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In the thesis, �HUMAN BEING, NATURE AND GURU�, I have tried to explore the perpetual human quest for the source of eternal peace and happiness. Since the time immemorial this search has been going on. Few enlightened souls, who have successfully quenched their thirst for acquiring eternal bliss by merging with the divine, have written voluminous scriptures, describing different techniques, leading to eternal bliss and immortality.

But, today�s man, living in an age of science and technology, needs to discover a simple highway which leads to eternal peace and happiness. Basic constitution of man remains the same. Yet, external factors, situations and the need of the present era are different from those of the ancient scriptural age. We are living in a tumultuous age with frightening pace of change. Even in the most advanced nations many feel insecurity at the individual level; while in the third world countries there is unimaginable poverty, want and suffering. In the name of religion, there is violence and bloodshed. Men have become so much rigid in their thinking that, they have forgotten the message of peace, harmony and goodwill given by the founders of their religions; today, there is a need for new philosophy i.e. Philosophy of humanism, which is non-religious, based on liberal human values and enlightened thinking. This philosophy would appeal to men of all caste, creed and religion.

The central theme of the thesis, �Human being, Nature and Guru� is that, man is an evolute of Nature. By remaining in harmony with Nature and with the blessings and guidance of the Guru � who is a physical personification of Nature, he can be one with Nature. The thesis, �Human being, Nature and Guru�, treads a new pathway leading to eternal peace and happiness.

In the process of this search for peace man has been perpetually facing certain eternal questions:

1. Why is there dissimilarity in terms of health, wealth, success, worldly goods, comforts etc. among men and yet it is believed that all men are created equal by the Nature.

2. Inspite of so much scientific progress in the means of comforts and luxury, why is there so much confusion, depression, stress and tension all around us?

3. How to be free from three-fold sufferings: physical, mental disharmonies and *spiritual ignorance?

In the thesis, I have tried to answer these questions in the light of classical Indian philosophy and scriptures and have made an effort to analyze their findings, with the aid of logical and modern scientific outlook.

Unlike superficial theories,analysis,workshops & other training programmes including improvisation in behaviourism & emotionalism, here in this book, I have tried to unfold the fundamentals of human nature leading unto down to earth practical & natural improvisation imparting lasting & perpetual happiness.

USP:This has become possible just because the author herself has gone through trying & testing experiences of lifetime & thus posses an experiencial knowledge unlike other books merely dealing with theoritical know how. Multidisciplinary approach is required instead of merely discussing one of the aspect of humanlife which is being discussed in wholesome manner in this book. Hence,this book would help sincere truth seekers aspiring knowledge of materialism to spiritualism
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