(Blackbird 13 is already in the ring as The Fleet Center goes black as night.)

Jason: What in the hell is happening?

Brian: I'm hearing whispering.

(The Jumbotron goes active with dots of light as it shows the night sky, but the camera drops as the view changes to the ground miles below and it comes rushing at the camera. What sounds like whispering is more audible as a mountain gets closer. The ground rushes at the camera, but it pulls up to race across the land of Alberta with the Horsemen Headquarters in the distance. One long figure stands in front of the mountain as the camera slows down...and the figure wears black robes with the hood down. The moonlight shines upon him as the camera comes to a stop, and the head raises. )

Man: Beware the coming of the Horsemen.

(The Jumbotron goes black and movement appears at the curtain as the whispers give in to chanting as the Druids come marching out with their arms folded inside of their robes. They march out, two by two until there are two columns of ten standing near the rails. They stagger out as the front keeps marching to their spots and finally the procession stops. One Druid is heard yelling a command and they turn as one to face the other column. Again, they reach for their side as one, and the same Druid yells the last command as the draw swords and arch it as "Breadfan" by Metallica starts. The Jumbotron lights up with the video as Thanatos comes out ready to go in his wrestling gear as the fans start cheering like crazy while he keeps his eyes fixed on Blackbird.)

Jason: Listen to this crowd! They love Thanatos and his grand entrance into this match.

Brian: Rather long though.

Sara: This event is supposed to be where you pull out all of the stops, Brian. Chill out.

(Thanatos gets to the stairs and climbs up them to step through the ropes. Thanatos stands eye to eye with Blackbird as the lights come back on and the crowd cheers louder, waiting for the match to begin.)

Jason Barret: This is an interesting match up for sure...

Brian Johnson: I'm kind of ready for the rest of the show actually..

(The scene moves to the back, near the entrance. A man with short spiked up hair, a tight black t-shirt, and black jeans as well, is seen making his way to the entrance)

SaraAnne: Wait a minute! I recognize him! That's..

Jason Barret: NO WAY!!

Brian Johnson: Yes way! I think that's...

(A huge pyro explosion occurs as "Fly Away" by Lenny Kravitz hits the airwaves. The fans begin a loud mixture of cheers and boos. Thanatos and Blackbird 13 stop in their place, turning to the entrance)




(another huge explosion occurs as strobe lights begin to fill the arena. A spotlight hits the entrance, as Brett Logan makes his appearance. He's changed)

Jason Barret: MY GOD!! IS THAT BRETT LOGAN!?!?

SaraAnne: My lord.... I'm.. I'm..

Brian Johnson: Speechless...

(Sara nods her head)

Jason Barret: He's had to have gainted at least a good 20 pounds. All muscle!!

(Logan is in pure form. He's cut his hair short. The front of his shirt says N.E.W. and the back reads Brett Logan. He stands there, watching the match from where he is....)

(The lights once again lower and the Jumbotron lights up, showing the face of Abark....He seems in obvious pain, and as the camera slowly pulls back from him, he's shown laying on his stomach with his shirt off....Behind him a man in a white coat is looking at Xrays, holding them up to the lights above....Closer, a beautiful young woman with dark auburn hair, and glasses, is massaging Abark's back.....The crowd begins to murmer, half booing Abark, half laughing at his condition...)

Abark: As you all can obviously see I'm- OUCH! (Abark cranes his head around to speak to the woman...) Watch it willya!!

Woman: Sorry Mr. Abark....

Abark: Eh hem...As I was saying, Obviously I'm not in any kind of condition to be refereeing a match...But before I get to my replacement I wanted to send a warning to Mister Harley Clarkson, soon to be Harley Clarkson DEFENDANT! (The crowd boo's....) You see, as soon as my lawyer shows up...I'll be pressing charges....(A knock is heard...) Speak of the devil...

(The door opens and a man carrying a breifcase walks in...)

Lawyer: Hello Mr. Abark, I'm glad to see you again, I just wish it was under better circumstances....

Abark: Isn't this always how it is Jeremy? Anyways...Lets cut to the chase, I have a main event to get on with, Doctor? (The doctor looks up and says "Hmm?") Come over here will you....(The doctor moves over beside Abark...) Now tell Mr. Lians here about my status.....(Abark grimmaces...)

Doctor: Well...You've got a large bruise on your lower back....

Abark: ..........-and? Go on....

Doctor: That's it...I'm prescribing you some Ibuprofen for the pain and swelling....And take it easy......

