mask over his face).

Anyway, yhe nude x-country ski feature was way better than the crap series "pleasure island" which is on Metropol on saturdays. Pleasure Island refers to the Hedonism II "anything goes" nudish resort on Jamaica. Poor Brits, that is all I will say about it. It's time these people at Metropol wake up.


Quiz: hva er en norsk smoothie? (traveller_2u)
Or, what is a norwegian smoothie?

Did you think of the nudest nude - noen som er gansk gladbarbert? Wrong, in norway at least...

Tine, the norwegian dairy company has discovered the "smoothie" as the name of milkshake, see:\Tine\tinepublish.nsf/($All)/893E33FC11929803C12568F6002E0423 (if this link doesn't work, just go to and søk på smoothie...)

So next time you are with your naturist friends it is safe to say you prefer the smooth look, the Tine milkshake that is ;-) Such a pleasant feeling... :-)


Natural News -> (traveller_2u)
* NewsLetter 28-sep-01*

  • welcome new members!, NaturalFjord is growing steadily and we have 50 "members" now of which nearly half women! Thanks for signing up and welcome to naturism in fjord country and the voice of independent naturists! However, would like to see members more often visiting and contributing to our pages though!! - afterall, here is where the news is.
  • The Norwegian Naturist Federation 3rd newsletter of the year came out last week. You can read among others about the new naturist winter swimming season schedule (see also our own webpage), a review of Vitromartis naturist resort on Crete and a nice story about Sømstranda (but no indication where this may be!).
  • In that same NNytt is asked "why not advertise for NNF as well" refering to the general use of nudity in advertising, especially for women's products like cosmetics and skin care. Well, the example NNF took (voice of Europe) is not the most original but at least got us thinking: here is a suggestion: include a small profesional made brochure with every pack of certain suncream that will give a discount on NNF membership. Secondly, devise a family friendly poster to be posted at every swimming hall where the local organistions have their naturist swimms. That would also make a difference with the "home" made papersheets to indicate the naturist swimm session at pool entrances used so often now. Not very professional...
  • September Health and Efficiency came out recently, it is the leading monthly magazine in full colour for independent naturists. Highly recommended. Travel reviews from Italy, Bulgaria, Istria, Florida, a Mediterean cruise, Ibiza away from the crowds, and an interesting article on what to do about jellyfish stings! - brennmaneter in Norwegian, and we know them too well (although this summer they were mostly absent, luckily), a must read. You can buy it for 80kr at Narvesen Hotel Continental in Oslo.
  • Then finally, the terrorist attack in the US also affects naturists. A nudist beach near Cape Canaveral has been closed permanently because of it's close proximity to the launch pad. And today, naturist took to the streets with the slogan "buns not bombs": "Naked anti-war protesters in Oregon have walked down a town's high street carrying signs saying 'Buns not bombs'." (read the full story at:

... We cannot agree more!

Enjoy - go NaturalFjord

'du kan bade naken på ferien' (traveller_2u)
er titelen av en artikel fra mai i VG om Vidy Reiser, naturist reiseselskap i norge, her kan du leser om det:


'You can swim naked on holliday' is the titel of an article that appeared earlier this year in VG (daily norwegian newspaper). It is about Vidy Reiser, a naturist travelorganisation in Norway. You can find it at (in norwegian only):

Naturist steder/Naturist places (traveller_2u)
Jeg fant en webside om strender på Nessoden ( ) og da leste jeg at "Ommen strand" er brukt av naturister som fristrand. Er det noen som kan bekrefte dette? Kanskje du kan skrive noe om det her - da skal vi opdatere strandguide var.

Været var så fint ette helgen! Vi dra til nordmarka, det var fint. Og så fant vi en flott vann bare 200m sudøst fra østsiden av Svartkulp (naturist omrade). Vannet har ingen navn og er meget usjenert, det er vanskelig å finne! Bare rødmarkerte langrenn stier, en fra norden og en fra østsiden, men fra østsiden er det gansk steil. Men da finner du en oase av stille og flott sted for solbading med eller uten kler. Ikke kikkern her.... Skal opdatere kart på websidene var snart.

I recently came across a web page on beaches on Nessoden ( and it listed as "Ommen beach" as the place for naturists, on Nessoden that is. Can anyone confirm this? - maybe you can even write something about it so we can update NaturalFjord's beach guide.

It was very nice weather this weekend and so we spent some lovely time around nordmarka. Discovered a very pretty lake about 200m southeast of of the eastern tip of Svartkulp (naturist area/lake). It is very secluded and not easy to find - it does not seem to have a name even! The only access is a red-marked ski trail from the north (svartkulp) or a very steep trail going down from the east (side branch of other ski trails). A haven of quietness, it is a perfect spot for some sunbathing with or without clothes. No "passers-by" here... Will update our map on our website soon.

Siste nytt om Landøya svømmehallen: (traveller_2u)
Desverre er det slutt på svømme timene med ABNF på Landøya svømmehallen på søndager. Også på onsdag kveld er det redusert til kl. 9-10 om kvelden. Renseanlegget i Landøya svømmehallen har ikke nok kapasitet og (selvfølgelig) har de ikke penger til ny eller storere anlegget.

Det er meget å beklager, spesielt søndag ettermiddagen har vært meget populært med barnefamilier, men hvor skal de ga nå? ABNF søker på løsning, men det kan blir til nesten år til det er svømming igjen i Børum på søndager.

