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Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Pages













Covering the Regions

(This is an individual score based on Activities/Regions Notes Sheet.)



You included some choices for one region of the state. You included some choices for two regions of the state. You included some choices for all three regions of the state. You included a wide variety of choices for all three regions of the state.


Problem Solving

(This is a team score based on decisions made for brochure on the Decision Making Sheet.)


You did not include activities for everyone in your family.

You did not visit all three regions of the state.

You included activities for everyone in your family.

You did not visit all three regions of the state.

Good plan!

You included activities for everyone in your family.

You visited all three regions of the state.

Great plan!

You included activities for everyone in your family.

You visited all three regions of the state.  

Everyone in your family will enjoy something in all three regions.



(This is a team score based on the brochure.)



You received one point for including one item in the list below in your brochure. 

(The teacher will circle the included item.)

1.  You were organized and persuasive.

2.  You stated the name of the region and why it was chosen.

3.  You used correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

4.  Your brochure looks neat and tidy.

You received two points for including two items in the list below in your brochure.

(The teacher will circle the included item.)

1.  You were organized and persuasive.

2.  You stated the name of the region and why it was chosen.

3.  You used correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

4.  Your brochure looks neat and tidy.

You received three points for including three items in the list below in your brochure.

(The teacher will circle the included item.)

1.  You were organized and persuasive.

2.  You stated the name of the region and why it was chosen.

3.  You used correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

4.  Your brochure looks neat and tidy.

You received four points for including four items in the list below in your brochure.

(The teacher will circle the included item.)

1.  You were organized and persuasive.

2.  You stated the name of the region and why it was chosen.

3.  You used correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

4.  Your brochure looks neat and tidy.



(This is an individual score based on work in group.)

Rubric benchmarks based loosely on Collaborative Learning Scoring Rubric 

You had to be encouraged often to do your share of work. 

You sometimes had to be reminded to be kind to  your team members.

You needed the teacher's help often to solve disagreements.  

You only had to be encouraged  a few times to do your share of work.  

You rarely had to be reminded to be kind to  your team members. 

You only needed the teacher's help a few times to solve disagreements.

You rarely had to be encouraged  to do your share of work.  

You were  kind to  your team members. 

You solved disagreements respectfully.

You did your share of work equally with your team members.  

You were  kind to  your team members. 

You solved disagreements respectfully.

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