Jeremy Lians: Abark, I guess that's so much for the law suit, huh?

Abark: What do you mean?? I want pain and suffering!! I want enough money from him to buy out his contract without denting my bank account!

Jeremy Lians: Abark, You've got to be kidding me....After the last three frivilous lawsuits you had me file, the D.A. is going to laugh me out of court for this...I mean really, did you think MetallicA was going to give you three million dollars because one of their members was responsibile for migranes?

Abark: I still say that Lars Ulrich is such a whiny bitch he makes my head hurt...I still get a headache when I listen to him....But this is different...

Jeremy Lians: Abark, the most you'll get from this suit, is maybe...MAYBE....A couple thousand dollars....And even with that, you'd still owe me twice as much as you got.....It's just not worth the embarrasment....

Abark: I'll show YOU Embarrasment you arrogant prick, get out of my sight...All three of you, OUT!

(Jeremy Lians shrugs his shoulders as all three gather their things and leave....When they're gone and the door is shut, Abark looks back to the camera and continues....)

Abark: You dodged the bullet this time Clarkson, but next time you may not be so lucky...Just because I cant get revenge in the courtroom doesn't mean I can't get it somehow....But that's another day another dollar....

(Abark shifts a little to get more comfortable...)

Abark: Right now I'm here to talk about the match coming up, right about now....Blackbird 13 versus Thanatos...You see, I was supposed to be out there refereeing myself, but snice I can't I've got the next best thing...N.E.W.'s Cheif Of Security for the last six years....You should know who he is, and if you don't, you will soon......HAHAHAH!!!

(The jumbotron fades out as the arena gets completely dark, the crowd erupting......As we hear a building symphony, accompanied by hundreds of whispering voices....As the song continues to build, now joining the symphony is the sounds of thousands of feet marching...The song now revealed as the begining of "Destroy The World Around Me" by Mushroomhead...As the song reaches it's peak, two white spotlights hit the entryway, alternating to the beat of the music.......)

As they feed the war machine
and pull the strings behind the scenes
With a bloated sense of supremacy

Blinded by the preconceived
distorted way to be perceived
It's what's believed by your enemy

(The song's beat changes to double time...The lights now alternating faster to keep in time with the music...)

Hold on to something - Here come the rains
This damn is about to break
Hold on to nothing - Self-contained
How much more can you take

(The song slows back to the previous beat, the marching now louder, as a large dark sillouett alowly appears on the jumbotron...)

Might is right and thought is wrong
it's along road nowhere
Enjoy the ride with blinders on

Your government is in control
they'll keep you safe inside your homes
Board your windows lock your doors

(The song resumes it's double beat as now two more spitlights join the first two alternating back and forth...the crowd reaching a fever pitch....)

Hold on to something - Here come the rains
This damn is about to break

/center> Hold on to nothing - Self-contained
How much more can you take
Before you break

(The song breaks down and slows down to a much more driving sound, As a different voice comes in with the music....)

Let freedom ring

(The deafening sound of a churchbell now replaces the previous sounds of marching...As the song continues a large man in a black trenchcoat his face masked from the nose down, emerges from the back.....Half the crowd cheers, the other half is silent in confusion....He slowly and methodically makes his way towards the ring as the song dredges on...The spotlights continue to alternate, not allowing a single solid look at him......)

Unto the dawn of darkness - glistening
Faithless savior - murder me
Feed me to failure - disbelief
What does it take - everything I could want believe

Feed me to failure - faithless savior - murder me
Won't let this world get to me - finish me
I'll never live your life for me - unto the dawn
Finish me - Unto the dawn murder me

(The song, at first seemingly too slow for an entrance theme, seems to match his movements, slow, deliberate, and consistant....He reaches the ring and climbs inside....Slowly moving himself to the center of the ring....As if timed perfectly, the music quiets but the singers now sing together....The man in the ring raises his hand towards the sky, open, his palm facing away from him......)

...Caught in the wave of...
...the world around me...
...And in this state I'm sure...
...it could drowned me...

(At that moment he clentches his hand into a tight fist, and simultaniously pyro ignights from the top of the rampway, and at all four ringposts....The music is silenced and the lights return to normal......Standing in the ring now is the enigmatic "Incarnation Of The End"........He is Death Incarnate....The crowd erupts as they realize just who it is as Death reaches down and grabs a nearby mic.....Thanatos' eyes are as wide as saucers, and his mouth is curved, not knowing to smile or frown, Blackbird is also obviously distraught....Both men have long histories with the man who is now going to be their referee....)

