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Dr. Thomas Light
Description: Dr.Light is the creator of many robots. His most famous creations are MegaMan, ProtoMan, Roll, CutMan, GutsMan, IceMan, BombMan, FireMan, ElecMan, Rush, Eddie, Tango, Auto, MegaMan X, and Mets. Dr. Light has made many items, weapons, and armors for MegaMan and MegaMan X too.
Dr. Albert Wily
Description: Dr.Wily was once partners with Dr.Light, but his greed made him steal Dr.Light's robots and made him want to take over the world. He has tried to take over the world and stop MegaMan many times. He has made armies of robots to do this. In the begining, all of Dr.Light's near-human robot experiments went awry, with the exception of MegaMan and Roll. Dr.Light's assistant, Dr.Wily, turned disloyal, re-programming Dr.Light's robots, now bent on destroying opposition so Dr.Wily could control the world and its resources. Later, in MegaMan 6, Dr.Wily disguises himself as Mr.X and steals the champion robots from the first annual robot tournament. After the death of Dr.Light and after Zero disappeared, Dr.Wily worked with Lan's Grandfather, Dr.Hikari. Later they competed with their research. Dr.Wily did robot research and Dr.Hikari did networking research. The government had to choose one of the two researches. They knew that Dr.Wily's research was evil in the past, so they choose Dr.Hikari's over his. Ever since then Dr.Wily wanted revenge on Dr.Hikari and his son who is also Dr.Hikari. He created the WWW, the LifeVirus, and a missile to launch the virus all around the world.
Description: In MegaMan Battle Network, he is our main character and the hero in the game. Lan is a fifth-grader who has a NetNavi named MegaMan.EXE. A NetNavi is a custom cyber personality. MegaMan.EXE is a virus-fighting cyber personality, and he is also Lan's best friend. Lan has been with MegaMan.EXE ever since he was young. MegaMan.EXE only exists in cyberspace in a hand-held device known as a Personal Exploration Terminal (PET). Together Lan and MegaMan.EXE fight off hackers and viruses.
Dr. Cossack
Description: Dr. Cossack is the creator of many robots. His most famous creations are BrightMan, ToadMan, DrillMan, PharaohMan, RingMan, DustMan, DiveMan, and Beat. In MegaMan 4, he went after MegaMan thinking that MegaMan was ProtoMan working for Dr.Wily.
Description: The daughter of Dr. Cossack. In MegaMan 4, she was captured by ProtoMan and held hostage by Dr.Wily. ProtoMan saved her from Dr.Wily.
Tron Bonne
Description: Tron is the sister of Teasel and Bomb. She builds and repairs all of the Bonne's fighting pirate machines. She also has control over her 40 Servbots. Each Servbot has a different characteristic.
Teasel Bonne
Description: He is the leader of the Bonne Family. Teasel's brilliant mind usually allows him to come up with successful plan to steal treasures from successful Diggers. He can also come up with successful battle strategies. Teasel has never lost an argument in his life. He has a special passion for animals, toys, and model planes. He has never lost a battle until the day he lost against MegaMan with his giant robot, MarlWolf.
Bon Bonne (Bomb)
Description: The youngest member of the Bonne family. He maybe really big, but he is actually just a baby. The only thing he can say is, "BA-BOO".
Creator: ??????
Description: In the MegaMan Legends series, he is a pirate who used to work for a shady man named Loath. Later on he has worked with the Bonne family or has worked on his own. In MegaMan Battle Network, Glyde.EXE is very different. He has wings and a helmet. In both series, he is not a creation of Dr.Light, Dr.Wily, nor Dr.Cossack, but in the Battle Network, his owner is a little eight-year-old girl named Yai. Yai is a rich friend and classmate of Lan. Yai has skipped a few grades.
Creator: ??????
Description: Not much is known about her. She has a bodyguard named Jits. Jits protects Sera with his life and will do whatever it takes. Sera's attacks are just about the same as MegaMan Juno's attacks. Sera, Jits, Yuna, and Gats may all be half human and half Reverbot. They all have a Reverbot's eye as a third eye on their forehead. It's only visible on the males', Gats and Jits's, foreheads. Sera plans to use the Carbon Re-initialization Program to destroy all the humans on Earth. This program was originally only ment to keep the genetic codes of humans. In order to use the program, Sera will need the 4 keys. Sera and Yuna are known as the Sky and Earth Goddesses. Yuna's old body stopped working, so Yuna moved into Matilda's body. Matilda is Roll's mother.
