Soft Skills.

1) Leadership - I'm able to lead or act as a leader in a group work. Am able to give command and always open to receive opinions from team members.

2) Desire to learn - I will always consider myself as a learner and ready to receive information from anyone, as long as the information is right and trusted.

3) Highly organized - I'm myself pretty much a perfectionist, and this has lead me to become a good organizer in terms of tools and group work. Always prioritise perfection and hate lackadaisical work.

4) Time management - As a perfectionist and also good worker, time management is essential, and I can say that being on time is important to me.

5) Respectful - I will always respect everyone and even myself. Respect is part of our life, and it cannot be earn with money.

© Mohamad Nazirul Aliff bin Hamidi. 2016

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