Hva synes du? Har du en idee? Gjerne skriv om det her?

Unfortunately the naturist swimming sessions in Landøya swimming pool organised by ABNF have stopped this season. Also on wednessevenings are reduced, from 9-10pm. The reason is that the capacity of the filtering system of the pool is not enough to meet the increased use of the pool.

` This is a real pity, especially the sunday afternoons were very popular with families with small children, and where shall they go now? ABNF is trying to work out a solution but it may take until next year before there sre again naturist swimming sessions in Bærum on sundays.

What do think? Do you have an idea? Please post it here?

Hippie Hollow visit(traveller_2u 9/17/01 7:00 pm)
If you have heard of Hippie Hollow, then read on. Or maybe you want to have a look first:

Hippie Hollow is the only legal *public* naturist park/beach in Texas (US), a half hour west of Austin, on the banks of Lake Travis. I was so lucky to visit the park recently on a quiet friday (it can get crowded on weekends), and can attest that it is pretty and well worth the visit if you are in the area. The water temperature was about 28 deg, the air temperature well over 30 - something one must be appreciate all to much here now in Norway where autumn is well on its way and temperatures do not get above 15deg anymore - and a lot of suncream is thus recommended. The "beach" is a long curved stretch of natural limestone terraces and ledges above the waterline which create many smaller coves in which you can find some privacy if you want. The are shrubs and small trees that provide much wanted shade from the sun. Like here, the swimming area is marked by buoys and no boats are allowed inside this area. There are plenty of trashbins and there are nice toilet facilities - in all a perfect place for a daytrip in naturist Texas! When I was there it was reasonably quiet, only a few dozen of people spread over a fairly large beach area. No problems with gawkers (kikkern på norsk) or any other undesired behaviour at all.

Note: for now, only over 18yrs of age allowed, no children. Entrance fee $5/car.

>Welcome/Velkommen! (traveller_2u 9/5/01 5:45 am)
Those that have recently signed up to NaturalFjord - welcome to naturism and nude recreation in Fjord country.

Til de nye medlemmer/venner av NaturalFjord: Velkommen til naturisme og rekreasjon i naken i fjord landet.

I am slightly under the suspicion that Narvesen has stoped stocking H&E, which would be a pity as it is the best naturist magazine available here - to be confirmed later.

Det ser ut som Narvesen kiosk har sluttet a selge H&E bladet?, det liker vi ikke fordi bladet er en av beste naturist blader man kan kjøpe her i lande - mer om dette senere.

Then I noticed the interesting ad for the Olympus mju II zoom camera that is in some shops here in Oslo: it shows a nude swimmer in warm panoramic display called "timeless". Quite a refresching change!

Og da kan du se en interressant reklame i noe butiker for de nye Olympus mju II zoom kamera: en naken svømmer i en varmt omrade, meget fint - den heter "timeless".

Enjoy/Ha det fint!

Innesvømming og kanskje en høsttur til.. (traveller_2u 8/26/01 5:40 am)
Ser ut som sommer er slutt nå, desverre... Men snart (1) er det igjen innesvømming! Dette er din/deres sjanse å blir i forme på en godt og spesielt hyggelig måte.

Å svømme og å ta badstue er meget godt for kroppen din, men uten badetøy er det mye mer bedre. Det er ikke bare enkelere, det følt også bedre, frisk som en fisk! ikke sant?

Du behøv ikke være medlem med en av de lokale naturist foreninger, svømming er for alle (2): når du er alene, mann, kvinne, par, eller barnefamilien. Du kan leser mer om de forskellige steder på nettsidene vår:

Har også tenkt at kansje vi skal organisere en høst tur til fjellet hvor vi kan brukke mixed badstue! Vi har vært som oftest til Maurvangen camping, de har badstue for samtlig bruk. Det er meget fint da! Da kan vi ta kanskje en Besseggen tur. Når du er interessert skal du legge en beskjed på. Skal ha 8 eller mer mensker. Kanskje du ved om en andre sted, vi skal gjerne høre om det!

Gjør med, go NaturalFjord
Leon og Anne

(1) fra mid/ende av september...
(2) innesvømming er åpen for alle, men medlemmer av NNF/INF betaler mindre. Da få du også Naturist-Nytt, medlemsblad fra NNF

NaturalFjord website greatly enhanced (traveller_2u 8/11/01 12:28 pm)
Have a look at our website, and you will see that we have added a number of cool new features:

  • you can take part in our poll, "Nude recreation, what do you think"
  • there are realtime *naturist/nudist* newsfeed headlines near the top of the front page. This is really cool, check out if you want to find out how this works
  • new welcome message
  • we have started to add and will expand with more banner ads of carefully selected companies/organisations that offer naturist related services or merchandise. If you buy something through our link, we will earn a commision, so please check it out :-)

Let us know what you think, and sign the guestbook

Naturism is for every*body*, enjoy!

Very funny naturist cartoon,meget morsom (traveller_2u 8/9/01 4:58 pm)
While surfing away in some idle moment I came across this naturist-cartoon and thought it was really funny:

På en surfestund fant jeg følgende naturist tegning og tenkte den var meget morsomt:

Cheers/Ha det,
leon, NaturalFjord

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