(Death brings the microphone to his masked mouth, and speaks.....)

Death Incarnate: Getting right to the thick of things, I'm here to see to the ending of the latest chapter in the dWo/Horsemen fued....I know both of you very well, and I know atleast one of you knows ME very well....As I seem to remember, The last time I saw either one of you in a ring, I was beating your ass...Either here in N.E.W....Or even in A.C.W.F.....But don't worry, I may be a referee tonight, but if either of you gets out of line, tonight may end up much the same way....With one...or both.....of your blood on my hands.....

(Abark pauses a moment and drops the mic...Thanatos and Blackbird slowly enter the ring at opposet corners...Death removes his black trenchcoat revealing black slacks and a sleeveless referee shirt....He tosses his trench to a nearby ring-hand and grabs his mic once again....)

Death Incarnate: Now, I know two things...The dWo has never been shit and the Horsemen haven't been shit since I left....So lets see who the lesser of two evils is...Ring that bell....

(The bell rings as both Thanatos and Blackbird force themselves to tear their eyes from Death and focus on one another...As all this is happening the cage above is coming closer and closer to the ground....It seats itself on the arena floor moments before the men lockup......)

Jason: I can't believe it, Death Incarnate as the referee...This must be his first time on Television in over two years!!

SaraAnne: Or more...I hardly if ever see him backstage, but I've only seen him on N.E.W. TV Once or twice....

Jason: Thanatos and Blackbird now circling....And a lockup...Thanatos with a big headlock on Blackbird....He's glaring right at Death as he wrenches in on Blackbird's head...Death makes a quick check for the choke...but waves it off as alright....Blackbird takes advantage of Thanatos' distraction and pushes him back into the ropes....Blackbird sends Thanatos across the ring...Thanatos comes back with a big shoulderblock that sends Blackbird down....Thanatos off the ropes...steps over the downed Blackbird...Blackbird hops to his feet with a big hiptoss on Thanatos...Thanatos back to his feet, another hiptoss-NO! Thanatos stops it, and delivers a stiff punch to Blckbird's stomach, and follows it up with a HUGE LARIAT!!! And Blackbird goes down HARD!

Brian: Thanatos needs to focus on Blackbird more and on Death less....

SaraAnne: While Thanatos isn't giving Blackbird much time to pay attention to anything BUT Thanatos!

Jason: Thanatos helps Blackbird back to his feet, and sends him off the ropes....Blackbird ducks the clothesline!! Blackbird comes back...AND IS SENT BACK DOWN WITH A BIG BOOT!

Brian: And there Thanatos goes again, paying attention to Death....

Jason: Thanatos seems to be attacking Blackbird, and wishing it was Death....

SaraAnne: Well the last time these two met in a N.E.W. Ring, it was Death who attacked Thanatos, and seemingly ending a close to four year friendship and partnership....

Jason: Thanatos now delivers a couple kicks to Blackbird, he goes back and bounces off the ropes and drops a lazy leg drop on Blackbird....Thanatos with a quick cover, and a quick order to Death to come count....Death brings himself around and counts.....

Death: ONE....KICKOUT!

Brian: Thanatos has to have known it was too early for that....He must just be testing Death...

Jason: Thanatos now locks in a reverse headlock on Blackbird, working him into the mat.....

(Logan is still at the top of the ramp. Finally, he begins making his way to the ring...The men in the ring don't spot him, distracted by one another...)

Jason Barret: Logan is coming to the ring!! He's coming to the ring!!

(Logan usually averaged a weight between 250 and 270. When he left N.E.W. he weighed 268 lbs, but a lot of it wasn't muscle. Now he is weighing in at around 295 lbs. That puts him at the same weight as Thanatos, something that plagued him not having before. He has obvious size over Blackbird 13 as well. He's no longer the technical high-flying genius. No he's buffed up big now. He's a man eating machine now. Cut as hell, no fat. All muscle)

(He gets to the ring and and from underneith his jacket produces a pair of bolt cutters....Which he uses to silently cut the chain holding the door to the cage closed....without another movement he ditches the bolt cutters, covering them on the floor with his jacket.....He then grabs himself a chair from behind the barricade and sets it up to watch.....)

Jason: Logan cutting the chain, but not entering? I don't see what's going on, but I doubt he did it for the hell of it....

