Nebraska Dragonflies and Damselflies

Sulphur-tipped Clubtail

Gomphus (Phanogomphus) militarus

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The Sulfur-tipped Clubtail is a striking black and yellow dragonfly. Its thorax is black, with bright yellow-green markings, and its club (abdominal segments 7 to 9) is mostly yellow, becoming rusty in older males. The legs are pale and the eyes are blue. It usually perches horizontally on the ground, logs or vegetation. The female has no club and the sides of her abdominal segments 1 and 2 are yellow. It is similar to the Pronghorn and Plains Clubtails, both of which are darker.

Sulfur-tipped Clubtail
Sulfur-tipped Clubtail male
Sulfur-tipped Clubtail map

Blue indicates record in Beckemeyer database.
Green indicates record in Sibley database.
Yellow indicates sight or photographic record.

Size: 47-53 mm (1.9-2.1 in)

Habitat: ponds, lakes and slow streams

Great Plains Range: TX, OK, KS, NE, SD, NM, CO, MO, IA

Flight season: June to July

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