103. Sigma
Creator: Dr.Cain
Description: He is one of the most intelligent Reploids, created to be inmune to any problems. He was the original leader of the Maverick Hunters until he went Maverick and decided that humans are inferior and limiting the growth of the Reploids, and for this reason all humans should be eradicated. Sigma never gives up. He will just keep on coming back. He has been through many bodies, but his head usually stays intact.
Gareth (Soul Eraser)
Description: He is the one responsible for the rebirth of old Mavericks. He brought back Vile, Chill Penguin, Spark Mandrill, Armored Armadillo, Storm Eagle, Flame Stag, Wheel Gator, Magna Centipede, Morph Moth, Neon Tiger, Launch Octopus, Wire Sponge, Volt Catfish, Overdrive Ostrich, Blast Hornet, Flame Mammoth, and Tunnel Rhino. He also created a virus called the Soul Eraser, which makes robots lifeless like statues.
Description: She's Zero's girlfriend and Colonel's sister. She hates it when Zero and Colonel fight. She is a member of the new Repliforce Armada. She was distraught by the outbreak of Mavericks and the sudden riot of Reploid Force. Helpless during the riot, she was rescued by Zero and is now devoted to stopping the battle between her brother and Zero.
MegaMan Zero
Description: Also known as MegaMan Z or just Zero. MegaMan Zero fights the newest Mavericks: Sword Shaman, Spark Scarab, Aztec Falcon, Fire Monkey, Sand Anubis, Ice Bull, Ganesh, Farnible, Harpy, Leviathan, and Phantom. His arch enemy is MegaMan W, who is also known as Omega X. MegaMan Zero was found by a girl named Shel in the old ruins of a labortory. He was activated by a Cyber-Fairy that was sent by Shel. Shel gives MegaMan Zero his missions.
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(Hub) MegaMan.EXE
Creator: Dr.Hikari
Description: MegaMan.EXE is a virus-fighting cyber personality, and he is also Lan's best friend. MegaMan.EXE only exists in cyberspace in a hand-held device known as a Personal Exploration Terminal (PET). Together Lan and MegaMan.EXE fight off hackers and viruses. Other NetNavis that help MegaMan.EXE fight viruses are Roll.EXE, Glyde.EXE, GutsMan.EXE, WoodMan.EXE, NumberMan.EXE, ToadMan.EXE, IceMan.EXE, SkullMan.EXE, SharkMan.EXE, GateMan.EXE, and ProtoMan.EXE. MegaMan.EXE is really a computer clone of Lan's twin brother that died at birth from a heart problem. He was created by using the DNA code from Lan's twin.
Life Virus
Creator: Dr.Wily
Energy: PlasmaPower Battery
Description: This is not a normal NetNavi. It is more like a super computer virus. It has a shield of 100 and its shield regenerates. Dr.Wily has also made it so it is able to go back and forth through the cyber world and the real world. Dr.Wily planned to launch it in a missile and spread the virus to every electronic system in the world.
Description: At first, NumberMan starts out as an enemy. NumberMan is Mr. Higsby's NetNavi, but at first Mr. Hisgby was working for the WWW and he used NumberMan to invade the school's network. Later on, NumberMan is beaten and Mr. Higsby decides to stop working for evil. After that, Mr. Higsby opens up a Battle Chip shop and NumberMan becomes the mascot.
Description: ColorMan may not look evil, but he really is. He calls himself a friendly neighboorhood NetNavi to trick people. He is the NetNavi that is really responsible for the WaterWorks not functioning. He is also the NetNavi responsible for the traffic light systems of DenTown not working.
Description: SharkMan is Masa's NetNavi.
Alien Dr. Wily
Mets (Helmets) (Metools) (Metaurs)
Yellow Devil
Jelly Robot
Jack O' Lantern
Bubble Bats (Batontons)
Mecha Dragon (Dragon)
Mad Grinder
Sniper Joes
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