SaraAnne: He's got some sort of plan....

Jason: The crowd now starting to get behind Blackbird, who's now fighting his way to his feet....The crowd is clapping in time.....Blackbird to his feet....A shot to the gut of Thanatos...And another one! Blackbird off the ropes, flying shoulderblock! Thanatos staggers....Standing dropkick by Blackbird!! Thanatos is still up....Blackbird off the ropes.....he comes back and ducks a massive clothesline....Thanatos turns around...CROSSBODY BLOCK That takes Thanatos right off his feet...Blackbird hooks the leg....

Death: ONE!....TWO....KICKOUT!!

Brian: Blackbird is on fire now....

Jason: Thanatos climbs to his feet...Black bird with a stiff punch to the face...he pushes Thanatos back into the ropes...a whip, and Blackbird with a flying forearm that sends the big man down....Blackbird looks around, he motions to the corner and begins to climb the turnbuckles!!

SaraAnne: He better be careful, it's too early for a risk like this!!

Jason: Blackbird to the top! He raises a hand to the sky and JUMPS!!

Brian: HAHAHAHAHA!! Thanatos rolls out of the way!!!

Jason: That he did...And Blackbird lands hard....Thanatos rolls to the out side and pulls Blackbird out behind him...Thanatos delivers a few stiff punches to Blackbird...then whips him...INTO THE STEEL MESH!!! Blackbird eats the fencing for the first time tonight....Thanatos is right ontop of him...OH MY!! He's rubbing his face against the steel! And he throws him down to the ground....

Brian: He's using that fence like a cheese grater!! This reminds me of that Strip/Harbinger match for the Xtreme Title....!

SaraAnne: Ew...Keep them away from my shoes!!

Jason: And just like in that match, Blackbird is now busted open!!

Brian: And Thanatos is staying on him!!

Jason: Thanatos whips Blackbird again, right into the door of that cage!!! And Blackbird crashes right through it to the outside!!! And Thanatos is confused as hell!! He's just now looking down at the cut chain...and now noticing Brett Logan again!! Thanatos must feel surrounded!!

SaraAnne: He's doing the right thing though, He's rolling Blackbird back into the cage and closing the door again, shooting a warning glare at Logan who just smiles....all the while Death keeps yelling at them to get back into the ring, but there's nothing he can do.....

Jason: Thanatos climbs back into the ring to grab a breath...OH now he's sharing words with Death!!

Brian: Blackbird slowly pulling himself to his feet......

Jason: Wait, out of the crowd � A man in green...?

Brian: Blackbird 13 goes back down from a clothesline to the back of the head from the fan!!!

Jason: It seems we have a fan who's gotten into the cage!! And now he's in the ring!! Thantos attacks the man....

Brian: Time for a fan beating!

SaraAnne: Thanatos takes a kick to the gut and a clothesline from the fan!

Jason: He�s pulling Thantos off the canvas, lifting him above his head � HE JUST PRESS SLAMMED THANATOS OVER THE TOP ROPE.

Brian: Blackbird 13 is getting up, the fan is out of the cage and off through the crowd with security chasing him!! Brett Logan just sits by, looking mildly confused himself...Do you think he orchestrated that?

Brian: Logan usually works alone....

SaraAnne: Then who was that?

Brian: No fan, that guy was too strong.....

SaraAnne: Looks like DWO to me.

Jason: Whoever it was, Brett Logan just stood idly by with a smirk on his face as it all went down!

(On the Jumbotron, a hanging platform with the word �HORSEMEN� has three figures hanging from it, with one in the noose, ready to go. The screen seems to catch fire as the letters DWO appear in flames, until the hanging horsemen disappear.)

Jason: Well now the match has changed direction again as Blackbird makes his way towards Thanatos who seems hurt pretty bad from that fall....Blackbird pulls Thanatos to his feet....And whips him into the cold steel!!!

SaraAnne: Blackbird trying to get a little payback!! Blackbird turns and brings Thanatos to the Apron and rolls him into the ring....Blackbird pauses to catch his breath, shooting a glance at Logan who's still outside the cage...Blackbird slowly makes his way into the ring as Thanatos brings himself to his feet....

(Blackbird and Thanatos are just starring at each other and Death. Logan slips through the door and gets in the ring.....Logan even looks a little more cut then Thanatos. Logan motions at both men, and Thanatos charges)

Jason Barret: Thanatos charging, but Logan kicks him in the jaw, sending him back to the ropes.

