Nude recreation, what do you think?

Winter Naturism Activities

Sigurd in the buff on a cross country ski
why not build your own sauna?
let those sun rays tinkle your skin
If you thought that winter and outdoor nude recreation do not go well together at our northern latitudes then read on and be insprired by the images on this page! When the sun is out there will be nothing better than let the warm rays tingle on your skin (image on the right). Or what about a cross-country ski-tour in the buff. Austria now has the first FKK loipe, so x-country crazy Norway must not remain behind! Sigurd from the the "Silje and Sigurd" TV travel program already showed us how. And if you really feel up to it you can always try to build your own sauna from snow/ice blocks and follow with a dip in the icy-cold water afterwards - but only for those brave at heart!! Do you want to join us? Let us hear from you by email or drop in at our Yahoo club and let us know what you think.
In the ice pool
Join in!
The worlds first FKK cross country loipe
Icy-cold water, only for really brave people!
For those who prefer indoor warmth over outdoor cold (cannot blame you!), there is always the naturist swimming pool sessions with (mixed) sauna. These are the best opportunities to get acqainted with naturism in winter time. Whether you are single, a couple or with children, there will always an opportunity somewhere near you. As winter in norway is generally long, cold and dark, there is nothing better than to head for a refreshing swim and warm saunabad (badstue) in one of the swimming pools in the area that offer naturist swimming: Linderud (ONF) and Sogn (ONFU) bad in Oslo, Landøya (ABNF) in Nesbru and in Moss (ØNF). All venues are open for NNF/INF members and non-members alike, although if you plan to go regurlarly it quickly pays off to become NNF member. In all cases you will find a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere. The indoor-season runs generally from mid-September until end of April with a stop around Chrismas/New Year.

Here is the schedule for 2003:

  • Landøya swimming hall in Nesbru, wednessday evenings 21:00-22:00 starting again 8.1.03 until 7.5.03. Naturist swimming organised by Asker and Baerum Naturist Society Swimminghall has a very nice view over the surrounding area, spacious 25m pool. Admission: kr30/members, kr50/non members

  • Ramstad Skole, swimming hall in Høvik, north of the motorway: Høvikveien 30, building A, Sundays15:00-17:00 on the following days: 5/1, 12/1, 26/1, 2/2, 16/2, 9/3, 16/3, 30/3, 6/4, 27/4 and 11/5. Family naturist swimming organised by Asker and Baerum Naturist Society Swimminghall has a tropical water temperature of 35degs!, 5-lane 12.5m pool, well suited for children and those young at heart. Recommended for all families! Admission: kr30/members, kr50/non members, children free.

  • Sogn swimming hall, naturist swimming organised by the youth division of the oslo naturist association, ONFU. Only a short walk from the Ullevål T-bane station (line #5 towards Sognsvann) you will find music and a happy athmosphere with a decidely younger and fun audience of mostly serious swimmers and waterpolo players. Tuesdays: 20:30-22:00. Recommended. Good parking, good access with T-bane

  • Linderud swimming hall, short walk from Linderud T-bane station (line #5 towards Vestli). Tuesdays: 18:00-20:00, Saturdays 10:00-14:00. Saturday is a family event. Admission: kr40/members, kr75/non members, children free. Linderud naturist swimming is organised by Oslo Naturist Society

  • Moss swimming hall. Østfold Naturist Society organises a naturist swim every sunday in the winter season between 13:00 and 15:00. Eventhough Moss is quite far from Oslo (1hr drive or with train) is the trip well worth it: there is a good atmosphere and coffe and cakes are served. Follow this link for more information.

  • Raufoss badeland. Mjøsa Naturist Society organises a 4-weekly naturist swim in the superb Raufoss badeland, Rv. 4 towards Gjøvik, 1.5hrs north of Oslo. Very Family friendly, and for those young at heart. Sauna, whirlpools, water slides and pool with waves. Sunday 18:00-20:00 on the following sundays: 5/1, 2/2, 2/3, 30/3, 27/4. Price: 100kr, children 25kr. ONF organises also bustour for those without transport for an additional 100kr.

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