Brian Johnson: OH MAN!! Logan nails Blackbird with a right hand so hard that it knocks him to the ground. THIS ISN'T THE SAME LOGAN!!

(Logan stands over Blackbird, and picks him up with his arms, pushing him up above his head. Logan finally drops him to his shoulders, and nails a huge FRONTFACE DDT. Blackbird lays there and doesn't move for a minute....)

Brian Johnson: Thanatos has seen enough!

(Thanatos comes over, and nails Logan in the face. It sends him to the ropes hard. Thanatos hits him and knocks him over the ropes, sending him down to the mat. Thanatos yells, and hops down to the floor)

SaraAnne: They are really going at it!!!

(Logan gets up, and gets nailed in the face by Thanatos. He moves backwards a moment, but then comes back hard with a right hand straight to the face himself. Thanatos backs up a bit, and when he turns around, he's met with another right hand to the face. He goes to one knee, and then he's met with another right hand, and back to one knee. Finally, Logan picks him up, and nails a monstrous move on Thanatos, with his arm behind his back as he hits the ground. Thanatos begins holding onto his arm in pain)

Jason Barret: Logan just put Thanatos down hard!!!

Brian Johnson: I can't believe this!!

(Logan hops back into the ring with a mic in his hand. He speaks)

Logan: This shirt, I don't like it.

(Logan rips off the shirt, to show another one. It says BJWC on the front, and on the back it reads, "Logan Outlaw". He speaks)

Logan: You see, BJWC offered me a lot of money to be the next big thing. They wanted something different though, and I needed a change. I gave them something new. My name is Brett Logan. But I am a new man in this ring. I've put on a good 25 or 30 pounds. I'm all muscle now. I'm a force to be recogned with. So in the ring... for BJWC, signed on the dot... I am.. LOGAN OUTLAW.

(Logan walks around a moment and continues)

Logan: So Deadman... Consider this a message. Thanatos, you know I don't like you and your little clan. As far as I'm concerned, you guys are the focus of my involvement here in NEW. I'm going to give you what you deserve. This is only the beginning. But for sakes of honor, I will not interfere in your match tonight Deadman. I'm going to stand back and watch. You'll see me next week, I assure you that. Good luck Deadman. Hahahahaha...

(Logan drops the mic and turns to leave....But as he turns to face the doorway, he see's Death Incarnate, locking the door once more...Logan's jaw drops as he realizes what's going on.....Death only smirks.....Logan slides out of the ring as Death slides in....Logan immediately moves to the door to try and get it open, to no avail...)

Jason: Smart thinking by Death!! Since Logan wanted to be involved so bad, keep him in here!!

Brian: HA HA!!! I can't believe it, Logan is furious!

Jason: Back in the ring, Thanatos and Blackbird are both slowly starting to come around...Thanatos holding his arm, and Blackbird favoring his shoulder....Logan begins watching the match, and trying to stay as far away from the action as possible....

SaraAnne: Theres nowhere to go for any of these men now!!

Jason: Thanatos is up first...Blackbird shortly behind him....Thanatos with a kick to the gut that doubles over Blackbird...Thanatos off the ropes, and a big kick to the side of Blackbird's head!

Brian: His arm must REALLY be hurting, he's hardly using it!

Jason: Thanatos off the ropes and comes back....Big legdrop!! NO! Logan just pulled Blackbird out of the way! Thanatos is obviously pissed as he rolls out of the ring......Death soon follows....Thanatos begins staring down Logan who starts backing away...

SaraAnne: He's gonna get him now!!

Jason: Blackbird rolls out of the ring as well, and he's ontop of Thanatos once again...He turns Thanatos around and starts firing at him with right hands....Logan reaching under the ring and brings out a steel chair!! Thanatos and Blackbird trading punches as Logan rears back with that steel chair!!! He's gonna cream Thanatos!!!!

Brian: OH MY GOD!!!!!

SaraAnne: OH NO!

Jason: OUT OF NOWHERE...A HUGE BOOT TO THE FACE OF LOGAN!!! AND IT WAS DEATH!!! DEATH JUST SAVED THANATOS...And I don't think Thanatos even knows it yet!!!

Brian: No way! He was just trying to keep Logan out of this....

Jason: Death ordering Thanatos and Blackbird back into the ring, Logan is holding his jaw.....Blackbird grabs Thanatos and rolls him into the ring....Blackbird looks ready to end it!! He's calling for the last flight!! A devestating Powerbomb into the turnbuckles.......

SaraAnne: This match is beyond over if he connects....

Jason: Blackbird locks in Thanatos....He picks him up onto his shoulders!!!!

SaraAnne: OH MY!!

Jason: Death, again making his presence known!! He grabs the hand of Thanatos and pulls him forward!! Blackbird lands on his back and Thanatos is sitting on his chest!! Thanatos reaches back and grabs the legs!!!!

Death: ONE!!!!!................TWO!!!!!!................THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!



Brian: WHO CARES!!! Do we have a NEW HORSEMAN?!?!?!

(The ring crew unlock the door to the cage, and no sooner do they unlock it than Logan is out and gone....Blackbird is up and obviously upset at Death....He confronts Death who merely stares that dead-cold stare.....)

Jason: What will happen now!! Blackbird is tearing into Death!!

(Death seems unphased, until the moment he kicks Blackbird in the stomach.....Death back off the ropes...comes back to Blackbird, ducks past him grabbing his arm on the way through, and pulls him into a short-arm pumphandle position....Death then hoists Blackbird onto his shoulder, and brings him back down in an inverted DDT.....)

Brian: OH MAN! One of the most innovative moves I've seen in a long time!!

Jason: Now Thanatos is sizing up Death as he rolls Blackbird out of the ring.....Death now looking back at Thanatos....

(Death motions for a mic and is given one....)

Death Incarnate: I remember what it was to be a Horseman....I've made mistakes, and tonight I hope I made up for them...The Horsemen are in my blood...And Blood is thicker than water....Above all else, Thanatos, You and I are brothers, EVIL is my brother....And no matter how much of a stick he has up his ass, Diamond Mine is my brother too.....You three are the closest to family I'll ever have....And I only wish I could join ranks with you once again...But my time in this ring has run out long ago....Take your new title, and just continue to be a Horseman....

(The crowd erupts at this sentiment.....Thanatos just nods and a ring hand hands him the N.E. Title belt...He holds it up for the cheering crowd as Death rolls out of the ring and makes his way to the back....)

Brian: So much for Abark having Death wrapped around his little finger!!!

Jason: Surfice to say I think Abark will have some words for Death later tonight....But now I'm getting an update on the strange man who attacked Thanatos and Blackbird earlier.....

(Camera cuts to the back....)

Brian: Security has the fan from earlier trapped .. in The Strip�s dressing room .. hmmm � WAIT, he�s coming out, breaking through security!!

Jason: Wait, look, on the floor in the dressing room, it�s THE STRIP, laid out flat, a burning DWO symbol next to him!!

(The scene cuts again as Deadman is developing a rhythm with his elbows tucked to his side and my palms pressed against the hard arena floor in the locker room area of the Fleet Center.)

*Sniff* *Heh* *Whoooosh*

*Sniff* *Heh* *Whoooosh*

*Sniff* *Heh* *Whoooosh*

(Sweat drips to the tiles from his forehead forming a small puddle beneath his chin. He loses count, but what's in a number? A number is no more than a statistic to him at this point. It is the actual action and completion of the exercise that truly mattered.)

*Sniff* *Heh* *Whoooosh*

*Sniff* *Heh* *Whoooosh*

*Sniff* *Heh* *Whoooosh*

(He could feel the stress of his muscles spurting through his veins, and into his shoulders through his biceps. He licked the sweat from around his lips. It tasted sour� Like wet salt. But it was the taste of victory, the taste of accomplishment, and the taste of well� Needing a good shower� )

*Sniff* *Heh* *Whoooosh*

*Sniff* *Heh* *Whoooosh*

*Sniff* *Heh* *Whoooosh*

(As he further exerts his muscles, his focus is suddenly interrupted by a familiar voice. Jade comes into the camera's view and stares down at her brother who employs strength to his arms upon every push-up.)

*Sniff* *Heh* *Whoooosh*

*Sniff* *Heh* *Whoooosh*

*Sniff* *Heh* *Whoooosh*

Jade: Go get 'im big man.

Deadman: The only time is now

(He lifts his right leg forward, thrusting himself to his feet, towering over his little sister. He pulls the straps of his black tank top over each of his shoulders. Jade stares at him with a smile of confidence as Deadman walks off camera.)

Jason: OH MY!! Jade offering some last minute words of encouragement to her brother! We haven't seen Jade in months! Could this be a sign Brian?

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